Mark's professional interests include learning and teaching with new technologies. He is the director of the CIS Learning and Technology Sandbox ( and is a frequent speaker on teaching with AI, immersive, collaborative, and new technologies.
Mark was named a Presidential Faculty Fellow at Bentley for the year 2024-2025.
Professional Links
Professional Memberships
Association of Information Technology Professionals PresentInternational Association for the Development of the Information Society PresentInformation Systems & Computing Academic Professionals 2014 - PresentAwards and Honors
2020, Meritorious Writing Award, ISCAP2020, Bentley Innovation in Teaching Award, Bentley University2020, Best in Track Award, Online Learning Consortium Innovate! Conference2018, Meritorious Writing Award, EDSIG Conference2018, Best Paper Award, 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2017, Distinguished Paper, EDSIG Con2017, Best Paper, EDSIG Con2016, Best Case Study 2016, AITP / EDSIG / ISCAP2015, Meritorious Paper Award, EDSIGCon2014, Distinguished Writing Award, Information Systems Education Conference / AITP2013, Meritorious Writing Award, Information Systems Education Conference / AITP2012, Innovation in Teaching Award 2012, Bentley University2012, ISECON Meritorious Writing Awards 2012, Association of Information Technology Professionals2010, ISECON Distinguished Paper Award, ISECON2010, Key Note Speaker, IADIS Conference on Internet and World Wide Web2009, Distinguished Paper Award, ISECON2009, Distinguished Paper Award, ISECON2007, Bentley College Study Abroad Photo Contest, First Prize. 2007. Award given to faculty, staff, or students for photos that capture the essence of a country visited while on travel for the college.2007, Bentley Education Abroad International Photo Contest, First Place2007, ISECON Meritorious Writing Award2007, Rauch Grant2006, Bentley Innovation in Teaching Award, 2006.2006, Bentley Rauch Faculty Enrichment Fund Grant2006, Service Learning Curriculum Development Award for "The Katrina Course"2005, Bentley Faculty Publication Award2005, Bentley Innovation in Teaching Award2005, Bentley Rauch Faculty Enrichment Fund Grant2005, Information Systems Educator's Conference Meritorious Writing Award2004, Bentley Faculty Publication Award2000, Bentley Faculty Publication Award1999, Bentley College, Innovation in Teaching AwardPublications
Journal Articles
McCarron, E., Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). Digitally Prepared for Success? Technology Skills of Incoming First-Year College Students. Information Systems Education Journal, (21) 3 70. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Sultan, J., VanderClock, W. B. (2022). [PDF] from Interacting with Bloomberg Terminal from an Information Technology Perspective. ISCAP, (20) 3 27-35. (Link)Xu, J., Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). Python Programming in an IS Curriculum: Perceived Relevance and Outcomes. Information Systems Education Journal, (19) 4 37-54. Mentzer, K., Frydenberg, M. E., Yates, D. J. (2020). Teaching Applications and Implications of Blockchain via Project-Based Learning: A Case Study. Information Systems Education Journal, (18) 6 57-98. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2020). A Virtual Reality Project for Collaborative Global Learning. The Teaching Professor. (Link)Yates, D. J., Frydenberg, M. E., Waguespack, L. J., McDermott, I., OConnell, J., Chen, F., Babb, J. S. (2019). Dotting i’s and Crossing T’s: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity Course. Information Systems Education Journal, (17) 6 41-62. (Link)OConnell, J., Frydenberg, M. E. (2019). Building the Physical Web: A Campus Tour Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons. ISEDJ, (Information Systems Education Journal) v17 n5 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Xu, J. (2019). Easy as Py: A First Course in Python with a Taste of Data Analytics. Information Systems Education Journal, (17) 4 4-15. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Yates, D. J., Kukesh, J. S. (2018). Sprint, then Fly: Teaching Agile Methodologies with Paper Airplanes. Information Systems Education Journal, (16) 5 22-36. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2018). Enhancing and Transforming Global Learning Communities with Augmented Reality . Journal of Information Systems Education, (29) 1 37-44. (Link)Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2017). EXPERIENCES IN ONLINE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING WITH AUGMENTED REALITY. Central and Eastern European Online Library, (Conference proceedings of >>eLearning and SOftware for Education<<) 2017 8. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2016). Creating micro-videos to demonstrate technology learning and digital literacy. Interactive Technology and Smart Education Journal. 13:4 261-273. Frydenberg, M. E., VanderClock, W. B. (2016). Acclimating Students to Technology in the First-Year College Experience. Information Systems Education Journal. 14n1 28-34. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2016). Game Development as a Pathway to Information Technology Literacy. Information Systems Education Journal. Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). Achieving digital literacy through game development: an authentic learning experience. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, (12) 4 256-269. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). Introducing Big Data Concepts in an Introductory Technology Course. Information Systems Education Journal, (ISECON) 13 N5 12-25. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Charlebois, C., Hentschel, N. (2014). Swipe In, Tap Out: Advancing Student Entrepreneurship in the CIS Sandbox . ISEDJ, (ISECON) 12 1. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Technology Tools for Authentic Learning . NBEA (National Business Educator's Association) Business Education Forum, (67) 2Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Creating a collaborative learning community in the CIS Sandbox. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, (10) 1 49-62. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Flipping Excel. Information Systems Education Journal, (11) 1 63-73. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Miko, J. (2011). Taking it to the Top: A Lesson in Search Engine Optimization . Information Systems Education Journal, (9) 1 22-40. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2010). Two Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultures with Web-based Tools. Information Systems Education Journal, (8) 55 12. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Press, L. (2010). From Computer Literacy to Web 2.0 Literacy: Teaching and Learning Information Technology Concepts Using Web 2.0 Tools. Information Systems Education Journal, (8) 10 18. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). Principles and Pedagogy: The Two Ps of Podcasting in the Information Technology Classroom. Information Systems Education Journal, (6) 6 3-11. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). Slickr: A Multi-Tiered Web Development Capstone Project Using Databases, Web Services, and AJAX. Information Systems Education Journal, (6) 37 15. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). Using Web 2.0 Tools: Making the Internet Participatory and Dynamic. Elearning! Magazine, (6) Spring, 2008 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). Wikis as a Tool for Collaborative Course Management. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Technology, (4) 2 1690181. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). Teaching and Learning Information Technology with Mobile Devices. IADIS International Journal of Internet /WWW, (4) 2 34-45. (Link)Davi, A., Frydenberg, M. E., Gulati, G. J. (2007). Blogging Across the Disciplines: Integrating Technology to Enhance Liberal Learning. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, (3) 3 222-233. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Davi, A. (2006). Integrating Liberal Learning Principles into the Information Technology Classroom. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, (2) 3 195-204. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). Podcasting goes to college. SmartPhone and Pocket PC Magazine. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). Wearing Software Hats: Teaching Technology through Software Interactions. Information Systems Education Journal, (4) 27 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Kamis, A., Topi, H. (2005). Upgrading IT 101 with Handheld Computers. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, (16) Sept. 2005 494-516. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Richardson, C. (2005). College Students Trade Textbooks for Pocket PCs. Pocket PC Magazine. July 2005 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). Technology to Go. Higher Learning Magazine. July/August 2005 (Link)Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (). Exploring Students Cultural Experiences in an International Learning Project Using Digital Reality--Talktech. . Whewell, E., Caldwell, H., Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (). Changemakers as Digital Makers: Connecting and Co-creating . Education and Information Technologies, (Springer) Forthcoming.
Stair, R., Reynolds, G., Bryant, J., Frydenberg, M. E., Greenberg, H., Schell, G. (2020). Principles of information systems. 14Boston: Cengage Learning (Link)Clemens, B., Hooper, R., Frydenberg, M. E., Freund, S., Ruffolo, L., Ciampa, M., Campbell, J. (2019). Technology for Success. CengageFrydenberg, M. E., Vermaat, M., Seebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. (2016). Discovering Computers 2017. 736. Boston, MA: Cengage (Link)Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J., Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). Discovering Computers 2016: Tools, Apps, Devices, and the Impact of Technology. 828. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning (Link)Vermaat, M., Freund, S., Sebok, S., Campbell, J., Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). Discovering Computers 2015 Enhanced Edition. New York: CengageVermaat, M., Campbell, J., Freund, S., Frydenberg, M. E., Sebok, S. (2013). Discovering Computers 2014. Boston, MA: CengageFrydenberg, M. E., Shelly, G. (2012). Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications. Boston, MA: CengageFrydenberg, M. E., Shelly, G. (2010). Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications. 264. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning (Link)
Book Chapters
Stair, R., Reynolds, G., Frydenberg, M. E., , O. (2020). Principles of Information Systems 14th Edition In , (Eds.) . 14CenageAndone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2019). Creating Virtual Reality in a Business and Technology Educational Context In tom Dieck, M. Claudia, Jung, Timothy, (Eds.) Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: The Power of AR and VR for Business. 147-159. Springer (Link)Clemens, B., Hooper, R., Frydenberg, M. E., Freund, S., Ruffolo, L., Ciampa, M., Campbell, J. (2019). Technology for Success In , (Eds.) . Frydenberg, M. E. (2017). Effective Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Informal Learning Spaces In Graham Walton and Graham Matthews, (Eds.) Exploring Informal Learning Space in the University: Its Place in the Digital World . 208. Ashgate (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). Considering Big Data in the Business Education Curriculum In , (Eds.) NBEA Yearbook. NBEA Forthcoming.Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Aligning Open, Physical, and Virtual Spaces in the CIS Sandbox In Tobias Ley, Mart Laanpere, (Eds.) Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning. New York: Springer PublicationsFrydenberg, M. E., Miko, J. (2012). FIRST ON THE LIST: Search Engine Optimization Contests as Authentic Learning In Pedro Isaias, Dirk Ifenthaler, Kinshuk, Sampson, J. Michael G. Spector and J. Michael Spector, (Eds.) Towards Learning and Instruction in Web 3.0. Advances in Cognitive and Educational Psychology. 193-209. New York: Springer Publications (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). Teaching and Learning Information Technology through the Lens of Web 2.0 In Mark J.W. Lee (Charles Sturt University, Australia); Catherine McLoughlin (Australian Catholic University, Australia) , (Eds.) Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching . 128-148 . Hershey, PA: IGI Global (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2004). Excel Lab Exercises In Snyder, Lawrence, (Eds.) . Massachusetts: Adison WesleyFrydenberg, M. E. (2004). Using JBuilder 8 In , (Eds.) . 1000. El Granada, CA: Scott/Jones, Inc
Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). Teaching Case Alexa, Help Me Learn About the Internet of Things!Information Systems Education Journal, 2023, (21) 2 (
Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). Alexa, Teach Me About the Internet of Things!ISCAP. 8 (
Link)Mentzer, ., Frydenberg, M. E., Galante, Z. (2022). Bracketology: Predicting Winners from Music March MadnessInformation Systems Education Journal, (20) 3 (
Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Sultan, J., VanderClock, W. B. (2022). V20 N3 Pages 27-35 Jun 2022 Interacting with Bloomberg Terminal from an Information Technology PerspectiveInformation Systems Education Journal, (20) 3 (
Link)Mentzer, K., Galante, Z., Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). Bracketology: Predicting Winners from Music March MadnessISCAP, (EDSIG Conference 2021) v7 n5580 (
Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Sultan, J., VanderClock, W. B. (2021). Interacting with Bloomberg Terminal from an Information Technology Perspective ISCAP, (2021 Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference) v 7 n5608 (
Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2016). Ding Dong, You've Got Mail! A Teaching Case for the Internet of ThingsEDSIG / ISCAP, (Proceedngs of EDSIG Con) 2/4221 (
Conference Proceedings
Frydenberg, M. E.Yates, D. J.Noonan, A. (2023). Living in the Metaverse: A Multidisciplinary Course Design and Pedagogy Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference, (9) 5993 24. (Link)Mentzer, K.Frydenberg, M. E.Patterson, A. (2023). Are Tech Savvy Students Tech Literate? Digital and Data Literacy Skills of First-Year College Students ISCAP, ( Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference ) 9 5954. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E.VanderClock, W. B. (2023). Redesigning CS 100 in the Context of a Changing University Curriculum Proceedings of the ISCAP Conference, (9) 6006 17. (Link)Andone, D.Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). Students as Open Educational Resources Co-Creators in the TalkTech Project IEEE, (2023 IEEE Learning with MOOCS (LWMOOCS)) 6. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2023). Co-Creating Virtual Reality as Open Educational Resources: An Inquiry-Based Thinking Approach IEEE, (2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)) 14-18. (Link)McCarron, E.Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). What Do They Know? Digital Literacy Competencies of First-Year College Students ISCAP, (8) 5773 4091. (Link)OConnell, J.Frydenberg, M. E. (2018). Building the Physical Web: A Campus Tour Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons ISCAP, (2018 Proceedings of the EDSDIG Conference) v4 n4613 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E.Xu, J. (2018). Easy as Py: A First Course in Python with a Taste of Data Analytics ISCAP, (2018 Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference) v4 n4614 12. (Link)Syvanen, A.Frydenberg, M. E.Poutanen, J.Turunen, M.Walton, G. (2014). Interactive and Engaging Social Learning Spaces for Collaboration Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, (EdMedia 2014) Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). Student Learning in the CIS Studio Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, (EdMedia 2014) Andone, D.Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). Becoming Creative Creators: Simulating a Global Workplace using Computational Thinking Practices Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, (EdMedia 2014) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2014). TOOLBOX 2.0: WEB-BASED OER FOR CONNECTIVISM LEARNING Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association, (Elearning and Software for Education) Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Drinking from the Fire Hose: Tools for Teaching Big Data Concepts in the Introductory IT Classroom ISECON / AITP, (ISECON) Frydenberg, M. E.Ifenthaler, D. (2013). Lessons Learned from Teaching in a Flipped Classroom AECT, (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Tools for Training in a Flipped Classroom SALT, (Society for Applied Learning Technology) Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Peer Tutoring in the CIS Sandbox: Does it Work? IADIS, (IADIS MultiConference on Computer Science and Information Systems) Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). Fostering Entrepreneurship in the CIS Sandbox Information Systems Education Journal, (11) 3 35-41. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2012). Flipping Excel AITP, (29) 1914 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2012). Creating a Collaborative Learning Community in the CIS Sandbox Proceedings of the IADIS Multi-Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. 7. Frydenberg, M. E. (2012). Creating a Collaborative Learning Community in the CIS Sandbox IADIS, (IADIS E-Learning Conference 2012) Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). The Silver Lining: A Teaching Case Using Google Docs to Illustrate Cloud Computing Concepts Association of Information Technology Professionals , (Information Systems Educators' Conference) Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). Welcome to Class! Please Take out your Cell Phones! SALT, (Society for Applied Learning Technology Interactive Technologies Conference) Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). Welcome to Class! Please Take out your Cell Phones! Campus Technology, (Campus Technology Conference) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2011). Who Are These People, And How Do We Work Together? Creating An Environment For Global Collaboration With Information And Communication Technologies IADIS , (Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Systems) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2011). Across Continents: Using Web Based Collaboration Tools for Learning IEEE, (International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2011). Learning for 21st Century Skills IEEE, (International Conference on Information Society) Frydenberg, M. E.Miko, J. (2010). SEO Contests as Authentic Learning IADIS, (Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in a Digital Age) Frydenberg, M. E.Miko, J. (2010). Taking it to the Top: A Lesson in Search Engine Optimization AITP, (Information Systems Educators' Conference) Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). Keeping Up with Technology Society for Applied Learning and Technology, (Society for Applied Learning and Technology Interactive Technologies Conference) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2009). Engaging Digital Students in Global Learning: A Conversation in Multimedia, Technology, and Culture , (IADIS International Conference: e-Learning 2009) Frydenberg, M. E.Press, L. (2009). From Computer Literacy to Web 2.0 Literacy: Teaching IT Concepts with Web 2.0 Tools , (Information Systems Education Conference) Andone, D.Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). One idea, One Ocean, Two Countries and Tens of Students... the Implications of Virtual Mobilities , (IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in a Digital Age) Frydenberg, M. E.Andone, D. (2009). Two Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultureswith Web-Based Tools , (Information Systems Education Conference) Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). Programming Without Programming: Learning Mashups and Web 2.0 in the Information Technology Classroom , (IADIS E-Learning) Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). Slickr: A Capstone Web Develoment Project using ASP.NET, Web Services, and AJAX , (ISECON) Chan, A.Frydenberg, M. E.Lee, M. (2007). Facilitating Cross-Cultural Learning through Collaborative SkypeCasting , (ACM SIGITE) Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). Creating Learning Spaces for Mobile Devices in the Information Technology Classroom , (IADIS International Conference: Mobile Learning 2006) Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). Wearing Software Hats: Teaching Introductory Technology Through Software Interactions , (ISECON)
Conference Papers
Frydenberg, M. E., Ohri, S. (2023). Designing a Metaverse for an Immersive Learning Experience, 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23). 1139. (Link) Forthcoming.Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). Developing Digital Competencies and Future Skills: An International Project-Based Learning through Open Virtual Mobilities in Pandemic TimesIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. 30-32. Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). CREATING A MULTI-ACCESS LEARNING COMMUNITY IN THE CIS SANDBOXIATED. 10195-10201. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2021). Converging Digital Literacy through Virtual RealityIEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 7. (Link)Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). Adapting Project-Based Learning through Virtual Mobilities in Pandemic Times-TalkTech Project RevisitedIEEE, 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT),. 3. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Mentzer, K., , . (2020). From Engagement to Empowerment: Project-Based Learning in Python Coding CourseInformation Systems & Computing Academic Professionals, EDSIG Conference. 2473 16. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2019). Exploring Students Cultural Experience in an International Learning Project using Digital Reality.EDEN. 10-18. (Link) Forthcoming.Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2019). Does Creating Shared Projects in Virtual Reality Capture Students’ Interest in Technology? An International Project in STEM Education.IEEE. 311-315. Frydenberg, M. E., Lorenz, B. (2019). Lizards in the Street! Introducing Cybersecurity Awareness in a Digital Literacy Context ISCAP , 5. 4936 13. (Link)Mentzer, K., Frydenberg, M. E., Yates, D. J. (2019). Teaching Applications and Implications of Blockchain via Project-Based Learning: A Case StudyEDSIG, EDSIGCon Proceedings. (Link)Yates, D. J., Frydenberg, M. E., Waguespack, L. J., McDermott, I., OConnell, J., Chen, F., Babb, J. (2018). Dotting i's and Crossing T's: Integrating Breadth and Depth in an Undergraduate Cybersecurity CourseISEDJ, 2018 Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference. v4 n4654 21. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2018). Creating Virtual Reality Artefacts to Enhance and Transform Digital LearningAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE),, Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology . 1543-1552. (Link)Andone, D., Vert, S., Frydenberg, M. E., Vasiu, R. (2018). Open Virtual Reality Project to Improve Students' SkillsIEEE, 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) . (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2017). Enhancing and Transforming Global Learning Communities with Augmented Reality ISCAP, 2017 Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference. v3 n4335 (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Yates, D. J., Kukesh, J. S. (2017). Sprint, then Fly: Teaching Agile Methodologies with Paper AirplanesEDSIG, EDSIGCon Proceedings. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2017). Collaborative Learning about Augmented Reality from Technology and Business PerspectivesIEEE Xplore Digital Library, Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on. Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2017). EXPERIENCES IN ONLINE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING WITH AUGMENTED REALITY, The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education; . 2 239-246. Frydenberg, M. E. (2016). Creating Games as Authentic Learning in the Information Technology ClassroomInternational Association for the Development of the Information Society, IADIS 9th International Conference on e-Learning. Andone, ., Frydenberg, M. E. (2016). Enhancing Creativity and Opening Up Learning Through Virtual MobilitiesEuropean Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), EDEN 25th Annual Conference. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., VanderClock, W. B. (2015). Acclimating Students to Technology in the First-Year College Experience, EDSIGCon Proceedings. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). Game Development as a Pathway to Information Technology LiteracyEDSIG, EDSIGCon Proceedings. (Link)Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2015). Social Media, Online Collaboration, and Mobile Devices: Tools for Demonstrating Digital LiteracyAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 . 6-15. (Link)Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (). Co-creating with TalkTech: Developing Attributes through International Digital Collaborative ProjectsIEEE, EDUCON2021 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. Forthcoming.
Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). MySchoolAppMicrosoft Corporation . (Link)Presentations
Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). “Metaverse in Higher Ed” Presented at theEdTechWorldForum London Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). “Meet me in the metaverse” Presented at the International Association for eScience – IAFeS IAFES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NETTIES DIGITAL CULTURE AND HERITAGE Timisoara Romania CICCHETTI, C., Raman, K., Garfield, M. J., Aljanaideh, A., Frydenberg, M. E. (2023). “FinTech and ChatGPT Hack-Fest 2023” Presented at the Lab for Economics, Accounting and Finance & CIS Sandbox Hackathon Bentley University Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). “Multi-Access Learning for Student Engagement” Presented at the TESUMMIT Teaching and Education Summit Virtual VanderClock, W. B., Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). “Redesigning CIS 100: Solving Business Problems with Information Technology: A Project-Based Learning Approach ” Presented at the Bentley University ISCAP (EDSIG) Clearwater Beach, Florida Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). “Creating a Multi Access Learning Community in the CIS Sandbox” Presented at the IATED EDU Learn 22 Mallorca Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). “Developing Digital Competencies and Future Skills: An International Project-Based Learning through Open Virtual Mobilities in Pandemic Times” Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE) Bucharest and online Frydenberg, M. E. (2022). “Multi-access Learning in the CIS Sandbox ” Presented at the Duke University Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium 2022 viutual Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). “CARRYING IT FORWARD: INNOVATIONS FROM MOVING A LEARNING SPACE ONLINE DURING THE PANDEMIC” Presented at the EdTech World Forum EdTech World Forum London (Virtural) Frydenberg, M. E., Merritt, D. (2021). “On the Rebound: Innovations from Two Learning Sandboxes During the Pandemic” Presented at the EDUCause EDUCause Philadelphia Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). “Bring Active Learning to Your Classroom!” Presented at the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs 7th International Conference on Innovation in Education” Greece Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D., Whewell, E., Caldwell, H. (2021). “ENHANCING DIGITAL COMPETENCES WITH CO-CREATION” Presented at the EDULearn 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Virtual Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2021). “Co-creating with TalkTech: Developing attributes through international digital collaborative projects” Presented at the IEEE EDUCON Global Engineering Education Conference Vienna Austria and Virtual Frydenberg, M. E., Mentzer, K. (2020). “From Engagement to Empowerment: Project-Based Learning in Python Coding Courses” Presented at the ISCAP EDSIGCon virtual Xu, J., Frydenberg, M. E. (2020). “Python Programming in an IS Curriculum: Perceived Relevance and Outcomes” Presented at theEDSIG Conference Virtual Frydenberg, M. E., Caspar, S. (2020). “Exploring Cultures through Immersive Technologies” Presented at the EDUCAUSE EDUCAUSE Annual Conference virtual Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2020). “Extending Global Learning Through Virtual Reality and Virtual Mobility” Presented at the Association of American Colleges & Universities AACU Global Learning Conference virtual Frydenberg, M. E. (2020). “Bridging Cultures: Creating Virtual And Augmented Reality For Global Collaborative Learning” Presented at the Online Learning Consortium OLC Innovate virtual Frydenberg, M. E. (2020). “Engaging students through technology – what works from the teacher’s perspective?” Presented at the Future EdTech Future EdTech London Frydenberg, M. E., Olmstead, M., Kiezbrink, K., Golanowska, J. (2020). “ Harnessing technology to support graduate employability” Presented at the Future EdTech Future EdTech London Frydenberg, M. E., Leary, R., Gore, J., Cortuk, F., Scott, J. (2020). “How is student experience changing during COVID-19 outbreak?” Presented at the Future EdTech Future EdTech London Frydenberg, M. E., Caldwell, H. (2020). “Artificial realities for connecting classrooms” Presented at the Technology & Pedagogy Education Association British Educational Technology and Teaching (Bett) London Frydenberg, M. E. (2019). “What Can You Do With Code?” Presented at the Waltham High School Waltham High School Computer Science Conference Waltham Frydenberg, M. E., Kanabar, V., Musserian, L., Rajagopalan, S., Sieverts, L. (2019). “Where does Agile Fit in Collegiate Education?” Presented at the University of New Hampshire Agile Summit Durham,, NH Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2018). “TalkTech at Ten” Presented at the University Politehnica of Timisoara International Conference on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe Timisoara, Romania Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2018). “TalkTech at Ten” Presented at the University Politehnica of Timisoara International eLearning Conference in Central and Eastern Europe Timisoara, Romania Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E., Vert, S., Vasiu, R. (2018). “Open Virtual Reality Project to Improve Students’ Skills” Presented at the IEEE 2018 IEEE Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies Mumbai Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2017). “Going Global: Augmented and Virtual Reality” Presented at the British Council Going Global 2017 London Frydenberg, M. E., Caldwell, H. (2017). “BYOD: Bring your own device and the seamless transition from informal to formal learning using mobile technology” Presented at the BETT British Educational Technology and Teaching Conference London Frydenberg, M. E., Sutch, L. (2016). “How to Spruce Up Your Computer Lab without breaking your budget” Presented at theCampus Technology Conference Boston MA Frydenberg, M. E. (2016). “From Tech Savvy to Digitally Literate: Apps and Activities for Social Learning” Presented at the NJEdge New Jersey Research and Education Network Summer Luncheon Long Branch, New Jersey Frydenberg, M. E., Wheeler, S., Klappa, P. (2016). “Assessing the effectiveness of social media: Successes and Pitfalls” Presented at the BETT British Educational Technology and Teaching Conference London Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2016). “TalkTech: An Exploration of Technology Trends, Digital Media, and Culture across Continents Read more:” Presented at the BETT British Educational Technology and Teaching Conference London VanderClock, B., Frydenberg, M. (2015). “Acclimating Students to Technology in the First-Year College Experience” Presented at the AITP Education Special Interest Group EDSIGCon/CONISAR Wilmington, NC Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). “Creating Games as Authentic Learning in the Information Technology Classroom” Presented at the IADIS MultiConference on Computer Science and Information Systems (E-Learning Conference) Gran Canaria, Spain Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2015). “Social Media, Online Collaboration, and Mobile Devices: Tools for Demonstrating Digital Literacy” Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 Montreal Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). “International Virtual Mobilities for Opening up Education” Presented at the European Distance and E-Learning Network EDEN Annual Conference Barcelona Frydenberg, M. E. (2015). “Considering Big Data in the Business Education Curriculum” Presented at the NBEA National Business Education Association Chicago Frydenberg, M. E., Amer, B. (2015). “Tweet Me If You Can: Teaching Teachers about Social Media” Presented at the Cengage Cengage Conference Phoenix Frydenberg, M. E., Syvannen, A., Walton, G. (2015). “Maximising technology rich informal, social learning spaces (SLS) in higher education: An international exploration of good practice Read more:” Presented at the BETT British Educational Technology and Teaching Conference London Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). “Considering Big Data in the IT Curriculum” Presented at the Bentley Bentley Research Colloquium Waltham Nichols, R., Aslinger, B. S., Haughton, D. M., Frydenberg, M. E., Gulati, G. J. (2014). Presented at the Valente Center for Arts and Sciences 25th Anniversary of the Web Bentley University Syvanen, A., Frydenberg, M. E., Poutanen, J., Turunen, M., Walton, G. (2014). “Interactive and Engaging Social Learning Spaces for Collaboration” Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education EdMedia 2014 Tampere, FI Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). “Student Learning in the CIS Studio” Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education EdMedia 2014 Tampere, FI Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2014). “Becoming Creative Creators: Simulating a Global Workplace using Computational Thinking Practices” Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education EdMedia 2014 Tampere, FI Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2014). “TOOLBOX 2.0: WEB-BASED OER FOR CONNECTIVISM LEARNING” Presented at the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association Elearning and Software for Education Bucharest Frydenberg, M. E., Charlebois, C., Hentschel, N. (2013). “Swipe In, Tap Out: Advancing Student Entrepreneurship in the CIS Sandbox ” Presented at the ISECON / AITP ISECON San Antonio Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). “Drinking from the Fire Hose: Tools for Teaching Big Data Concepts in the Introductory IT Classroom” Presented at the ISECON / AITP ISECON San Antonio Frydenberg, M. E., Ifenthaler, D. (2013). “Lessons Learned from Teaching in a Flipped Classroom” Presented at the AECT Association for Educational Communications and Technology Anaheim, CA Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). “Tools for Training in a Flipped Classroom” Presented at the SALT Society for Applied Learning Technology Vienna, VA Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). “Peer Tutoring in the CIS Sandbox: Does it Work?” Presented at the IADIS IADIS MultiConference on Computer Science and Information Systems Prague Frydenberg, M. E. (2013). “Every School has a computer lab” Presented at theNew England Regional Computing Conference (NERCOMP)Frydenberg, M. E. (2012). “Creating a Collaborative Learning Community in the CIS Sandbox” Presented at the IADIS IADIS E-Learning Conference 2012 Lisbon Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). “The Silver Lining: A Teaching Case Using Google Docs to Illustrate Cloud Computing Concepts” Presented at the Association of Information Technology Professionals Information Systems Educators' Conference Wilmington, NC Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). “What Today's Students Think They Know about the Cloud” Presented at the Bentley Business Networks Bentley Business Networks Alumni Event Waltham MA Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). “Welcome to Class! Please Take out your Cell Phones!” Presented at the SALT Society for Applied Learning Technology Interactive Technologies Conference Reston, VA Frydenberg, M. E. (2011). “Welcome to Class! Please Take out your Cell Phones!” Presented at the Campus Technology Campus Technology Conference Boston, MA Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2011). “ Who Are These People, And How Do We Work Together? Creating An Environment For Global Collaboration With Information And Communication Technologies ” Presented at the IADIS Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Systems Rome Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2011). “Across Continents: Using Web Based Collaboration Tools for Learning” Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies Atlanta, GA Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2011). “Learning for 21st Century Skills” Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Information Society London Frydenberg, M. E., Miko, J. (2010). “SEO Contests as Authentic Learning” Presented at the IADIS Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in a Digital Age Timisoara, Romania Frydenberg, M. E., Miko, J. (2010). “Taking it to the Top: A Lesson in Search Engine Optimization” Presented at the AITP Information Systems Educators' Conference Nashville Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). “From the Information Super Highway to the Cloud (Key note presentation).” Presented at the IADIS International Conference on World Wide Web /Internet Timisoara, Romania Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). “Anti-Social Networking” Presented at the Society for Applied Learning and Technology Society for Applied Learning and Technology Interactive Technologies Conference Washington, DC Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). “Keeping Up with Technology” Presented at the Society for Applied Learning and Technology Society for Applied Learning and Technology Interactive Technologies Conference Washington, DC Aslinger, B. S., Frydenberg, M. E. (2010). “Learning and Engaging Students with Web 2.0 Tools” Presented at theNortheast Regional Computing Program Web 2.0 Tools for Promoting Multifaceted Learning Special Interest Group Norwood, MA Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “All Things Google: Using Google Tools in the Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “Engaging Millenial Students with Web 2.0 Tools” Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “I Don't Care What You Had for Lunch: Using Twitter in the Classroom” Andone, D., Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “One idea, One Ocean, Two Countries and Tens of Students... the Implications of Virtual Mobilities” Presented at theIADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in a Digital Age Rome, Italy Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2009). “Engaging Digital Students in Global Learning: A Conversation in Multimedia, Technology, and Culture” Presented at theIADIS International Conference: e-Learning 2009 Algarve, Portugal Frydenberg, M. E., Press, L. (2009). “From Computer Literacy to Web 2.0 Literacy: Teaching IT Concepts with Web 2.0 Tools” Presented at theInformation Systems Education Conference Washington, DC Frydenberg, M. E., Batson, T., Leek, E. (2009). “Panelist on Web 2.0 Tools for Educators” Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “Twitter as a Tool for Training” Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2009). “Webinar Series: Increase Student Engagement with Web 2.0 Topics” Frydenberg, M. E., Andone, D. (2009). “Two Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultureswith Web-Based Tools” Presented at theInformation Systems Education Conference Washington, DC Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Building Mashups with Popfly” Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Collaborative SkypeCasting” Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Engaging Millenial Students with Web 2.0 Tools” Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Programming Without Programming: Learning Mashups and Web 2.0 in the Information Technology Classroom” Presented at theIADIS E-Learning Amsterdam Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Mashups in the Information Technology Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2008). “Using Mashups to Teach Introductory Programming Concepts” Chan, A., Frydenberg, M. E., Lee, M. (2007). “Facilitating Cross-Cultural Learning through Collaborative SkypeCasting” Presented at theACM SIGITE Destin, FL Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). “Podcasting in the Classroom: Student-Created Media for Mobile Learning” Presented at theIADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2007 Lisbon, Portugal Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). “Keeping Students Engaged: Emerging Technologies in the Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). “Podcasting for Educators” Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). “Podcasting in the Classroom: More than Just Listening” Frydenberg, M. E. (2007). “Slickr: A Capstone Web Develoment Project using ASP.NET, Web Services, and AJAX” Presented at theISECON Pittsburgh, PA Chan, A., Frydenberg, M. E., Lee, M. (2007). “Facilitating Cross-Cultural Learning through Collaborative SkypeCasting” Presented at theACM SIGITE Destin, FL Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Emerging Technologies: RSS and Podcasting in the Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Getting Results: Strategies for Teaching with Podcasts” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Principles and Pedagogy: Two P's of Podcasting in the Information Technology Classroom” Presented at theISECON Dallas Frydenberg, M. E., Davi, W. (2006). “IT 101 and Critical Thinking: Using Technology to Integrate Liberal Learning into the Classroom” Presented at theLearning and Technology: Implications for Liberal Education and the Disciplines Seattle, WA Frydenberg, M. E., LeDoux, E. A., Rhinesmith, C. H. (2006). “Morphing From Music: iPods Enter The Classroom” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Podcasting and New Media in Education” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Podcasting for Educators at Podcamp to the Podcasting Enthusiasts” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Podcasting: Getting Results” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Technology in Your Hand: Teaching, Learning, and Managing Your Life with a Pocket PC” Frydenberg, M. E. (2006). “Creating Learning Spaces for Mobile Devices in the Information Technology Classroom” Presented at theIADIS International Conference: Mobile Learning 2006 Dublin, Ireland Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). “Bentley's Technology Intensive IT 101” Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). “Emerging Technologies and Teaching Techniques with Pocket PCs” Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). “Emerging Technoloogies and Teaching Techniques: Pocket PCs” Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). “Using Pocket PCs To Teach Introductory Technology Concepts” Frydenberg, M. E. (2005). “Wearing Software Hats: Teaching Introductory Technology Through Software Interactions” Presented at theISECON Columbus, Ohio Lucas, W. T., Frydenberg, M. E. (2000). “Enhanced Learning with Personalized Course Pages” Presented at the11th International Conference of the Information Resources Management Association Anchorage, AK Service
Department Service
Task Force Chair for Advisory Board Committee 2023 - PresentCourse Coordinator for CS 230 2020 - PresentCommittee Member for IT 101 / CS 100 Redesign 2020 - PresentCommittee Member for Hiring Committee 2015 - PresentTask Force Member for Major / Minor Fair 2014 - PresentCommittee Member for CIS Department Marketing 2013 - PresentDirector for CIS Sandbox, Director 2011 - PresentTask Force Member for Meet the Majors 2011 - PresentOther for Fulbright Scholar Program 2018 - 2018Committee Member for Grace Hopper Conference on Women and Computing - Recruitment 2016 - 2016Task Force Chair for Smith 212 Redesign Team 2013 - 2013University Service
Task Force Member for Strategic Alliances AIG 2023 - PresentCommittee Member for Falcon Discovery Seminar Faculty Advisory Committee 2022 - PresentSpecial Institutional Assignment for Academic Technology Center 2021 - PresentTask Force Member for Team BLESSED (Bentley Leaders Enriched by Spiritual Services Engaged in Dialogue) 2018 - PresentCommittee Member for Learning Center Directors 2014 - PresentStudent Organization Advisor for Bentley Student Gaming Association 2007 - PresentTask Force Member for Technology Needs Resource Planning Task Force 2023 - 2023Committee Member for Brightspace Faculty Transition 2022 - 2023Committee Chair for Remote Learning Task Force 2022 - 2023Task Force Member for Classrooms, Centers and Labs Return to Campus Subgroup 2020 - 2022Task Force Member for Bentley University Curriculum Task Force 4.0 2019 - 2021Task Force Member for Bentley Learning and Teaching Council 2018 - 2021Committee Member for Digital Engagement Task Force 2012 - 2018Committee Member for First Year Seminar Advising Search Committee 2016 - 2016Conference/Workshop Organizer for Office of Academic Services - 2016Committee Member for Bentley Spiritual Life Advisory Board 2005 - 2015Blogger for Bentley IMPACT Blog 2012 - 2013Committee Member for Bentley Technology Committee 2012 - 2013Committee Member for NEASC Accreditation Committee 2012 - 2012Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article for ISEDJ Editorial Board 2017 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for Journal of InteractiveTechnology and Smart Education 2017 - PresentReviewer, Conference Paper for EDSIG 2015 - PresentReviewer, Conference Paper for International Conference on Higher Education Advances 2015 - PresentReviewer, Grant Proposal for NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES 2010 - PresentReviewer, Grant Proposal for NASA 2018 - 2019Advisor for JDRF Boston (formerly Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 2008 - 2019Editorial Review Board Member for Campus Technology 2018 - 2018Advisory Committee for Campus Technology 2013 - 2018Editorial Review Board Member for MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 2008 - 2016Guest for Mass TLC - 2016Invited Lecture/Presentation for University "Politehnica" of Timisoara - 2016Editorial Review Board Member for Transactions on Learning Technologies 2012 - 2015Reviewer, Conference Paper for ISECON 2007 - 2015Reviewer, Conference Paper for HICCS 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Grant Proposal for Center for Disease Control 2013 - 2013