Professional Links
Professional Memberships
PEN American Center 2014 - PresentWriters' Room of Boston 2013 - PresentPublications
Wang, V. C. (2014). BEIJING BASTARD. First 340. New York, NY: Gotham Books
Wang, V. (2020). Notes on Camp: 2020The Common. (Link)Wang, V. C. (2019). Impossible Writing by Val WangGrubWrites, GrubStreet. (Link)Wang, V. C. (2018). Welcome to the FutureThe Common - literary magazine. (Link)Wang, V. C. (2017). Val Wang Writes to Dream the Future Into ExistenceGrubWrites. (Link)Wang, V. C. (2016). Indies First Recommendations from Val WangPorter Square Books. (Link)Wang, V. C. (2016). Author Val Wang on the ‘Relate-able’ NarrativeGrubWrites. (Link)Presentations
Wang, V. C. (2022). “Place as Character, Place as Politics” Presented at the GrubStreet The Muse and the Marketplace Online Wang, V. C. (2019). “It's HOW You Say It: Exploring Voice in Fiction” Presented at the GrubStreet Muse and the Marketplace Conference Boston, Mass. Zhang, T. (2018). “The Global Circus” Presented at the Vanier College Social Science Festival Montreal, Canada Zhang, T. (2018). “Film projection: The Flip Side: A Global Circus Story ” Presented at the CIRQUEON – Centre for Contemporary Circus Circus and Its Others Prague, Czech Republic Zhang, T. (2018). “Screening of "The Flip Side"” Presented at the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa Circus Histories and Theories University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Zhang, T. (2018). “"The Flip Side" screening” Presented at the Queens University Canadian Association for Theatre Research Kingston, ON, Canada Wang, V. C. (2018). “Writing the City” Presented at the GrubStreet Muse and the Marketplace Conference Boston, Mass. De Leon, J., Freeman, R., Evans, D. (2018). “Beyond "Add one and stir': Negotiating Race, Gender, and Class as Female Faculty of Color” Presented at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Association of Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference Tampa, Florida Wang, V. C., Perrotta, T., Leone, M., McCauley, S. (2017). “Literary Balderdash” Presented at the Boston Literary District LitCrawl Boston, Mass. Wang, V. C. (2017). Presented at the Town & Country Magazine Why China Matters: the Power, the Culture, the Glitter New York, NY Wang, V. C. (2017). Presented at the The Bookworm Solo Book Talk for BEIJING BASTARD Beijing, China Wang, V. C. (2017). “"We the Narrators"” Presented at the GrubStreet Muse and the Marketplace Conference Boston, Mass. Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the GrubStreet “Lit Up” Annual Gala Boston, MA Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the Montreal Circus Working Group Examining cultures and creative process at 7 doigts de la main Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the Arlington Author Salon Cross Pollination: When Other Art Forms Inspire Writing Arlington, Mass Wang, V. C. (2016). “BEIJING BASTARD” Presented at the Boston Literary District Get Lit After Work Boston, MA Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the GrubStreet BEIJING BASTARD Craft Talk Boston, MA Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the Porter Square Books BEIJING BASTARD Paperback book tour Cambridge, Mass. Wang, V. C. (2016). “Setting as Character” Presented at the GrubStreet Muse and the Marketplace Conference Boston, MA Wang, V. C. (2016). Presented at the Emerson College Creative Writing Department BEIJING BASTARD Craft Talk Emerson College, Boston, MA Wang, V. C. (2015). Presented at theMixer Reading Series New York, NY Wang, V. C. (2015). Presented at theDire Reading Series Cambridge, Massachusetts Wang, V. C. (2015). Presented at the Asian American Writers' Workshop Leaving and Returning to China New York, NY Wang, V. C. (2015). Presented at the Freer Gallery The Traveller's Eye, Scenes of Asia Washington, D.C. Wang, V. C. (2015). Presented at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Consuming Food, Producing Culture: Past and Present Worlds of Food and Gender Cambridge, Mass. Wang, V. C. (2014). “MOCAREADS: Into the Wilds of a Changing China with Val Wang” Presented at the Museum of Chinese in America Beijing Bastard book tour New York, New York Wang, V. C. (2014). Presented at the Spectacle Theater Beijing Bastard book tour Brooklyn, New York Wang, V. C. (2014). “New York launch” Presented at the Greenlight Bookstore Beijing Bastard book tour Brooklyn, New York Wang, V. C. (2014). “Washington, DC launch” Presented at the Politics and Prose Beijing Bastard book tour Washington, DC Wang, V. C. (2014). Presented at the Northeastern University Bookstore Beijing Bastard book tour Boston, Massachusetts Wang, V. C. (2014). “Boston launch” Presented at the Harvard Book Store Beijing Bastard book tour Cambridge, Massachusetts Wang, V. C. (2014). “New Literary Voices” Presented at the Concord Book Festival Concord Book Festival Concord, MA Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
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Department Service
Committee Chair for Pierce Butler Student Creative Writing Prize 2022 - PresentCommittee Member for EMS Evaluation Committee 2021 - PresentLSM Adviser for EMS Department - LSM 2018 - PresentCommittee Chair for Creative Writers' Forum 2014 - PresentCommittee Member for EMS Strategic Planning Committee 2018 - 2022Committee Member for Media and Culture Committee 2014 - 2016Committee Member for Literature Committee 2014 - 2015University Service
Committee Member for Bentley Research Council 2023 - PresentPanelist for MLK Jr. Day 2024 - 2024Committee Member for Teaching and Learning Council 2017 - 2019Committee Member for Valente Center Advisory Board 2015 - 2017Professional Service
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for Massachusetts Cultural Council 2022 - 2022Second reader for a memoir-in-progress for GrubStreet | Memoir Incubator 2022 - 2022Conducted a Q&A for Newtonville Books - 2017Invited Lecture/Presentation for GrubStreet - 2017