Mareike Möhlmann is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems (Business). Previously, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School, a teaching fellow/part-time lecturer at the London School of Economics, and a postdoc at NYU’s Stern School of Business. She holds a doctoral degree (Ph.D. equivalent) from the University of Hamburg, and an M.Sc. in Management from the London School of Economics. Before starting her career in academia she worked for the United Nations (NYC office).
Mareike serves as an Associate Editor (AE) for the European Journal for Information Systems (EJIS), on the Information Systems Research (ISR) Editorial Review Board, and JAIS Editorial Review Board. She will be track chair at the ICIS conference in 2025. In the past, she took over several service roles in the IS community, including acting as a co-mini-track chair at HICSS conferences for seven consecutive years (2019-2025). She regularly acts as an AE for IS conferences (e.g, ICIS, AOM, or ECIS), or as a mentor (at SIG DITE workshops, AOM PDWs, AIS initiatives, etc.).
Mareike is the co-chair of Bentley's AI Task Force, together with Provost Paul Tesluk and Bentley's CIO Liz Hess. She is co-organizing the MIS@Bentley research seminar. In the past, she served on the Bentley Curriculum Policy Committee and the Bentley University Shuttle Advisory Committee.
Professional Links
Awards and Honors
2024, Research Council Grant, Bentley University2024, JAIS Best Paper Runner-Up Award for 2023, JAIS2023, AIS Outreach Practice Publication Award, Assiciation for Information Systems2023, AOM CTO Division Best Paper Award in 2023, Academy of Management2023, Single author of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour's "most cited article in the last 3 years" in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, Journal of Consumer Behaviour2022, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award 2022 (university-wide award), Bentley University2022, Nomination for RRBM Award by MIS Quarterly in 2022 (only one MIS Quarterly paper nomination per annum), RRBM2022, Research Council Grant, Bentley University 2021, Bentley University FAC Grant 2021, Bentley University 2019, Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching 2018-2019 , Warwick Business School2018, WBS Dean's Certificate for Recognition of Excellent Teaching (Postgraduate) 2018 (IB9610: “Digital Marketing”), Warwick Business School 2018, WBS Dean's Certificate for Recognition of Excellent Teaching (Undergraduate) 2018 (IB 2630: “Design Thinking”), Warwick Business School 2017, Alum of the Month (May 2017), London School of Economics, Department of Management2015, Nomination for the William H. Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation , Academy of Management 2015, Research Grant (> USD 20,000) , DAAD Grant 2015, Research Grant (> USD 40,000), Fritz Thyssen Foundation2014, RESER Founders’ PhD Award for Outstanding Performance as a Young Scholar , European Ass. for Research on Services Publications
Journal Articles
Stelmaszak, M., Möhlmann, M., Sorensen, C. (2024). When Algorithms Delegate to Humans: Exploring Human-Algorithm Interaction at Uber (online first). MIS Quarterly. Teubner, T., Dann, D., Hawlitschek, F., Mohlmann, M. (2023). First vs. Lasting Impressions: How Cognitive and Affective Trust Cues Coordinate Matchmaking in Online Sharing Platforms. Group Decision and Negotiation. Bao, T., Ding, Y., Gopal, R., Mohlmann, M. (2023). Throwing Good Money After Bad: Risk Mitigation Strategies in the P2P Lending Platforms. Information Systems Frontiers. Jarrahi, M., Mohlmann, M., Lee, M. (2023). Algorithmic Management: The role of AI in Managing Workforces. MIT Sloan Managmeent Review (short/digital: April 05, 2023). Cameron , L., Lamers, L., Leicht-Deobald, U., Lutz, C., Meijerink, J., Mohlmann, M. (2023). Algorithmic Management: Its Implications for Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), (52) 518-537. Mohlmann, M., Alves de Lima Salge, C., Marabelli, M. (2023). Algorithm Sensemaking: How Platform Workers Make Sense of Algorithmic Management. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (24) 1 35-64 (awarded JAIS best runner-up paper of 2023). Benlian, A., Wiener, M., Cram, A., Krasnova, H., Maedche, A., Mohlmann, M., Recker, J., Remus, U. (2022). Algorithmic Management: Bright and Dark Sides, Practical Implications, and Research Opportunities. Business & Information Systems Engineering, (64) 825–839. Möhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L., Henfridsson, O., Gregory, R. W. (2021). Algorithmic management of work on online labor platforms: When matching meets control. MIS Quarterly, (54) 4 1999-2022. Möhlmann, M., Henfridsson, O. (2021). What people hate about being managed by algorithms. Harvard Business Review, Special Issue (short/magazine, re-print). November IssueMöhlmann, M. (2021). Subtile Kontrolle - Subtle Control. Harvard Business Manager (extended German version of the Harvard Business Review) (short/magazine, print). NovemberMöhlmann, M. (2021). Unjustified trust beliefs: Trust conflation on sharing economy platforms. Research Policy, (50) 3Möhlmann, M. (2021). Algorithmic nudges don’t have to be unethical. Harvard Business Review (digital/short: 22 April 2021). Möhlmann, M., Teubner, T. (2020). Navigating by the stars—Current challenges for ensuring trust in the sharing economy. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, (12) 2 22-27. Ozcan, P., Gurses, K., Möhlmann, M. (2020). Category kings and commoners: Within and cross-category spill-overs in the sharing economy. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, (66) 163-185. Möhlmann, M., Henfridsson, O. (2019). What People hate about being managed by an algorithm, according to a study of Uber drivers. Harvard Business Review (short/digital: 30 August 2019). Mazzella, F., Sundararajan, A., D’Espous, V., Möhlmann, M. (2016). How digital trust powers the sharing economy. IESE Insight, (30) 24-30. Möhlmann, M. (2016). Digital Trust and Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Consumption Platforms: A Mediation Analysis. ., S., Möhlmann, M. (2016). A public sector marketing model to measure the social and environmental values of public strategies – An empirical study on a green public service. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, (28) 2 85-104. Möhlmann, M. (2015). Collaborative consumption – Determinants of satisfaction and the likelihood of using a sharing economy option again. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, (14) 3 193-207. Wymer, W., Boenigk, S., Möhlmann, M. (2015). The Conceptualization of nonprofit marketing orientation – A critical reflection and contributions towards closing the practice-theory gap. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, (27) 2 117-134.
Book Chapters
Möhlmann, M., Teubner, T., Graul, A. (2019). Leveraging trust on sharing economy platforms: Reputation systems, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies In Belk, R. W., Eckhardt, G. M., Bardhi, F., (Eds.) Handbook of the Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar PublishingMöhlmann, M., Geissinger, A. (2018). Trust in the Sharing Economy: Platform-Mediated Peer Trust In Davidson, N., Infranca, J., Finck, M. , (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook on Law and Regulation of the Sharing Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Conference Proceedings
Blomqvist, K.Jarvenpaa, S.Mohlmann, M.Alarcon, G. (2024). Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Trust Research: How Context and Digital Technologies Matter Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences Proceedings, Hawaii, US. . Krishnamoorthy, C.Mohlmann, M.Henfridsson, O.Yaraghi, N. (2023). A Natural Experiment Investigating the Impact of Nudging on Filter Bubbles and Information Diversity (abstract) Proceedings of the 2023 Academy of Management Meeting. Mohlmann, M.Jarvenpaa, S.Alarcon, G.Blomqvist, K. (2023). Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Trust Research: How Context and Digital Technologies Matter Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSS, Hawaii, US. Li, J.Mohlmann, M.Marabelli, M. (2022). Using Science Fiction to Make Sense out of Potential Future Societal Impacts of New Technologies: An Innovative Technology (abstract) Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, USA. Jarvenpaa, S.Blomqvist, K.Alarcon, G.Möhlmann, M. (2022). Advances in Distrust and Trust Research: Digital Technologies in Organizations and Beyond , (Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences, Hawaii, US.) Stroppiana Tabankov, S.Möhlmann, M. (2021). Artificial Intelligence for In-flight Services: How the Lufthansa Group Managed Explainability and Accuracy Concerns (research-in-progress paper) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Möhlmann, M.Henfridsson, O. (2021). The invisible hand: Algorithmic control of YouTube producers and consumers Proceedings of the Boston University Platform Strategy Research Symposium, 16 July 2021. Stroppiana Tabankov,, S.Möhlmann, M. (2021). Tensions Interrelation Across the Implementation Stages of Business Analytics (abstract) Academy of Management (AOM). Blomqvist, K.Möhlmann, M.Jarvenpaa, S. (2021). Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Trust Research: Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSS. Möhlmann, M.Jarvenpaa, S.Blomqvist, K. (2020). Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances on Trust, Trusted Systems, and Digital Technologies Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSS. Ozcan, P.Gurses, K.Möhlmann, M. (2019). Category Kings and Commoners: Within and Across Cross-Category Spillovers in the Sharing Economy (abstract) , (Academy of Management Proceedings (AOM)) Möhlmann, M.Jarvenpaa, S. (2019). Cognitive Challenges on Digital Exchange Platforms: Exploring Misspecifications of Trust , (Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSS) Jarvenpaa, S.Möhlmann, M.Teigland, R. (2019). Minitrack: Advances in Trust, Trusted Systems, and Technology Mediated-Environments , (Hawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSS) Möhlmann, M.Zalmanson, L. (2017). Hands on the wheel: Navigating algorithmic management and Uber drivers' autonomy , ( International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)) Hawlitschek, F.Teubner, T.Adam, M.Borchers, N.Möhlmann, M.Weinhardt, C. (2016). Trust in the sharing economy: An experimental framework (research-in-progress paper) , (International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)) Möhlmann, M. (2015). Building trust in collaborative consumption services facilitated through an online platform (abstract) , (Academy of Management Proceedings (AOM)) Möhlmann, M. (2015). Collaborative consumption: Reasons for choosing a sharing economy option (abstract) , (Academy of Management Proceesings (AOM))
Krishnamoorthy, C., Mohlmann, M., Henfridsson, O., Yaraghi, N. (2023). “A Natural Experiment Investigating The Impact Of Nudging On Filter Bubbles and Information Diversity” Presented at theAcademy of Management Boston, MA, USA Mohlmann, M., Salge, C., Marabelli, M. (2022). “Algorithm Sensemaking (Poster)” Presented at the Bentley University Research Showcase and ReceptionMohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Nudging for Climate Change (Poster)” Presented at the Bentley University Research Showcase and ReceptionLi, J., Mohlmann, M., Marabelli, M. (2022). “Using Science Fiction to Make Sense out of Potential Future Societal Impacts of New Technologies (Poster)” Presented at the Bentley University Research Showcase and ReceptionMohlmann, M., Stelmaszak, M., Abbasi, A., Faraj, S., Henfridsson, O., Huysman, M., Levina, N., Saar-Tsechansky, M. (2022). “Reflections on Data, Methods, and Theory, PDW on Studying Algorithms and Management: Reflections on Data, Methods, and Theory (co-organizer with M. Stelmaszak)” Presented at theAcademy of Management, Seattle, WA, USALi, J., Mohlmann, M., Marabelli, M. (2022). “Using Science Fictions to Make Sense of Potential Future Societal Impacts of New Technologies: An Innovative Methodology” Presented at theAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Seattle, WA, USA Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at the University of Minho, Portugal International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (July 15, 2022)Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Platform Governance (panelist at PDW on Interdisciplinary Conversations on Platforms: Design, Governance, and Evolution)” Presented at theAcademy of Management, Seattle, WA, USA Seattle, WA, USA Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Platforms and algorithmic nudges: They don't need to been unethical” Presented at theSymplatform Platform Symposium Politecnico di Milano (April 01, 2022) Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at thePanel, Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Conference (February 22, 2022)Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at theInvited talk, TU Berlin (January 27, 2022)Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at theInvited talk, LMU Munich (January 19, 2022)Mohlmann, M. (2022). “Algorithmic Nudges Don't have to be unethical” Presented at theInvited talk, United Nations Roundtable (January 18, 2022)Stroppiana Tabankov, S., Möhlmann, M. (2021). “Artificial Intelligence for In-flight Services: How the Lufthansa Group Managed Explainability and Accuracy Concerns” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Möhlmann, M. (2021). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at the Public Policy Centre in Belgrade, Serbia Future of Work Möhlmann, M. (2021). “Managing with Algorithms: Algorithmic Nudging and a Call for more Ethics” Presented at the IE University Madrid, Spain, event sponsored by Facebook IE University Madrid, Spain, event sponsored by FacebookMöhlmann, M. (2021). “Algorithmic Nudging” Presented at the MKAI MKAI September AI Inclusive Forum - The Ethics and Imperative of Digital NudgingLi, L., Möhlmann, M., Marabelli, M. (2021). “AI controlling AI? A potentially dystopian view of automatic systems (Poster)” Presented at the Bentley University Bentley University Research Showcase and ReceptionMöhlmann, M. (2021). “Algorithmic management (Poster)” Presented at the Bentley University Bentley University Research Showcase and ReceptionLeicht-Deobald , U., Lutz , C., Meijerink , J., Cameron, L., Lamers, L., Newlands , G., Möhlmann, M., Donaldson , T. (2021). “Algorithmic Management: Toward a Cross-Disciplinary Research Agenda (PDW)” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM) Stroppiana Tabankov, S., Möhlmann, M. (2021). “Tensions Interrelation Across the Implementation Stages of Business Analytics” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM)Möhlmann, M., Henfridsson, O. (2021). “The invisible hand: Algorithmic control of YouTube producers and consumers” Presented at the Boston University Platform Strategy Research Symposium Boston Möhlmann, M. (2021). “Algorithmic Transparency ” Presented at theBentley University Brownbag SeminarMöhlmann, M. (2020). “Algorithmic Management – A study of Uber drivers, Symposium on the Digital Economy in Berlin” Presented at theWeizenbaum Internet Institute/TU Berlin SymposiumMohlmann, M. (2020). “Unjustified trust beliefs” Presented at theInvited Talk, University of Lucerne, SwitzerlandMöhlmann, M. (2020). “App-based surveillance – Lessons from the algorithmic management of Uber drivers” Presented at theThe Digital Infrastructure, Innovation and Economy Seminar Series London (London School of Economics)Möhlmann, M. (2020). “Unjustified trust beliefs on sharing economy platforms” Presented at theDigital Platform Business Models Seminar UIC BarcelonaMöhlmann, M. (2020). “Unjustified trust beliefs on multi-sided sharing economy platforms” Presented at theWorkshop on Trust, Blockchain, and Smart Contracts TU MunichMöhlmann, M. (2020). “Algorithmic Transparency” Presented at theInvited Talk, University of Oxford, Platfrom Seminar SeriesGeissinger, A., Laurell, C., Möhlmann, M., Öberg, C. (2019). “Collaborative economy in social media – Collective action in Sweden” Presented at the6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, UtrechtMöhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L., Henfridsson, O., Gregory, R. (2019). “Algorithmic Mangement” Presented at theInvited Talk, Bentley UniversityOzcan, P., Gurses, K., Möhlmann, M. (2019). “Category Kings and Commoners: Within and Across Cross-Category Spillovers in the Sharing Economy” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM)Möhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L., Henfridsson, O., Gregory, R. (2019). “Algorithmic Management, PDW On the "Digital Platform Economy"” Presented at theAcademy of Management, BostonMöhlmann, M., Jarvenpaa, S. (2019). “Cognitive Challenges on Digital Exchange Platforms: Exploring Misspecifications of Trust” Presented at theHawaii International Conference on Information System Sciences HICSSMöhlmann, M. (2018). “How algorithmic management unfolds across the tight- and loose-control platforms M-Turk and Uber” Presented at theReshape Work Conference, VU Amsterdam Amsterdam Möhlmann, M., Jarvenpaa, S. (2018). “Misspecifications of trust on digital exchange platforms: An agenda for future research, PDW on Trust on Digital Platforms” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM), ChicagoMöhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L., Henfridsson, O. (2018). “The Gig Economy: When algorithms manage freelance workers” Presented at the5th Intern. Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Mannheim Mannheim Möhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L., Hendfridsson, O. (2018). “Hands on the Wheel (and the app): Regaining Control in the Age of Algorithmic Management” Presented at theRepublica Berlin Berlin Möhlmann, M. (2018). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at theInvited Talk, TU BerlinMöhlmann, M. (2018). “Algorithmic Management” Presented at theInvited Talk, London School of EconomicsMöhlmann, M., Zalmanson, L. (2017). “Hands on the wheel: Navigating algorithmic management and Uber drivers' autonomy” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Seoul Möhlmann, M. (2017). “ Methodological approaches studying the sharing and gig economy” Presented at theSymposium on the Management of Work in the Sharing Economy, University of SussexMöhlmann, M. (2017). “Digital trust and peer-to-peer collaborative consumption platforms” Presented at theInvited Talk, Univerisity of CologneMöhlmann, M. (2017). “How Uber drivers regain control in the age of algorithmic management” Presented at the4th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Lund Lund Möhlmann, M. (2017). “Hands on the Wheel (and the App) – Regaining Control in the Age of Algorithmic Management” Presented at theTheorizing the Web Conference, NYU's Stern School of Business New York City Möhlmann, M., Geissinger, A. (2017). “Trust in the sharing economy” Presented at theWorkshop on the Cambridge Handbook of the Law of the Sharing Economy, Boston Boston Hawlitschek, F., Teubner, T., Adam, M., Borchers, N., Möhlmann, M., Weinhardt, C. (2016). “Trust in the sharing economy: An experimental framework” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), DublinMöhlmann, M. (2016). “Digital trust and peer-to-peer collaborative consumption platforms: A mediation analysis” Presented at theMISQE Research for Practice Workshop on the Sharing Economy (ICIS 2016 Dublin) Dublin Mohlmann, M. (2016). “Digital trust and peer-to-peer collaborative consumption platforms” Presented at theinvited Talk, Warwick University, Warwick Business School, ISM Group, UKMohlmann, M. (2016). “Digital trust and peer-to-peer collaborative consumption platforms” Presented at theInvited Talk, Vrije University of Amsterdam, KIN Research Group Netherlands Möhlmann, M. (2016). “Sharing Economy: Building Trust in P2P Online Marketplaces” Presented at theNew York Computer Science and Economics Day (NYCE) NYC Möhlmann, M. (2015). “Collaborative consumption: Trust in peer-to-peer online marketplaces (Poster)” Presented at theWorkshop on Information in Networks NYC Möhlmann, M. (2015). “Building trust in collaborative consumption services facilitated through an online platform” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM) Vancouver Möhlmann, M. (2015). “Collaborative consumption: Reasons for choosing a sharing economy option” Presented at theAcademy of Management (AOM)Möhlmann, M. (2014). “Collaborative consumption – Determinants of satisfaction and the likelihood of using a sharing option again” Presented at the24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research on Services Helsinki Möhlmann, M. (2014). “Sharing Economy alias collaborative consumption – The causality between the level of trust and intentional and actual behavior to use a sharing option” Presented at theInternational Doctoral Colloquium of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research on Services Helsinki Möhlmann, M. (2014). “Sharing Economy alias collaborative consumption – The causality between the level of trust and intentional and actual behavior to use a sharing option” Presented at the Universityof Southern Denmark International Doctoral Workshop Research Design for Causal Inference in Social SciencesMöhlmann, M. (2013). “The development of a holistic conceptual model to capture the value of public, nonprofit, and private sector collaboration” Presented at the Hartford 42th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)Service
Department Service
Co-organizing MIS@Bentley seminar series 2021 - PresentRegular Volunteering: Open Houses, Breakfast by Moonlight, etc. 2021 - PresentPhD student teaching mentor (course shadowing) 2022 - 2022Participated in Assessment of Learning (AOL) of the GB310 course - 2022PhD comprehensive exam grader and PhD student teaching evaluator 2021 - 2021University Service
Co-chair Bentley's AI Task Force (university-wide) 2023 - PresentRegular Participation in BRC Research Showcases 2021 - 2024Committee Member for Bentley University Shuttle Advisory Committee (university-wide) 2022 - 2024Committee Member for Bentley Curriculum Policy Committee Member (university-wide) 2022 - 2024Mentor (Faculty) for / Instructor / Teacher First-Year-Seminar 2021 - 2022Professional Service
Associate Editor for the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) 2024 - PresentInformation Systems Research Editorial Review Board 2023 - PresentReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for top-journals (10-15+ reviews per annum) such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Management Science, JSIS, JIS, JCB, JMS and many more 2016 - PresentEditorial Board of the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) 2023 - 2024Representative-at-Large for Academy of Management (Executive Committee, CTO Division) 2021 - 2024Conference/Workshop Track Chair for WI Conference - 2023Conference/Workshop Track Chair for (Co-Mini Track Chair) HICSS conference 2023 (Trust: How Context and and Digital Technologies Matter) - 2023Conference/Workshop Track Chair for (Co-Mini Track Chair) HICSS conference 2022 (Trust and Distrust) - 2022Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020 - 2022Committee Member for Program committee member for the Pre-ICIS workshop on the “changing nature of work” 2021 - 2022Editor (Associate), Conference for Academy of Management - 2022Editor (Associate), Conference for WI Conference 2021 - 2022Conference/Workshop Track Chair for (Co-Mini Track Chair) HICSS conference 2021 (Trust Research and AI in Organizations) 2021 - 2021Other for : Informal and formal mentoring responsibilities (e.g., ICIS paper-a-thon, AIS Chapter Germany) 2021 - 2021Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021 - 2021Task Force Member for Tentative Executive Working Group on the AIS SIG on the Changing Nature of Work 2019 - 2021Conference/Workshop Session Chair for (Co-Mini Track Chair) HICSS conference 2020 (Digital Trust Research) - 2020Editor (Associate), Conference for European Conference on Information Systems 2021 - 2020Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020 - 2020Conference/Workshop Track Chair for (Co-Mini Track Chair) HICSS conference 2019 (Advances in Trust Research) - 2019Task Force Member for (Founding Member) of the AIS SIG initiative on Digital Innovation, Transformation & Entrepreneurship - 2019Editor (Associate), Conference for Academy of Management (AOM) 2019 - 2019Editor (Associate), Conference for European Conference on Informartion Systems 2019 - 2019Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019 - 2019Committee Member for Program committee member for the Pre-ICIS workshop on the "changing nature of work" (2018, 2019) 2018 - 2019Editor (Associate), Conference for Academy of Management (AOM) 2018 - 2018Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018 - 2018Editor (Associate), Conference for The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2017 - 2017