Michael Page is Professor of Finance and Management and a past Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Bentley University in Massachusetts, United States of America. He also has an appointment at the Rotterdam School of Management B.V., Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Mike has served on the boards of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB, International). He is also a past board member of South Africa Partners.
His active engagement with the international management education industry, includes serving on and chairing around fifty accreditation visits for AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, as well as supporting development activities offered by the Central and Eastern European Management Development Association (CEEMAN). He is currently Senior Adviser Americas for the EFMD Global Network.
Mike serves on or has served on international advisory boards for Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (Japan), Cape Town University’s Graduate School of Business (South Africa), École des Ponts Paris Tech, Paris (France), Kedge Business School, Bordeaux and Marseille (France), the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow (Russia), the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organizations, RSM Erasmus University (The Netherlands), the European School for Management and Technology, Berlin (Germany), and on the international advisory board of Chulalongkorn University’s Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration (Thailand).
He resigned from the international advisory board of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration following the country's invasion of the Ukraine.
Professional Memberships
American Finance Association 2022 - PresentAcademy of Management 2018 - PresentPublications
Journal Articles
Page, M. J., Brunsveld, N., Bevelander, D. L. (2017). Does International Business Accreditation Assure Quality or Constrain Innovation?. Business Education and Accreditation, (9) 2 15-26. Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L., Pitt, L. F., Parent, M. (2015). On a Mission: Achieving Distinction as a Business School. South African Journal of Business Management, (26) 2 29-41. Cleton, N. B., Bosco-Lauth, A., Page, M. J., Bowen, R. A. (2014). Age-related Susceptibility to Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Domestic Ducklings and Chicks. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, (90) 2 242-6. Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L. (2011). Ms Trust: Gender, Networks and Trust - Implications for Management and Education. Academy of Management Learning and Education, (10) 4Caruana, A., Pitt, L. F., Berthon, P., Page, M. J. (2009). Differentiation and Silver Medal Winner Effects. European Journal of Management, (43) 11/12 1365 - 1377. (Link)Pitt, L. F., Berthon, P., Page, M. J., Spyropoulou, S. (2008). How Well Are Business Schools Managing Their Brands: A Research Note. Journal of General Management, (33) 1 (Spring) 1-10. Page, M. J., Bevelander, D., Bond, D., Boniuk, E. (2006). Business Schools and Lifelong Learning: Inquiry, delivery or developing the inquiring mind?. South African Journal of Business Management, (vol. 37) 4 1-5. Pitt, L. F., Page, M. J. (2006). Grading Feedback of Marketing Management Case Studies: The Elegant and Warm Approach. Marketing Education Review, (vol. 16) 59-62. Page, M. J. (2004). Partnership Programmes. EFMD Forum Magazine. Page, M. J., Cleton, D. L., Pitt, L. (2004). Positioning the Executive MBA Product: Let’s Not Forget the Requirements of the Corporate Market. Journal of General Management, (vol. 30 ) 1 1-16. Page, M. J. (2003). Knowledge sharing from the perspective of business schools. EFMD Forum Magazine. Fraser, E., Page, M. J. (2000). Value and momentum strategies: Evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Investment Analyst Journal, (51) 25-35. Page, M. J., Ferret, A. (1998). Co-integration of South African Index Futures contracts and their underlying spot market indices. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (22) 1 69-90. Page, M. J. (1998). Investment Basics XXXVIII: Options pricing using a binomial lattice. Investment Analyst Journal, (48) 67-69. Morris, M. H., Brunyee, J., Page, M. J. (1998). Relationship marketing in practice: Myths and realities. Industrial Marketing Management, (25) 4 359-371. Oldfield, C., Page, M. J. (1997). Assessing flexible portfolio performance: The case of South African unit trusts. Investment Analysts Journal. 44 25-41. Page, M. J., Pitt, L., Berthon, P. (1997). Before they leave, switch on the light: Knowing the value of keeping customers. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, (5) 3 232-246. Page, M. J. (1997). Further evidence of firm size and earnings anomalies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. De Ratione, (10) 1 27-44. Page, M. J., Reyneke, I. J. (1997). The timing and subsequent performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, (24) 9&10 1401-1420. Page, M. J., Pitt, L., Berthon, P. (1996). Analyzing and reducing customer defections. Long Range Planning, (29) 6 755-756. Page, M. J., Pitt, l., Berthon, P., Money, A. (1996). Analyzing customer defections and their effects on corporate performance: The case of IndCo. Journal of Marketing Management, (12) 7 617-627. Biger, N., Page, M. J. (1996). Some further evidence of the effects of model choice on market events: Distribution of stock dividends on the Tel-Aviv Stock. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (20) 3 39-47. Page, M. J. (1996). The number of arbitrage pricing theory factors: An assessment of the power of multivariate tests used. Modeling techniques for financial markets and bank management, Physica-Verlag. 223-258. Biger, N., Page, M. J. (1994). Assessing portfolio performance: The case of flexible investment unit trusts. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (18) 3 27-43. Biger, N., Page, M. J. (1994). The market reaction to stock splits: A new look. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (18) 1 1-14. Biger, N., Page, M. J. (1993). Unit trusts’ performance: Does the yardstick matter. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (17) 1 1-15. Page, M. J., Way, C. V. (1992). Stock market over-reaction: The South African Evidence. Investment Analysts Journal. 36 35-49. Biger, N., Page, M. J. (1992). The market reaction to stock splits and capitalization issues: Recent JSE experience. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (16) 3 1-15. Bird, W. W., Page, M. J. (1991). The pricing of South African Equity Linked Financial Instruments. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, (15) 3 1-21. Page, M. J., Palmer, F. (1991). The relationship between excess return, firm size and earnings on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. South African Journal of Business Management, (21) 3 63-73. Page, M. J. (1990). Gold futures prices: An investigation into the theories of storage and forecast power and premium. South African Journal of Business Management, (21) 1 1-6. Page, M. J. (1989). Model Selection for measuring security price performance. South African Journal of Business Management, (20) 78-81. Page, M. J. (1986). Empirical testing of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory using data from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. South African Journal of Business Management, (17) 1 38-42. Page, M. J., Way, C. (). Stock Market Over-reaction: The South African Evidence (special edition reprint). Investment Analysts Journal, (Special 50th Anniversary Edition) Forthcoming.Page, M. J., Fraser, E. (). Value and momentum strategies: Evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (special edition reprint). Investment Analysts Journal, (Special 50th Anniversary Edition) Forthcoming.
Hair, J. F., Page, M. J., Brunsveld, N., Cleton, N., Merkle, A. (2023). Essentials of Business Research Methods, 5th edition. 507. Milton Park, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, RoutledgeHair, J. F., Page, M. J., Brunsveld, N. (2019). Essentials of Business Research Methods, 4th edition. New York, NY: RoutledgePage, M. J., Hair, J. F., Celsi, M., Money, A., Samouel, P. (2016). Essentials of Business Research Methods. 3rdRoutledgeHair, J. F., Money, A. H., Wolfinbarger Celsi, M., Samouel, P., Page, M. J. (2011). Essentials of Business Research Methods. 2ndWiley InternationalHair, J. F., Money, A. H., Page, M. J., Samouel, P. (2007). Research Methods for Business. Wiley International
Book Chapters
Page, M. J. (2022). Expert Testimony In Michel Kalika, (Eds.) BSIS: A decade of Impact. 188-191. Caen: Éditions EMSPage, M. J., Coetzer, D. (2021). Dianne Bevelander: A Courageous Woman of Passion and Resilience In Jennifer Moss Breen, Madeleine Van Der Steege, Suzanne Martin, and Judith Glick-Smith, (Eds.) Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth. 79-96. Bingley: Emerald Publications Forthcoming.Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L. (2018). Orange: The color of responsibility and inclusion In Patricia M. Flynn, Milenko Gudić and Tay Keong Tan, (Eds.) Redefining Success: Integrating Sustainability into Management Education. 227-247. RoutledgePage, M. J., Bevelander, D. L. (2017). Our Need, Your Interest: Responsible Decision Making in Private Equity In Patricia M. Flynn, Milenko Gudić and Tay Keong Tan, (Eds.) Beyond the Bottom Line: Integrating Sustainability into Management Education. 83-93. Routledge, Greenleaf PublishingPage, M. J. (2015). The Eighth Summit: Women's Ascent of Organizations In Patricia M. Flynn, Kathryn Haynes and Maureen A. Kilgour, (Eds.) Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education. 391-407. Greenleaf Publishing
Brunsveld, N., Page, M. J. (2022). “A pragmatic pluralist perspective on the ethics of tax avoidance - cases in Northwestern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands” Presented at the Pilar Institute of Social Sciences 4th Mediterranean Islands Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Viz - Croatia Page, M. J., Cleton, N. (2022). “Assessing political skill and proactive personality: A note on the reliability of self-assessment” Presented at the Pilar Institute of Social Sciences 4th Mediterranean Islands Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Viz - Croatia Abulzahab, Z., Mandt, L., Page, M. J., Takkenberg, H., Miedtank, T. (2022). “Gender Representation in Corporate Annual Reports: The case of Dutch Euronext Listed Companies” Presented at the European Management Review: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Group 15th Annual Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI) Conference Cape Town Page, M. J. (2020). “Diversity and Inclusion” Presented at the Women in Financial Services (WIFS) - Netherlands Annual International DiveIn Festival: Local Voice, Global Impact Amsterdam Page, M. J. (2020). “Covid and gender: how should business schools react to the regression of gender equality due to Covid-19?” Presented at the EFMD Global Network EFMD Annual Conference Virtual Conference Page, M. J. (2020). “Rethinking Internationalization” Presented at the ASCOLFA Colombian Association of Management Faculties - ASCOLFA - 2020 Armenia, Colombia Dolgovia, E., Bevelander, D. L., Page, M. J. (2020). “Getting by with a little advice from my friends” Presented at the International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt Virtual Conference Online Pauwels, P., Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L. (2020). “Female Leadership and organizational creativity” Presented at the Southern Oregon University Creativity Conference 2020 Ashland Page, M. J. (2019). “Making an Impact: The Big Picture is in the Details” Presented at the EFMD Global Network 2019 EFMD GN Americas Annual Conference Miami Page, M. J. (2019). “Beyond Purpose: Engagement, Innovation, Impact” Presented at the Association of HR Managers for International Organizations 2019 AHRMIO Annual Conference Boston Page, M. J. (2019). “Internationalizing the Business School” Presented at the EFMD Global Network and the Latin American Council of Management Schools CLADEA Internationalization Workshop Lima, Peru Page, M. J. (2018). “Business Speakers Panel” Presented at the EFMD Global Network 2018 EFMD Global Network Annual Conference Bogota, Colombia Page, M. J. (2018). Presented at the RSM Erasmus University 3rd Annual ECWO Women in Leadership Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands Page, M. J., Dolgova, E., Bevelander, D. L., Stephenson, K. (2017). “Looking across borders: antecedents of advice seeking beyond teams” Presented at the1st North American Social Networks (NASN) Conference Washington, DC, USA Page, M. J. (2017). “Understanding Unconscious Bias” Presented at the European Central Bank European Central Bank Diversity and Inclusion Staff Development Workshop Frankfurt, Germany Page, M. J., Takkenberg, H. (2017). “Navigating the Political Playing Field.” Presented at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University RSM Women in Leadership Conference 2017 Rotterdam Page, M. J. (2017). “Unique Features of MBA Programs” Presented at the MBA Solutions 12th Australian and New Zealand MBA Directors Forum Australia Page, M. J. (2017). “Business Schools in a world of change: How to Become Uniting Leaders within the Business-State-Society Cooperation?” Presented at the Russian Academy for National Economy and Public Administration Gaidar Forum: 2017 Moscow, Russia Page, M. J. (2014). “A Vision for Management Education” Presented at the Nitte University 4th International Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management Conference India Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L., Brunsveld, N. (2014). “International Accreditation: Assurance of Quality or Restraint on Innovation?” Presented at the Nitte University 4th International Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management Conference India Page, M. J., Bevelander, D. L. (2014). “Women in Leadership: An experimental program climbing Kilimanjaro ” Presented at the Nitte University 4th International Justice K.S. Hedge Institute of Management Conference India Cleton, N. B., Bosco-Lauth, A., Bowen, R. A., Page, M. J. (2011). “Age related susceptibility of young poultry to Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)” Presented at the6th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses Saint-Raphael, France Page, M. J. (2004). “May we live in exciting times: Challenges facing Business Schools today” Presented at theAMBA 2003 Annual Conference Madrid, Spain. Page, M. J. (2004). “National identity versus European identity” Presented at the12th Annual CEEMAN Annual Conference St. Petersburg, Russia Page, M. J. (2004). “Lifelong learning: Enquiry, delivery or developing the enquiring mind?” Presented at the Erasmus University Rotterdam Keynote Speech, Annual Teaching and Research Awards Rotterdam Page, M. J. (2004). “Partnership Programs: Flexibility & the Corporate Degree” Presented at theEFMD 2004 Annual Deans Meeting Lisbon, Portugal Cleton, D. L., Page, M. J. (2003). “Managing Student Expectations” Presented at theEMBAC 2003 Annual Conference Atlanta Houbrechts, G., Page, M. J. (2003). “Winner or Loser: The impact of European higher education transformation on the international EMBA market” Presented at theEMBAC 2003 Annual Conference Atlanta Page, M. J. (2003). “Social Responsibility & Corporate Sustainability: Global necessities requiring individual action” Presented at theEFMD 2003 Annual Conference Brussels, Belgium Cleton, D. L., Page, M. J., Vermeulen, P., Kellerman, R. (2003). “Business Schools as Effective Networked Organizations” Presented at theEMBAC 2003 Annual European Regional Meeting & EFMD Annual MBA Directors Meeting Stuttgart, Germany Page, M. J. (2003). “Graduation or Lifetime Achievement Award?” Presented at theEMBAC 2003 Annual European Regional Meeting & EFMD Annual MBA Directors Meeting Stuttgart, Germany. Page, M. J. (2002). “Building a Strong Faculty Team” Presented at theEMBAC 2002 Annual Conference Denver, USA Page, M. J. (2002). “Managing Student Expectations: Case studies in performance” Presented at theEMBAC 2002 Annual Conference Denver, USA Cleton, D. L., Kellerman, M., Page, M. J., Vermeulen, P. (2002). “Business Schools as Effective Networked Organizations” Presented at theAcademy of Management 2002 Annual Conference Denver Page, M. J. (2001). “Surviving Globalization: Collaboration, Capacity & Contradiction” Presented at theEFMD 2001 Annual MBA Directors Meeting Warwick, England Page, M. J. (2001). “Traditional & Corporate Universities: A comparison” Presented at theEFMD 2001 Annual MBA Directors Meeting Warwick, England Page, M. J. (2001). “Building institutional alliances” Presented at theEMBAC 2001 Annual European Regional Meeting Warwick, England Page, M. J. (2001). “Program budgeting: A case study” Presented at theEMBAC 2001 Annual Conference Philadelphia Page, M. J. (2001). “Managing student expectations” Presented at theGMAC 2001 Annual MBA Leadership Conference New Orleans Money, A. H., Levett, P., Page, M. J., Nel, D., Pitt, L., Berthon, P. (1999). “Towards an application of option pricing theory in the valuation of customer relationships” Presented at theAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference Florida Page, M. J. (1999). “Value and momentum strategies: Evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange” Presented at the8th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Finance Association Graduate School of Business, Cape Town, South Africa Page, M. J., Money, A. H., Koztowska, K., Biger, N. (1999). “Bootstrap methods and statistical accuracy: The South African rights issue and initial public offerings (IPOs) market: Version II” Presented at theComputational Finance 99 Conference New York Foreman, S. K., Money, A. H., Page, M. J. (1998). “Just how reliable is reliable? A note on the estimation of Cronbach alpha” Presented at the1998 IMM Marketing Educators Conference Cape Town, South Africa Page, M. J., Money, A. H., Koztowska, K., Biger, N. (1997). “Bootstrap methods and statistical accuracy: The South African rights issue and initial public offerings (IPOs) market” Presented at the1997 EURO Working Group on Financial Modeling Venice, Italy Page, M. J., Reyneke, I. J. (1996). “The timing and subsequent performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange” Presented at theVersion II, 1996 Northern Finance Association Meeting Quebec, Canada. Page, M. J., Pitt, L., Berthon, P., Money, A. H. (1996). “Analyzing customer defections and their effects on corporate performance: The case of IndCo” Presented at the1996 Marketing Educators Group Conference Stathclyde, Scotland Foreman, S. K., Page, M. J., Money, A. H. (1996). “The measurement of internal marketing: A confirmatory case study” Presented at theMarketing Educators Group Conference Strathclyde, Scotland Page, M. J., Reyneke, I. J. (1996). “The timing and subsequent performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange” Presented at theVersion I, 19th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Financial Modeling Keele, England Page, M. J., Affleck-Graves, J. F. (1996). “The timing and subsequent performance of seasoned offerings: The case of rights issues” Presented at theVersion III, 1996 American Finance Association Meeting San Francisco Affleck-Graves, J. F., Page, M. J. (1995). “The timing and subsequent performance of seasoned offerings: The case of rights issues” Presented at theVersion II, 1995 Southern Finance Association Meeting Sarasota, US Page, M. J., Oldfield, C. (1995). “Assessing flexible portfolio performance: The case of South African unit trusts” Presented at the17th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Finance Modeling Bergamo, Italy Page, M. J. (1995). “The number of APT factors: An assessment of the power of multivariate tests used” Presented at the17th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Finance Modeling Bergamo, Italy Affleck-Graves, J. F., Page, M. J. (1995). “The timing and subsequent performance of seasoned offerings: The case of rights issues” Presented at theVersion I, 4th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association London, England Page, M. J. (1995). “The price earnings anomaly: A comparison of CAPM and APT based benchmarks” Presented at the4th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Finance Association Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town, South Africa Page, M. J., Pitt, L. F. (1993). “Customer defections analysis and management: A graphical approach” Presented at theAmerican Marketing Association Conference Boston Page, M. J. (1993). “The robustness of multivariate techniques used in empirical research into the Arbitrage Pricing Theory” Presented at the2nd Annual Conference of the Southern African Finance Association Johannesburg, South Africa Strumpfer, D. W., Segaloe, S. S., Moloto, J., Page, M. J. (1992). “Sense of coherence as moderator of stress or strain relationships in a sample of Public servants” Presented at theInternational Conference on Social Stress Research Venice, Italy Pitt, L., Page, M. J. (1991). “The quest for zero defection: Defections analysis in services marketing” Presented at theNational Educators’ Conference Stellenbosch, South Africa Lambournce, W. E., Boshoff, A. B., Human, L., Page, M. J. (1991). “The use of scarce human resources: Socialization problems in entrants into the legal profession” Presented at theFirst Pacific Rim Conference in Resource Management Taiwan Page, M. J. (1985). “Empirical testing of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory using data from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange” Presented at theConference in Management and Economics Sciences Cape Town, South Africa Service
University Service
Committee Member for Senate Salary and Benefits Committee 2022 - PresentCommittee Member for Bentley University Senate 2018 - PresentCommittee Member for Bentley Honors Council 2019 - 2023Committee Member for Senate Planning Committee 2018 - 2022EQUIS Accreditation 2020 - 2020Task Force Member for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Task Force 2020 - 2020Professional Service
EQUIS Accreditation Application Mentor for University of Wollongong Faculty of Business and Law 2023 - PresentEditorial Review Board Member for European Management Review 2019 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for ESMT, Berlin 2018 - PresentSenior Advisor Americas for EFMD Global Network 2018 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for Kedge Business School 2015 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for Nagoya University of Commerce & Business 2014 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for Ecole des Pontes Paris Tech 2009 - PresentEditorial Review Board Member for Service Industries Journal 2007 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town 2004 - PresentEditorial Review Board Member for South African Journal of Business Management 2004 - PresentBoard of Advisors of a Company for GUTVibrations - European Commission H2020 Grant 2021 - 2025Committee Member for EFMD Global Network - Annual Meeting for the Americas 2023 - 2023Board of Advisors of a Company for Organovir - European Commission H2020 Grant 2019 - 2022Committee Member for Erasmus University Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee 2017 - 2021Board of Advisors of a Company for Erasmus Center for Women and Organisations 2014 - 2021Board of Advisors of a Company for Russian Academy for Economics and Public Administration 2015 - 2020Editor (Associate), Journal for European Management Review 2017 - 2019Board of Directors of a Company for EFMD 2011 - 2017Board of Directors of a Company for AACSB International 2011 - 2016