Research interests include glacial geology and climate change in arctic and alpine areas. Funded by numerous research grants from National Science Foundation for field work on Baffin Island in Canadian Arctic and in the American Cordillera. Also, numerous publications on glacial and climate history of mountainous areas of New England.
Professional Memberships
American Association for Advancement of Science PresentAmerican Geophysical Union PresentGeological Society of America PresentInternational Glaciological Society PresentNational Association of Geoscience Teachers PresentAmerican Meteorological Society 2013 - PresentAwards and Honors
2017, Bentley Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award in recognition of contributions to academic excellence, Bentley University2010, Elected as Fellow, Geological Society of America2008, Bentley Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award2006, Elected as second-ever Historian for Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division, Geological Society of America1996, Elected as Fellow to Geological Association of Canada1991, Bentley College faculty fellowship1989, Bentley College Award for Excellence in Research1989, Bentley College faculty fellowship1988, Bentley College faculty fellowship1977, Antarctic Service Medal1975, J. Hoover Award, Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division, Geological Society of America1971, AMAX award to attend geology field campPublications
Journal Articles
Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Wright, S. F., Shakun, J. D., Davis, P. T., Goehring, B. M., Halsted, C. T., Koester, A. J., Caffee, M. W., Zimmerman, S. R. (2019). Analysis of multiple cosmogenic nuclides constrains Laurentide Ice Sheet history and process on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont’s highest peak. Quaternary Science Reviews, (205) 234-246. Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Shakun, J. D., Brook, E. J., Davis, P. T., Caffee, M. W. (2019). 10Be age constraints on latest Pleistocene and Holocene cirque glaciation across western United States. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science - Nature, (2) 5. Koester, A. J., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Braun, D., Zimmerman, S. R. (2017). Rapid thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in coastal Maine, USA, during late Heinrich Stadial 1. Quaternary Science Reviews. 163 1-13. Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Davis, P. T. (2016). A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Commentary of Broadcast Meteorologists on the Visual Presentation of Climate Change. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, (7) 4 1-16. Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., , . (2016). Glacial history and landscape evolution of southern Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, Canada, constrained by cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al. Geological Society of American Bulletin, (128) 7-8 1173-1192. Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Lifton, N. A., Finkel, R. C. (2015). Cold-based Laurentide ice covered New England's highest summits during the Last Glacial Maximum. Geology, (43) 12 1059-1062. Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Finkel, R. C. (2015). Cosmogenic exposure age evidence for rapid Laurentide deglaciation of the Katahdin area, west-central Maine, USA, 16 to 15 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, (116) 95-105. Menounos, B., Clague, J. J., Osborn, G., Davis, P. T., Ponce, F., Goehring, B., Mauer, M., Rabassa, J., Coronato, A., Marr, R. (2013). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier fluctuations in southernmost Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews, (77) 70-79. Osborn, G., Menounos, B., Ryane, C., Riedel, J., Clague, J. J., Koch, J., Clark, D., Scott, K., Davis, P. T., , . (2012). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington. Quaternary Science Reviews, (49) 33-51. Briner, J. P., Davis, P. T., Miller, G. H. (2009). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation of Baffin Island, Arctic Canada: Key patterns and chronologies. Quaternary Science Reviews, (28) 21-22 2075-2087. Davis, P. T., Menounos, B., Osborn, G. (2009). Holocene and latest Pleistocene alpine glacier fluctuations: A global perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews, (28) 21-22 2021-2033. Ward, L. G., Zaprowski, B. J., Trainer, K. D., Davis, P. T. (2008). Stratigraphy, pollen history and geochronology of tidal marshes in a Gulf of Maine estuarine system: Climatic and relative sea level impacts. Marine Geology, (256) 1-4 1-17. Briner, J. P., Miller, G. H., Davis, P. T., Finkel, R. C. (2006). Cosmogenic radionuclides from differentially weathered fiord landscapes support differential erosion by overriding ice sheets. Geological Society of America Bulletin, (118) 406-420. Davis, P. T., Briner, J. P., Coulthard, R. D., Finkel, R. C., Miller, G. H. (2006). Preservation of Arctic landscapes overridden by cold-based ice sheets. Quaternary Research, (65) 156-163. Briner, J. P., Miller, G. H., Davis, P. T., Finkel, R. C. (2005). Cosmogenic exposure dating in arctic glacial landscapes: Implications for the glacial history of northeastern Baffin Island, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, (42) 67-84. Briner, J. P., Miller, G. H., Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Caffee, M. (2003). Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet dynamics in Arctic Canada inferred from young erratics perched on ancient tors. Quaternary Sciences Reviews, (22) 5-7 437-444. Brown, S. L., Bierman, P. R., Lini, A., Davis, P. T., Southon, J. R. (2002). Reconstructing lake and drainage basin history using terrestrial sediment layers analysis of cores from a post-glacial lake in New England, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology, (28) 2 219-236. Reasoner, M. R., Davis, P. T., Osborn, G. (2001). Evaluation of proposed early-Holocene advances of alpine glaciers in the North Cascade Range, Washington state, USA: Constraints provided by palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The Holocene, (11) 5 607-611. McGeehin, J., Burr, G. S., Jull, A. T., Gosse, J., Davis, P. T., Southon, J. R. (2001). Stepped-combustion 14C dating of sediment: A comparison with established techniques. Radiocarbon, (43) 2A 255-261. Marsella, K. A., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Caffee, M. W. (2000). Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al ages for the Last Glacial Maximum, eastern Baffin Island, arctic Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, (112) 7 1296-1312. Davis, P. T. (1999). Cirques of the Presidential Range, New Hampshire, and surrounding alpine areas in northeastern United States. Geographie physique et Quaternaire, (53) 1 25-45. Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Marsella, K. A., Caffee, M. W., Southon, J. R. (1999). Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: A test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion. Annals of Glaciology, (28) 181-188. Bierman, P. R., Marsella, K. A., Patterson, C., Davis, P. T., Caffee, M. (1999). Mid-Pleistocene cosmogenic minimum-age limits for pre-Wisconsinan glacial surfaces in southwestern Minnesota and southern Baffin Island: A multiple nuclide approach. Geomorphology, (27) 25-39.
Braun, D., Davis, P. T., Kelley, J., Lowell, T. (2018). Mount Desert Island glacial deposits, landforms, and place in the regional deglaciation sequence along with some Pre-Pleistocene bedrock geology, (Guidebook for the 81st Annual Reunion of the Northeastern Friends of the Pleistocene) 69 pp. Bar Harbor, Maine: Fowler, B., Davis, P. T., Eusden, D. (2016). Mount Washington and the Presidential Range, (Geological Society of New Hampshire) 34 pp. North Conway, New Hampshire: Eusden, J. D., Thompson, W. B., Fowler, B. K., Davis, P. T., Bothner, W. A., Boisvert, R. A., Creasy, J. W. (2013). The Geology of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. 175. Lyme, New Hampshire: Durand Press
Book Chapters
Davis, P. T., Halsted, C. T., Rogers, J. N., Arcone, S. A., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Koester, A. J. (2019). Glacial, deglacial, and postglacial history of Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, from constructing a cosmogenic nuclide glacial dipstick to determining a landslide history form lake sediment cores and ground penetrating radar images In Christopher Koteas, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in Northwestern Maine and Northern New Hampshire, Trip C-4. 111th annual meeting 235-286. Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont: Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Koester, A. J. (2018). Mount Greylock as a cosmogenic nuclide dipstick to determine the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning In Tim Grover and Helen Mango, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in New York and Vermont. 110th Annual Meeting 269-289. Castleton, Vermont: New England Intercollegiate Geological ConferenceBierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Wright, S. F., Davis, P. T., Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D. (2018). New views on the deglaciation of Mount Mansfield In Tim Gover and Helen Mango, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in New York and Vermont. 110th Annual Meeting 69-80. Castleton, Vermont: New England Intercollegiate Geological ConferenceMeldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Davis, P. T. (2017). Speaking out or staying quiet on climate change: Broadcast meteorologists influenced by the need to be pithy, popular and politically cautious In Walter Leal Filho, Jesse M. Keenan, (Eds.) Climate Change Adaptation in North America: experiences, case studies and best practice, W. Leal Fihlo and J.M. Keenan (editors). Berlin: Springer International Publishing (Link)Davis, P. T., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Koester, A. J., Corbett, L. B. (2017). Testing the cosmogenic nuclide dipstick model for deglaciation of Mount Washington In J. D. Eusden and M. Retelle, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in Northwestern Maine and Northern New Hampshire, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference . 247-272. Bethel, Maine: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (Link)Davis, P. T., Johnston, R. A., Bierman, P. R., Caldwell, D. W. (2013). Glacial history of Mount Katahdin (Ktaadn), Maine In L.S. Hanson, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in North-Central Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 105th annual meeting, Millinocket, Maine. 125-138. (Link)Davis, P. T., Johnston, R. A., Weddle, T. K., Bierman, P. B., Caldwell, D. W. (2010). Glacial history of Mount Katahdin (Ktaadn), Maine In C. Gerbe, (Eds.) Guidebook for Field Trips in Coastal and Interior Maine. 33-44. Orono, Maine: New England Intercollegiate Geological ConferenceRogers, J. N., Fowler, B. K., McCoy, W. D., Davis, P. T. (2009). Post-glacial mass wasting in Franconia Notch, White Mountains, New Hampshire In Westerman, D.S., Lathrop, A.S., (Eds.) . 199-223. Lyndon State College and Norwich University, Norwich, VT: New England Intercollegiate Geological ConferenceDavis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Brigham-Grette, J., Fitzgerald, D. M., Fowler, B. K., others, . (2003). Quaternary and geomorphic processes and landforms along a traverse across northern New England, U.S.A In Easterbrook, D.J, (Eds.) . 365-398. Reno, NV: Desert Research InstituteDethier, D. P., Benedict, J. B., Birkeland, P. W., Caine, N., Davis, P. T., others, a. 5. (2003). Quaternary stratigraphy, geomorphology, soils, and alpine archeology in an alpine-to-plains transect, Colorado Front Range In Easterbrook, D.J, (Eds.) . 81-104. Reno, NV: Desert Research InstituteBierman, P. R., Caffe, M. W., Davis, P. T., Marsella, K. A., Pavich, M., others, a. 3. (2002). Rates and timing of Earth surface processes from in situ-produced cosmogenic 10-Be In Grew, E.S, (Eds.) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 147-205. Washington, D.C: Mineralogical Society of AmericaAllen, T. T., Creasy, J. W., Davis, P. T., Eusden, J. D., Fowler, B. K., Thompson, W. B. (2001). The Notches: Bedrock and surficial geology of New Hampshire’s White Mountains In West, D.P, Bailey, R.H, (Eds.) . C1-33. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of AmericaDavis, P. T. (1989). Quaternary glacial history of Mt. Katahdin and the nunatak hypothesis In R.D. Tucker and R.G. Marvinney, (Eds.) Studies in Maine Geology, Quaternary Geology. 119-134. Augusta, Maine: Maine Geological SurveyDavis, P. T. (1985). Neoglacial moraines on Baffin Island, chapter 24 In J.T. Andrews, (Eds.) Quaternary Environments: Eastern Canadian Arctic, Baffin Bay, and West Greenland. 682-718. London: Allen & UnwinShort, S. K., Mode, W. N., Davis, P. T. (1985). The Holocene record from Baffin Island: Modern and fossil pollen studies, chapter 22 In , (Eds.) Quaternary Environments: Eastern Canadian Arctic, Baffin Bay, and West Greenland. 608-642. London: Allen & UnwinAndrews, J. T., Barry, R. G., Ives, J. D., Williams, L. W., Davis, P. T. (1975). The Laurentide ice sheet: Problems of the mode and speed of inception In , (Eds.) WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-term Climatic fluctuations. 421 87-94. World Meterological Organization
Conference Proceedings
Doner, L.Davis, P. T.Lyons, R.Wilkinson, K.Foley, K.McGarry, M.Meldrum, H.Szymanski, D. W.Oches, E. A.Aviles, L. (2013). Climate change communication between TV broadcast meteorologists and their viewing audience Geological Society of America, (Geological Society of America Annual Meeting) Davis, P. T.Oches, E. A.Szymanski, D. W.Meldrum, H.Doner, L.McGarry, M.Aviles, L.Miller, S. (2013). Climate change communication between TV broadcast meteorologists and their viewing audience American Geophysical Union, (AGU Chapman Conference - Communicating Climate Science) Menounos, B.Goehring, B.Osborn, G.Clague, J. J.Davis, P. T.Lakeman, T.Schaefer, J.Koch, J.Clarke, G., . (2012). Are late-Pleistocene climate reconstructions from cirque and valley moraines possible in regions of decaying ice sheets? American Geophysical Union (AGU), (American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting) Oches, E. A.Szymanski, D. W.Snyder, B. J.Gulati, G. J.Davis, P. T. (2012). Exploring Corn-Ethanol as a Complex Problem to Teach Sustainability Concepts across the Science-Business-Liberal Arts Curriculum American Geophysical Union, (American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting) Marcott, S. A.Clark, P. U.Shakun, J. D.Hosteetler, S. W.Brook, E. J.Alder, J. R.Novak, A. M.Caffee, M. W.Davis, P. T. (2012). 10Be-based chronologies of cirque glaciation across western North America , (Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs) Osborn, G.Davis, P. T. (2012). Influences of Late-glacial and Holocene glacial activity on alpine geomorphology of the North American Cordillera , (Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs) Szymanski, D. W.Oches, E. A.Snyder, B. J.Gulati, G. J.Davis, P. T. (2012). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Sustainability: Corn Ethanol Across the Curriculum , (Geological Society of America Annual Meeting) Fowler, B. K.Davis, P. T.Thompson, W. B. (2012). The Alpine Zone and Cirques on Mount Washington and the Presidential Range, New Hampshire, Field Trip Guidebook Friends of the Pleistocene. 42 pp. Oches, E. A.Szymanski, D. W.Davis, P. T. (2011). Preparing the next generation of business leaders to confront environmental challenges Geological Society of America, (Geological Society of America Annual Meeting)
Davis, P. T., Szymanski, D. W., , . (2011). Letter to Editor in rebuttal to John E. Sununu op ed piece promoting fracking shale gasBoston Globe. Davis, P. T. (1980). Late Holocene glacial, vegetational, and climatic history of the Pangnirtung and Kingnait Fiord area, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada. Presentations
Davis, P. T., Marcott, S. A., Vavrus, C., Barth, A., Shakun, J., Caffee, M. W. (2019). “Precise cosmogeniic measurements in support of Younger Dryas age for Fourth of July cirque outer moraine, Colorado Front Range, USA” Presented at theGeological Society of America annual meeting Phoenix, Arizona Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Goehring, B., , A., Caffee, M. W. (2019). “Reconstructing the deglacial thinning history of the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C: A glacial dipstick approach” Presented at theGeological Society of America annual meeting Phoenix, Arizona Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Goehring, B., Koester, A. J., Caffee, M. W. (2019). “Assessing the erosivity and deglacial thinning history of the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C” Presented at the20th INQUA Congress Dublin, Ireland Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Goehring, B., Koester, A. J. (2019). “Reconstructing the paleo-elevation and erosion patterns of the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet using in-situ 10Be and 14C” Presented at the27th IUGG General Assembly (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) Montreal, Quebec Davis, P. T. (2019). “Warm periods in Earth’s geologic record for comparison with Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), Part 2” Presented at the Northern Vermont University at Lyndon 44th Annual Northeast Storm Conference Saratoga Springs, New York Braun, D. D., Thompson, W. B., Davis, P. T., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B. (2019). “Correlation of the eastern Maine Pineo Ridge system to moraines on Mount Desert Island through LiDAR imagery and 10Be surface exposure ages” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting Portland, Maine Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Koester, A. J., Caffee, M. W. (2019). “Determining the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting Portland, Maine Fowler, B. K., Davis, P. T., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Mattison, P., Mattison, R. (2019). “New cosmogenic exposure age for emplacement of New Hampshire’s Madison Boulder, reputedly the largest erratic in North America” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting Portland, Maine Shakun, J. D., Halsted, C. T., Koester, A. J., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Goehring, B. M., Zimmerman, S. R., Caffee, M. W. (2018). “Constraining the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning during the last deglaciation with cosmogenic dipsticks” Presented at the American Geophysical Union Annual MeetingHalsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Caffee, M. W., Koester, A. J. (2018). “Determining the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning using in situ 10Be dipsticks” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting Indianapolis, Indiana Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Wright, S. F., Shakun, J. D., Davis, P. T., Halsted, C. T., Goehring, B. M., Koester, A. J., Caffee, M. W. (2018). “Multiple cosmogenic nuclides constrain Laurentide Ice Sheet history and process on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont’s highest peak” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting Indianapolis, Indiana Koester, A. J., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Goehring, B. M., Vickers, A. C., Zimmerman, S. R. (2018). “Cosmogenic nuclides record rapid rates of ice sheet thinning and variable glacial erosion at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, USA” Presented at the American Quaternary Association AMQUA/CANQUA Conference Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B., Caffee, M. W. (2018). “Measuring 10Be ages from top to bottom in Franconia Notch, NH, to constrain Laurentide Ice Sheet history” Presented at the American Quaternary Association Joint AMQUA/CANQUA Conference Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Davis, P. T., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Koester, A. J., Corbett, L. B., Halsted, C. T. (2018). “Boise Rock, not the glacial erratic that we thought, but rather part of the landslide history of Franconia Notch, New Hampshire” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting Burlington, Vermont Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Shakun, J. D., Davis, P. T., Goehring, B. M., Koester, A. J., Halsted, C. T. (2018). “Constraining glacial history and process on Mount Mansfield, Vermont’s highest peak, with in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting Burlington, Vermont Halsted, C. T., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Caffee, M. W. (2018). “Measuring 10Be ages from top to bottom in Franconia Notch, NH, to constrain Laurentide Ice Sheet history” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting Burlington, Vermont Davis, P. T. (2018). “Warm periods in Earth’s geologic record for comparison with Anthropogenic Global Warming” Presented at the Lyndon State College Meteorology Program 43rd Annual Northeast Storm Conference Saratoga Springs, New York Koester, A. J., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B., Goehring, B. M., Vickers, A., Zimmerman, S. R. (2017). “Rapid thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet at Mt. Washington, NH, during the Bølling Warming” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting Seattle, Washington Davis, P. T. (2017). “Reflections on Ruddiman's Overdue Glaciation Hypothesis ” Presented at the Lyndon State College Meteorology Program 42nd Annual Northeast Storm Conference Saratoga Springs, New York Koester, A. J., Shakun, J. D., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B. (2016). “Rapid thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in coastal Maine, USA, during late Heinrich Stadial 1” Presented at the American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union Fall (Annual) Meeting San Francisco, California Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Davis, P. T. (2016). “Speaking out about sustainability: broadcast meteorologists who will and those who won't” Presented at the World Communication Association Communication and Culture in a Sustainable World Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Davis, P. T. (2016). “Speaking out or staying quiet on climate change: Broadcast meteorologists influenced by the need to be pithy, popular and politically cautious” Presented at theNorth American Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation Columbia University, New York, NY Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Neumann, T. A., Rood, D. H. (2016). “Arctic investigations of boulders and bedrock surfaces preserved beneath non-erosive glacial ice using paired 10Be and 26Al analyses” Presented at theThird Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclide Techniques Stockholm, Sweden Foley, K. A., Davis, P. T., Meldrum, H., Oches, E. A., Szymanski, D. W., Doner, L. (2016). “Mobility of TV Broadcast Meteorologists in the Northeastern United States” Presented at the Lyndon State College 41st Annual Northeast Storm Conference Saratoga Springs, New York Davis, P. T., Ackert, R. P. (2015). “Bentley Abroad Earth science courses in New Zealand and Iceland” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geology Society of America annual meeting Baltimore Doner, L., Davis, P. T., McGarry, M. A., Turski, M. (2015). “Mind the gap: An interdisciplinary climate literacy module for science majors” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting Baltimore Davis, P. T., Marcott, S. E., Alder, J., Bucci, G., Clark, P. U., Caffee, M. W. (2015). “Age of the Type Satanta Peak Moraine, Colorado Front Range, USA” Presented at the International Union for Quaternary Research 19th INQUA Congress Nagoya, Japan Doner, L., McGarry, M. A., Turski, M., Davis, P. T. (2015). “Three geoscience modules to improve climate literacy of meteorology students” Presented at the National Association of Geology Teachers National Association of Geology Teachers Earth Educators' Rendevous Boulder, Colorado Corbett, L. B., Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T. (2015). “Glacial Chronology and Landscape Evolution on Baffin Island, Canada, Constrained by a Compilation of Paired 26Al/10Be Analyses” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeastern Geological Society of America regional meeting Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Bierman, P. R., Davis, P. T., Corbett, L. B. (2015). “Old surfaces at the top of New England’s highest peaks suggest weakly erosive ice” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeastern Geological Society of America regional meeting Bretton Woods, New Hampshire Davis, P. T., Bierman, P. R., Corbett, L. B. (2015). “10-Beryllium evidence for rapid Laurentide deglaciation of the Katahdin area, west-central Maine, USA, 16 to 15 kyr” Presented at the Geological Society of America Northeastern Geology Society of America regional meeting Bretton Wood, New Hampshire Davis, P. T., Szymanski, D. W., Meldrum, H., Oches, E. A., Foley, K., Mercer, R., Doner, L., McGarry, M., Kelsey, E., Perello, M. (2015). “Broadcast meteorologists and climate change ” Presented at the Lyndon State University Northeast Storm Conference Saratoga Springs, New York Doner, L., McGarry, M. A., Perello, M., Davis, P. T., Foley, K. (2014). “National climate literacy gaps in meteorology graduates” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Vancouver, B.C., Canada Szymanski, D. W., Meldrum, H., Davis, P. T., Oches, E. A., Foley, K., Doner, L. (2014). “Views of broadcast meteorlogists on climate change communication with their audiences” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada Davis, P. T., Doner, L., McGarry, M., Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Kelsey, E., Perello, M., Gaudette, E., Foley, K. (2014). “Climate Change Communication Between Broadcast Meteorologists and their Viewing Audiences” Presented at the National Science Foundation NSF-AISL PI Conference Washington, D.C. Doner, L., Davis, P. T., Lyons, R., Wilkinson, K., Foley, K., McGarry, M. A., Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Aviles, L. (2014). “Climate change communication between TV broadcast meteorologists and their viewing audience” Presented at the Lyndon State University Northeast Storm Conference Rutland, Vermont Davis, P. T., Machalett, B., Gosse, J. (2013). “High-resolution grain size signal from Titcomb Lakes in Wind River Range, Wyoming, correlates with NGRIP late-glacial climate record” Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado Doner, L., Davis, P. T., Lyons, R., Wilkinson, K., Foley, K., McGarry, M., Meldrum, H., Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Aviles, L. (2013). “Climate change communication between TV broadcast meteorologists and their viewing audience” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Denver, CO Davis, P. T., Oches, E. A., Szymanski, D. W., Meldrum, H., Doner, L., McGarry, M., Aviles, L., Miller, S. (2013). “Climate change communication between TV broadcast meteorologists and their viewing audience” Presented at the American Geophysical Union AGU Chapman Conference - Communicating Climate Science Granby, CO Davis, P. T., Machalett, B., Gosse, J. (2013). “Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoclimate and alpine glacier fluctuations recorded by high-resolution grain-size data from an alpine lake sediment core, Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA” Presented at the European Geophysical Union European Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria Menounos, B., Goehring, B., Osborn, G., Clague, J. J., Davis, P. T., Lakeman, T., Schaefer, J., Koch, J., Clarke, G. (2012). “Are late-Pleistocene climate reconstructions from cirque and valley moraines possible in regions of decaying ice sheets?” Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco Oches, E. A., Szymanski, D. W., Snyder, B. J., Gulati, G. J., Davis, P. T. (2012). “Exploring Corn-Ethanol as a Complex Problem to Teach Sustainability Concepts across the Science-Business-Liberal Arts Curriculum” Presented at the American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Shakun, J. D., Hosteetler, S. W., Brook, E. J., Alder, J. R., Novak, A. M., Caffee, M. W., Davis, P. T. (2012). “10Be-based chronologies of cirque glaciation across western North America ” Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs Charlotte, North Carolina Osborn, G., Davis, P. T. (2012). “Influences of Late-glacial and Holocene glacial activity on alpine geomorphology of the North American Cordillera” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs Charlotte, North Carolina Szymanski, D. W., Oches, E. A., Snyder, B. J., Gulati, G. J., Davis, P. T. (2012). “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Sustainability: Corn Ethanol Across the Curriculum” Presented at theGeological Society of America Annual Meeting Charlotte, NC Menounos, B., Mauer, M., Clague, J. J., Osborn, G., Ponce, F., Davis, P. T., Rabassa, J., Coranato, J., Marr, R. (2011). “Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in southernmost Patagonia” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstracts with Programs San Francisco Oches, E. A., Szymanski, D. W., Davis, P. T. (2011). “Preparing the next generation of business leaders to confront environmental challenges” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Minneapolis, MN Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Hostetler, S. W., Shakun, J. D., Brook, E. J., Alder, J. R., Novak, A. M., Caffee, M. W., Davis, P. T. (2011). “10Be chronologies of cirque glaciation across western North America” Presented at the International Quaternary Association 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts with Programs Bern, Swtizerland Osborn, G., Davis, P. T., Menounos, B. (2011). “What causes regional differences in Holocene and Latest Pleistocene glacier advances in North America?” Presented at the International Quaternary Association 18th INQUA Congress, Abstracts with Programs Bern, Switzerland Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Hostetler, S. W., Shakun, J. D., Alder, J. R., Brook, E. J., Novak, E. M., Caffee, M. W., Davis, P. T. (2010). “10Be chronologies of cirque glaciation across western North America” Presented at theAmerican Quaternary Association, 21st Biennial Meeting Laramie, Wyoming Davis, P. T., Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Osborn, G., Menounos, B., Clague, J., Riedel, J., Scott, K. (2010). “A review of key chronologies for latest Pleistocene and Holocene alpine glaciation acros western United States.” Presented at theAmerican Quaternary Association, 21st Biennial Meeting Laramie, Wyoming Samolczyk, M. A., Osborn, G., Menounos, B., Clague, J., Davis, P. T., Riedel, J., Koch, K. (2010). “Constructing a record of late Holocene glacier fluctuations at Mount Rainier using later moaine stratigraphy. ” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs Denver, Colorado Oches, E. A., Szymanski, D. W., Davis, P. T., Ledley, F. D. (2010). “Integrating Earth and environmental science into a business curriculum toward enhanced workforce science literacy” Presented at the Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Denver, CO Marcott, S. A., Clark, P. U., Shakun, J. D., Brook, E. J., Novak, A. M., Davis, P. T. (2009). “A latest Pleistocene and Holocene chronology of alpine glaciation for western North America” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstracts with Programs San Francisco Samolczyk, M. A., Osborn, G., Menounos, B., Clague, J. J., Davis, P. T., Riedel, P. (2009). “Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier fluctuations at Mount Rainier, Washington” Presented at theGeological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs Portland, Oregon Davis, P. T., Pollock, L., Doner, L., Fowler, B. (2009). “Basal radiocarbon age from Big Pea Porridge Pond, Madison, Carroll County, New Hampshire, and its relationship to the regional deglacial chronology” Presented at theNortheastern Geological Society of America Portland, Maine Doner, L., Pollock, L., Davis, P. T., Fowler, B. K. (2009). “Lagged lake-temperature responses to deglacial and early Holocene environmental changes at Big Pea Porridge Pond, Madison, New Hampshire” Presented at theNortheastern Geological Society of America Portland, Maine Fowler, B. K., Doner, L., Pollock, L., Davis, P. T. (2009). “Madison Hills Paleoecology project (MPEP): Citizen science and a novel approach to funding a lake-sediment study in New Hampshire” Presented at theNortheastern Geological Society of America Portland, Maine Pollock, L., Doner, L., Davis, P. T., Fowler, B. K. (2009). “Preliminary analysis of subfossil midge remains (Diptera: Chironomidae) in sediments from Big Pea Porridge Pond, east-central New Hampshire” Presented at theNortheastern Geological Society of America Portland, Maine Briner, J. P., Bini, A. C., Anderson, R. S., Davis, P. T., Miller, G. H. (2008). “Using 10Be dating to pace Laurentide ice sheet retreat in polar landscapes: Rapid fiord deglaciation on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco Ryane, C., Menounos, B., Osborn, G., Clague, J., Davis, P. T. (2008). “Holocene Glacier fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington, USA” Presented at theCanadian Geophysical Union annual meeting Banff, Alberta, Canada Davis, P. T., Tary, A. K., Dowling, E., Varga, P. (2008). “Teaching introductory hydrology using the Hobbs Brook Reservoir Watershed in eastern Massachusetts as a case study” Presented at theGeological Society of America Houston, Texas Clark, D., Ryane, C., Tucker, D., Davis, P. T., Bowerman, N., others, a. s. (2007). “New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco, California Davis, P. T., Osborn, G., Ryane, C., Menounos, B., Clague, J. (2007). “Little Ice Age fluctuations of glaciers on Mt. Baker, Washington” Presented at theGeological Society of America Bellingham, Washington Osborn, G., Davis, P. T., Menounos, B., Koch, J., Clague, J., Ryane, C. (2007). “Mid-Holocene glacial activity in British Columbia and Washington” Presented at theGeological Society of America Bellingham, Washington Ryane, C., Osborn, G., Scott, K., Menounos, B., Davis, P. T., others, a. t. (2007). “The use of tephra to reinterpret early Holocene glacial history at Mount Baker” Presented at theGeological Society of America Bellingham, Washington Menounos, B., Davis, P. T., Osborn, G. (2007). “Holocene and latest Pleistocene alpine glacier fluctuations in western Canada and continental United States” Presented at theSeventeenth INQUA Congress Cairns, Australia Reidel, J. L., Ryane, C., Osborn, G., Davis, P. T., Menounos, B., others, a. f. (2006). “Do glaciers on Cascade volcanoes behave differently than other glaciers in the region?” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco Davis, P. T., Van Hollen, D., Osborn, G., Ryane, C., Menounos, B., al, e. (2006). “Did Neoglaciation begin as early as 6400 cal years ago?” Presented at theGeological Society of America Philadelphia Davis, P. T., Osborn, G., Menounos, B., Ryane, C., Clague, J., al, e. (2005). “New evidence for Holocene glacier fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington” Presented at theAmerican Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco Miller, G. H., Briner, J. P., Kaplan, M. R., Lifton, N. A., Davis, P. T., al, e. (2005). “Resolving the role of cold-based ice along the NE Laurentide margin: New insights from a decade of cosmogenic exposure dating” Presented at theGeological Society of America Salt Lake City Briner, J. P., Kaufman, D. S., Manley, W. F., Miller, G. H., Davis, P. T., Finkel, R. W. (2004). “Late Pleistocene glacial histories from the NW and NE corners of North America” Presented at theGeological Society of America Denver Coulthard, R. D., Davis, P. T., Briner, J. P., Miller, G. H. (2004). “LGM glaciation of the Aston Lowland, Baffin Island, eastern Canadian Arctic: Relict deglacial landscapes preserved under cold-based ice” Presented at theGeological Society of America Denver Service
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