Vicki LaFarge is an Associate Professor in the Management Department. Prior to this, she served as the Associate Provost and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Bentley after serving for 10 years as Chair of the Management Department. Her teaching, research, and consulting interests include work team dynamics and effectiveness, interpersonal dynamics, organizational transitions and work place diversity. Professor LaFarge has received the Adamian Award for Teaching Excellence, the Adviser of the Year Award, and the Martin Luther King Diversity award from Bentley.
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management PresentBoston Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems PresentOD Network PresentOrganizational Behavior Teaching Society PresentAwards and Honors
2014, Martin Luther King Achievement Award , Bentley Diversity Council2010, Martin Luther King Diversity Award, Bentley Diversity Council1996, Bentley Academic Adviser of the Year1995, Adamian Award for Teaching ExcellencePublications
Journal Articles
Salimbene, F. P., Buono, A. F., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2005). Service-Learning and Management Education: The Bentley Experience. Academy of Management Learning and Education, (4) September 2005 336-344. LaFarge, V. V., Congram, C. (1995). Student Advisory Teams: A New Approach to Managing Field Projects. Journal of Management Education, (19) 3 347-353. Williams, C., Nemzoff, R., LaFarge, V. V. (1995). The Tale of Two Professions: Careers in Business and Politics. Business in the Contemporary World, (VII) Number 3 62-76. LaFarge, V. V. (1994). Ambivalence and Anxiety in Organizational Exits. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, (30) Number 2 175-197. LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (1993). Issues of Separation and Loss in the Organizational Exit. Journal of Management Inquiry, (2) 4 356-365. LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (1993). Mourning Becomes Elective: Teaching About and Managing Termination in Classroom. Journal of Management Education, (17) No. 1 27-38. Gillette, J., LaFarge, V. V. (1985). A Group On Group Design for Learning. Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, (IX) 4
Moore, R., LaFarge, V. V., Tracy, C. (1992). Organizing Outdoor Volunteers. 2nd Edition 100. Boston: Appalachian Mountain Club BooksMoore, R., LaFarge, V. V., Martorell, T. (1987). Organizing Outdoor Volunteers. 100. Boston: Appalachian Mountain Club
Book Chapters
LaFarge, V. V., Foster, P., , . (2014). PHASING INTO RETIREMENT In Claire A. Van Ummersen, Jean M. McLaughlin and Lauren J. Duranleau, (Eds.) Faculty Retirement: Best Practices for Navigating the Transition. Sterling, VA: StylusNewell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2005). Exploring the Variation in Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency In Kevin C. Desouza, (Eds.) New Frontiers in Knowledge Management. 204-229. Hampshire, England, UK: Palgrave MacMillanLaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J., Leiter, E., Buono, A. F. (2003). Teaching to the Issues: Human Resource Intervention in Mergers and Acquisitions In , (Eds.) . 31-49. Greenwich, CT: Information Age PublishingLaFarge, V. V. (1998). Human Resources Issues in Operations Management In Davis, M, Aquilano, N, Chase, R, (Eds.) . 17. Boston: Irwin-McGraw-HillLaFarge, V. V. (1995). Termination in Groups In Gillette, J, McCollum, M, (Eds.) . 14. Lanham, MD: University Press of AmericaLaFarge, V. V. (1990). Termination in Groups In Gillette, J, McCollum, M, (Eds.) . 14. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Conference Proceedings
Newell, S. M.Adams, S. M.Crary, L. M.Glidden, P.LaFarge, V. V.Nurick, A. J. (2004). Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency , (ABE Conference)
Conference Papers
Newell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2004). Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency: The influence of Emotional Intelligence and Social Capital, Academy of Business Education.
LaFarge, V. V., Davi, W. (2018). “Blending Business and Liberal Education Through the Liberal Studies Major” Presented at the Aspen Institute Aspen Undergraduate Consortium Copenhagen Denmark LaFarge, V. V., LaPine, S. (2014). “Managing the Process of Responding to the NEASC Standards” Presented at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges NEASC Annual Self Study Workshop Southbridge MA LaFarge, V. V., Sue, B. (2014). “FACULTY RETIREMENT: Best Practices for Navigating the Transition” Presented at the AROHE (Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education) Colleges, Universities, Retirees: Building Connections Minneopolis, MN LaFarge, V. V., de la Motte, D. (2013). “Writing to the Standards” Presented at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges NEASC Self-Study Workshop Southbridge. MA Crary, L. M., LaFarge, V. V., Spelman, D. H. (2011). “Pedagogical strategies for addressing intersecting identities in 'Diversity in the Workplace' course” Presented at the Institute for the study and promotion of race and culture Diversity Challenge Boston College Newell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2006). “An Autoethnographic Account of Knowledge Creation in Project Teams” Presented at theHawaii International Conference on System Sciences Hawaii Newell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2005). “Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency” Presented at theHawaii International Conference on System Sciences Waikoloa, Hawaii Newell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2004). “Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency” Presented at theABE Conference Rhode Island Newell, S. M., Adams, S. M., Crary, L. M., Glidden, P., LaFarge, V. V., Nurick, A. J. (2004). “Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency: The influence of Emotional Intelligence and Social Capital” Presented at theAcademy of Business Education Mystic Seaport, CT LaFarge, V. V., Martin-Diaz, R. (1992). “Motivating for Total Quality” Presented at theNortheast Decision Sciences Institute Boston, MA Service
Department Service
Primary Evaluator for Susan Vroman 2020 - PresentUniversity Service
Bentley University 2016 - 2018Professional Service
Board of Corporators for Wheelock College 2016 - 2017