Linda F. Edelman is the Rhodes Professor of Management. Her research examines small firms, women, and nascent entrepreneurs. She has published in many of the top journals in her area, serves on four editorial boards and is the co-author of four books. She teaches strategic management and innovation to all level of students and to executives.
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management PresentStrategic Management Society PresentAwards and Honors
2021, Rhodes Professor of Management, Bentley University2021, Excellence in Scholarship, Bentley University2020, Top 100 reviewers of 2020, Journal of Small Business Management,2020, 2020 International Management Division, Best Paper on Emerging Market Award Finalist, Academy of Management Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada/Virtual online2019, Outstanding Author Contribution Winner, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence -2018, Best Paper, STEP Conference2018, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award, Bentley University2018, Best Paper, Academy of Management2018, Outstanding Reviewer, Academy of Management2018, Showcase Symposium, Academy of Management2017, Best Paper Award - nominated , Diana International Research Conference2017, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, Emerald Publisher2015, 2015 Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence, Emerald Publisher2004, Best Paper Award Institute for Behavioral and Applied ManagementPublications
Journal Articles
Donnelly, R., Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2024). Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and Foreign Market Entry. Journal of International Business Studies, (55) 2 194-211. (Link)Fedorenko,, i., Berthon, P., Edelman, L. F. (2023). Top secret: Integrating 20 years of research on secrecy. Technovation. Brush, C. G., Eddleston, K., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., McAdam, M., Rossi-Lamastra, . (2022). Catalyzing Change: Innovation in Women's Entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, (16) 2 243-254. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Chow, C. M. (2021). Signal Configurations: Exploring Set-Theoretic Relationships in Angel Investing. Journal of Business Venturing, (36) 2 106086. (Link)Gimenez Jimenez,, D., Edelman, L. F., Minola, T., Calabrò, A. (2020). An Intergeneration Solidarity Perspective on Succession Intentions in Family Firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Gimenez Jimenez, D., Edelman, L. F., Calabrò, A., Dawson, A. (2020). Women Entrepreneurs’ Progress in the Venturing Process: The Impact of Risk Aversion and Culture. Small Business Economics, Special Issue: Women’s Entrepreneurship and Culture.. Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Elam, A. (2020). Pivoting to Stay the Course: How Women Entrepreneurs Take Advantage of Opportunities Created by the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Small Business Journal, (38) 6 481-491. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G., Tsukanova, T. (2020). Context Matters: The Importance of University and Family for Young Nascent Entrepreneurs. Russian Management Journal, (18) 2 127-154. Fedorenko, I., Berthon, P., Edelman, L. F. (2020). Hide and uncover: The use of secrets in marketing,. Journal of Marketing Management. Hechavarria, , D., Brush, C., Bullough, A., Edelman, L. F. (2019). High Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship: Fueling Social and Economic Development,. Journal of Small Business Management. 57:1, 5-13. Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Manolova, T. S., Welter, F. (2019). A Gendered Look at Entrepreneurship Ecosystems. Small Business Economics, (53) 2 393-408. Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Shirokova, G., Tsukanova, T. (2019). Youth Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Can Family Support Help Navigate Institutional Voids?. Journal of East-West Business, (25) 4 363-395. (Link)Bogatyreva, K., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Osiyevskyy, O., Shirokova, G. (2019). When Do Entrepreneurial Intentions Lead to Actions? The Role of National Culture. Journal of Business Research, (96) 309-321. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Donnelly, R., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2018). Gender Stereotypes in the Angel Investment Process. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, (10) 2 134-157. Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2018). Business Group Effects on the R&D Intensity-Internationalization Relationship: Empirical Evidence from India. Journal of World Business, (53) 2 104-117. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Fink, R., Hatten, K., James, W., Keeler, J. (2017). Relational focus in long duration buyer-seller relationships. International Journal of Management and Decision Making. Randall, C., Edelman, L. F., Galliers, R. (2017). Ambidexterity lost? Promising innovation and the exploration/exploitation plan. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, (28) 1 1-16. Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2016). Human Capital and SME Internationalization: Empirical Evidence from Belgium. International Small Business Journal, (34) 6 818-837. (Link)Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2016). Human Capital and SME Internationalization: Empirical Evidence from Belgium. International Small Business Journal. 34(5) 818-837. Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G., Tsukanova, T. (2016). The impact of family support on young nascent entrepreneurs’ start-up activities. Journal of Business Venturing. 31, 4 365-484. Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2016). The Human Factor: Investments in Employee Human Capital, Productivity, and SME Internationalization. Journal of International Management, (22) 4 351-364. (Link)Jurgens, M., Berthon, P., Edleman, L. (2016). Social Media Revolutions: The Influence Of Secondary Stakeholders. Business Horizons, (59) 2 129–136. Edelman, L. F., Walters, L., Hatten, K. (2016). Early entry, capabilities and shakeout in the U.S. brewing industry. Management History. 22,1 24-49. Walter, L., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K. (2014). The US Brewing Industry, Strategic Windows and Survival. Journal of Management History, (20) 4 434-458. Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Rotefoss, B. (2012). Properties of Emerging Organizations: Empirical Evidence from Norway. Small Business Economics, (39) 3 763-781. (Link)Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2012). Ready for funding? Growth-oriented ventures and the pursuit of angel financing.. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance , (14) 2-3 111-129. Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2012). Ready for funding? Entrepreneurial Ventures and the Pursuit of Angel Financing. Venture Capital, (14) 2-3 111-129. (Link)Manolova, T. S., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Shaver, K. (2012). Entrepreneurial expectancies and growth intentions of US women and men nascent entrepreneurs,. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Special Issue on Female Entrepreneurship , (24) 1-2 7-27. Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Shaver, K. G. (2012). One Size Does Not Fit All: Entrepreneurial Expectancies and Growth Intentions of US Women and Men Nascent Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, (24) 1-2 7-27. (Link)Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2011). Initial resource assembly in new ventures: Does location matter?. Psicothema, (23) 3 439-445. Edelman, L. F., Yli-Renko, H. (2010). The impact of environment and entrepreneurial perceptions on venture creation efforts: Bridging the discovery and creation views of entrepreneurship, . Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (34) 5 833-856. Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S., Greene, P. G. (2010). Start-up Motivations and Growth Intentions of Minority Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management, (48) 2 174-196. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Manolova, T. S. (2008). Entrepreneurship Education: Correspondence between Practices of Nascent Entrepreneurs and Textbook Prescriptions for Success. Academy of Management Learning and Education, (7) 1 56-70. Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2008). Properties of Emerging Organizations: An Empirical Test. Journal of Business Venturing, (23) 5 547-566. Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. (2008). Separated by a common language? Entrepreneurship research across the Atlantic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (32) 2 249-266. Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2008). The effects of initial location, aspirations, and resources on likelihood of first sale in nascent firms. Journal of Small Business Management, (46) 2 159-182. Newell, S. M., Edelman, L. F. (2008). Developing a Dynamic Project Learning and Cross-Project Learning Capability: Synthesizing Two Perspectives. Information Systems Journal, (18) 6 567-591. Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2008). Properties of Emerging Organizations: An Empirical Test. Journal of Business Venturing, (23) 5 547-566. (Link)Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2008). The Effects of Initial Location, Aspirations, and Resources on Likelihood of First Sale in Nascent Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, (46) 2 159-182. (Link)Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2008). Separated by a Common Language? Entrepreneurship Research across the Atlantic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (32) 2 249-266. (Link)Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2008). What do women entrepreneurs want?. Strategic Change Journal, (17) 3-4 69-82. (Link)Fink, ., Hatten, ., Edelman, L. F. (2007). Supplier performance improvements in relational exchanges. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Fink, R., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K., James, W. (2006). Relational Exchange Strategies, Performance, Uncertainty and Knowledge. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, (14) 2 139-153. Newell, S. M., Laurent, S., Edelman, L. F., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J., Bresnen, M. (2006). Sharing Learning Across Projects: Limits to Current Best Practice Initiatives. Management Learning. Fink, R., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K., James, W. (2006). Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Dependency and Customer-Supplier Relationships. Industrial and Corporate Change. Newell, S. M., Cooprider, J. G., David, G. C., Edelman, L. F., Logan, T. (2005). Analyzing Different Strategies to Enterprise System Adoption: Reengineering-led versus Quick Deployment. International Journal Enterprise Information Systems. Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2005). Co-Alignment In The Resource-Performance Relationship: Strategy As Mediator. Journal of Business Venturing, (20) 3 359-383. Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2005). Exploring social capital in the construction firm. Building Research and Information, (33) 3 235-244. Edelman, L. F. (2005). Burn Your Business Plan: What Investors Really Want From Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Learning and Education. Edelman, L. F., Friga, P. N., Mishina, Y., Yli-Renko, H. (2004). Is What You See What You Get? The Impact of Entrepreneurial Cognition and Resource Accumulation on New Venture Creation. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship: Proceedings of the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Scarbrough, H., Swan, J., Laurent, S., Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M. (2004). Project-based learning and the role of learning boundaries. Organization Studies, (25) 9 1579-1600. Fink, R., Edelman, L. F. (2004). Resource Dependency Theory and Customer-Supplier Relationships. 2004 Proceedings of the Conference of the Institute of Applied Behavioral Management. Fink, R., Hatten, K. J., James, W., Edelman, L. F. (2004). Supplier Performance Improvements in Relational Exchanges. Northeast Business and Economics Conference Proceedings. Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2004). The Benefits and Pitfalls of Social Capital: Empirical Evidence from Two Organizations in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Management, (15) 59-69. Scarbrough, H., Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Swan, J. (2004). The processes of project-based learning: An exploratory study. Management Learning, (35) 4 491-506. Newell, S. M., Edelman, L. F., Scarbrough, H., Swan, H., Bresnen, M. (2003). Best practice development and transfer in the NHS: the importance of process as well as product knowledge. Journal of Health Services Management, (16) 1-12. Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2003). Social practices and the management of knowledge in project environments. International Journal of Project Management, (21) 157-166. Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2002). Knowledge Management for Project-Based Learning Construction. Construction Innovation and Global Competitveness. 172-85. Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2002). The impact of human and organizational resources on small firm strategy. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, (9) 3 236-244. Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2002). The Impact of Resources on Small Firm Internationalization. Journal of Small Business Strategy, (13) 1 1-17. Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Greene, P. G. (2002). Internationalization of Small Firms: Personal Factors Revisited. International Small Business Journal, (20) 1 9-31. (Link)Edelman, L. F. (2001). Building the Flexible Firm: How to Remain Competitive. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, (13) 1Manolova, T. S., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Greene, P. (2001). Internationalization of small firms: Personal factors . International Small Business Journal. Edelman, L. F., Benning, A. (1999). Incremental Revolution: Organizational Change in Highly Turbulent Environments. Organization Development Journal. Edelman, L. F. (1998). Active Learning in the Classroom: Emphasizing the Human and Cultural Environment of International Business. Eastern Academy of Management Conference Proceedings. Brush, C. G., Greene, P. G., Hart, M. M., Edelman, L. F. (1997). Resource Configurations Over the Life Cycle of New Ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Edelman, L. F. (1994). The Unbounded Mind: Breaking the Chains of Traditional Business. Business and Society.
Bullough, A., Hechavarria, D., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F. (2019). Programs Policies and Practices around High-Growth Women’s Entrepreneurship, . Cheltenham, UK: Edward ElgarEdelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2017). Angel Investing: A Literature Review, (13) 4-5 265-439. now publishers (Link)Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Robb, A., Welter, F. (2017). Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women's Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar PublishingBelyaeva, T. V., Bogatyreva, K. A., Knatko, D. M., Laskovaya, A. K., Manolova, T. S., Morris, M. H., Osiyevskyy, O. V., Tsukanova, T. V., Shirokova, G. V., Edelman, L. F. (2016). Факторы Формирования Предпринимательской Активности Студентов (The Antecedents of Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing
Book Chapters
Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Latham, S., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Latham, S. (2025). Measuring Progress in Entrepreneurship Research In , (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Second Edition. 105-137. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Link)Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2022). Innovation and Internationalization in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Moderating Role of Ownership Structures In , (Eds.) Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business. 210-238. Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2020). Too Much of a Good Thing? Employee Human Capital and the Accelerated Internationalization of Belgian Small and Medium-Sized Companies In Ramadani, V., Palalic, R., Dana, L.-P., Krueger, N., & Kaputo, A., (Eds.) Organizational Mindset of Entrepreneurship: Co-Creation Pathways of Structural Change and Innovation. 25-51. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Link)Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Alkhurafi, N. (2018). The labyrinth of women’s entrepreneurship In , (Eds.) Time for Solutions: Addressing Gender Barriers in the Workplace. Greenleaf PublishingManolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Robb, A., Welter, F. (2017). Introduction In T. S. Manolova, C. G. Brush, L. F. Edelman, A. Robb, & F. Welter, (Eds.) Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women's Entrepreneurship. 3-15. Edward Elgar PublishingEdelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2017). U.S. Women Entrepreneurs and Their Access to Early Stage Financing In , (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship. 116-131. London: Routledge Publishing (Link)Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2016). The Consequences of De-Internationalization: Empirical Evidence from Belgium In Devinney, T.M., Markman, G., Pedersen, T., & Tihanyi, L., (Eds.) . 45-66. Emerald Group PublishingEdelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2015). Readiness for funding: The influence of entrepreneurial team diversity, In , (Eds.) International Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance. 147-165. Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2015). Readiness for Funding: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Team Diversity In , (Eds.) Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing (Link)Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2015). Business Group Effects on the Innovation-Internationalization Relationship: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector In , (Eds.) Advances in International Management, Vol. 28: Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises. 379-402. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd. (Link)Edelman, L. F., Randall, C., Galliers, R. D. (2014). Losing balance: Tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation innovation In , (Eds.) Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy, Volume 14. Emerald GroupEdelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2014). Size and Growth Rate of Women-Owned Businesses in the United States In Kelly, L., (Eds.) Women Entrepreneurship: New Management and Leadership Models. 69-95. Westport, CT.: Praeger PublishersEdelman, L. F., Yli-Renko, H. (2013). The impact of environment and entrepreneurial perceptions on venture creation efforts: Bridging the discovery and creation views of entrepreneurship In Kurayko, D.F. and Morris, M.H, (Eds.) Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2011). Entrepreneurship Education: Correspondence between Practices of Nascent Entrepreneurs and Textbook Prescriptions for Success, In Davidsson, P, Gordon, S.R. and Bergmann, H, (Eds.) Nascent Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2011). Properties of Emerging Organizations: An Empirical Test In Davidsson, P, Gordon, S.R. and Bergmann, H, (Eds.) Nascent Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., C.G., B., Rotefoss, B. (2010). The USA and Norway: Empirical Evidence on Properties of Emerging Organizations In C.G. Brush, L. Kolvereid, O. Widding, R. Sorheim, E. Bullvaag, (Eds.) The Life Cycle of New Ventures: Emergence, Newness, and Growth. Cheltenham, UK:: Edward ElgarManolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Rotefoss, B. (2010). The USA and Norway: Empirical Evidence on Properties of Emerging Organizations In , (Eds.) The Life Cycle of New Ventures. Edward Elgar Publishing (Link)Manolova, T. S., Brush, ., Edelman, L. F., Greene, . (2009). Internationalization of small companies: Personal factors revisited In McNaughton, Bell, (Eds.) Entrepreneurship and Globalization. 108-126. London: Sage PublicationEdelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2009). Nascence to newness: The influence of internal and external factors on the likelihood of first sale In Bradshaw, Maria V, Carrington, Patricia T, (Eds.) Entrepreneurship and Its Economic Significance, Behavior and Effects. 69-93. Hauppauge, NY: Nova PublishingManolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2009). Start-up activities and new firm characteristics In , (Eds.) New Firm Creation in the United States: Preliminary Explorations with the PSED II Data SEt. New York, NY: SpringerManolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2009). Start-Up Activities and New Firm Characteristics In , (Eds.) New Firm Creation in the United States. 239-259. Springer New York (Link)Edelman, L. F. (2008). Organizational Emergence: Business Start-up Issues In , (Eds.) . London: Sage PublicationsNewell, S. M., Edelman, L. F., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J., Bresnen, M. (2008). Problems in the Transfer of Best Practice Efforts: An Illustrative Case In Markus, L, Grover, V, (Eds.) . 301-316. New York: M.E. Sharpe IncNewell, S. M., Cooprider, J. G., David, G. C., Edelman, L. F., Logan, T. (2007). Analyzing different strategies to enterprise system adoption: Re-engineering-led vs. quick deployment In Gunasekaran, A, (Eds.) . 339-358. New York: IGI PublishingBresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2004). Community Perspective on Managing Knowledge in Project Environments In Love, P, Irani, Z, Fong, P, (Eds.) . London: Butterworth HeinemannBresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2004). Exploring the Darker Side of Social Capital In the Context of Project Based Learning In Huysman, M, Wulf, (Eds.) . Cambridge, USA: MIT PressBrush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2000). Women Entrepreneurs: Opportunities for Database Research In , (Eds.) . Greenwich, CT USA: JAI PressNewell, S. M., Edelman, L. F., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J., Bresnen, M. (). Problems in the transfer of best practice efforts: An illustrative case In , (Eds.) . Armonk NY: M.E.Sharpe Inc Forthcoming.Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Hatten, K. J. (). Overcoming internal barriers: The mediating role of organizational culture in transfer satisfaction and team performance In Zaheer, S, (Eds.) . USA: Unknown Forthcoming.Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarborough, H., Swan, J. (). The Paradox of Social Capital, Structural, Cognitive and Relational Dimensions In , (Eds.) . USA: Strategic Management Society Forthcoming.
Conference Proceedings
Edelman, L. F.Gimenez, D.Calabrò, A.Minola, T. (2018). The impact of affective commitment and in-group-collectivism on daughters' succession intentions, Academy of Management Proceedings. (Link)Edelman, L. F.Manolova, T. S.Brush, C. G. (2018). Pathways to Leadership: Female Succession in Family Firms Babson College. Edelman, L. F.Manolova, T. S.Brush, C. (2017). Making Progress through the Angel Investment Process: The Effect of External Certification . Manolova, T. S.Edelman, L. F.Brush, C. G. (2014). Access to Early Stage Financing: The Case of the Missing Women Babson College, (Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference) Randall, C.Edelman, L. F.Galliers, R. D. (2013). "Exploration during Development: The Effects of Opportunism and Resource Dependence on Innovation" , (Academy of Management Annual Meeting) Onkelinx, J.Manolova, T. S.Edelman, L. F. (2012). The role of employee human capital in the accelerated internationalization of SMEs: Empirical evidence from Belgium Babson College. Brush, C. G.Edelman, L. F.Manolova, T. S. (2010). Ready to launch? Growth-oriented ventures and the pursuit of angel financing Babson College. Forthcoming.Brush, C. G.Edelman, L. F.Manolova, T. S. (2010). Ready to Launch? Growth-Oriented Ventures and the Pursuit of Angel Financing , (Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference) Liu, Q.Manolova, T. S.Edelman, L. F. (2009). Entrepreneurial Orientation and New Business Performance in China: The Role of Resource Endowment Babson College, (Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference,) Manolova, T. S.Edelman, L. F.Brush, C. (2008). Touched by an angel: Entrepreneurs seeking and obtaining private equity financing Western New England Law School, (Third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Community Development at the Western New England College Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship,) Manolova, T. S.Brush, C.Edelman, L. F. (2007). What do women (and men) want? Entrepreneurial expectancies of women and men entrepreneurs Babson College, Kauffman Foundation, (Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference)
Conference Papers
Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Shaver, K. (2008). One size doesn't fit all: Growth expectancies of US women and men nascent entrepreneursDiana International Research Group, Diana International Research Symposium, . Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2008). 2008 Properties of Emerging Organizations: Empirical Evidence from NorwayKauffman Foundation, 2008 Seminar on research using the Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics,.
Elam, A., Joshi, M. P., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2025). “Women Entrepreneurs in Export-Led Countries: Digitalization and the COVID-19 Shocks ” Presented at the World Trade Organization Second World Trade Congress on Gender Geneva, Switzerland Koparan, I., Aksaray, G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2024). “Executive Function and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A Multidimensional Approach” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Chicago, IL Koparan, I., Aksaray, G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2024). “Executive Function and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A Multidimensional Approach” Presented at the Irish Academy of Management Irish Academy of Management Conference Bishopstown, Ireland Edelman, L. F., Gimenez, D. (2024). “. Who Wrote the Rules of the Game? The Impact of Country Level Institutions on the Quality of Female and Male Entrepreneurial Activity” Presented at theDiana International Research Conference Stockholm, Sweden Elam, A., Joshi, M., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G. (2024). “Women Entrepreneurs in Export-Led Countries: Did Digitalization Buffer the COVID-19 Shocks? ” Presented at the Diana International Research Consortium Diana International Research Conference Stockholm, Sweden Koparan, I., Aksaray, G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2024). “Predictably Irrational? Executive Function and Entrepreneurial Action” Presented at the Academy of Management Eastern Academy of Management Providence, RI Edelman, L. F. (2023). “Gamification in Entrepreneurship” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Boston, MA Manolova, T. S., Elam, A., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F. (2023). “ Entrepreneurial Responses to COVID-19: How Helpful Was Digitization for Women-Owned Businesses? ” Presented at theDiana International Research Conference Wellesley, MA Elam, A., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2022). “Entrepreneurial Responses to COVID-19: Gender, Digitization and Adaptive Capacity ” Presented at the World Trade Organization World Trade Congress on Gender Geneva, Switzerland Koparan, I., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Chow, C. M. (2022). “The Effect of Adhering to a Healthy Lifestyle on the Venture Creation Process” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Seattle, WA 2022 Newbert, S., Edelman, L. F. (2022). “ From invisible to visible: A roadmap for entrepreneurial ecosystem research ” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Seattle, Washington Brush, C. G., Elam, A., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2022). “The COVID-19 Crisis: Adaptive Capacity, Digitization and Resilience in Small Firms” Presented at the Babson College Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference Waco, TX Elam, A., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2022). “Adaptive Capacity: Gender, Digitization and COVID-19 Impacts on Small Firms” Presented at the Diana International Research Institute Diana International Research Conference Dublin, Ireland Edelman, L. F. (2021). “Higher hurdles, and greater resilience: The paradox facing women entrepreneurs during a pandemic,” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Virtual Online Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2021). “Ladies First? An Institutional Logics Perspective on Female Succession in Family Firms” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2021). “Ladies First? An Institutional Logics Perspective on Female Succession in Family Firms” Presented at the Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg, Russia Brown Bag Research Seminar Virtual Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G. (2021). “A Strategic Reference Point Perspective on Risk Taking in Family Firms: Does the Gender of the Leader Make a Difference?” Presented at the Diana International Research Institute Diana International Research Conference Virtual Edelman, L. F., Hechavarria, ., Bullough, ., Brush, C. (2020). “ Women’s High Growth Entrepreneurship: Programs, Polices and Practices” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management online Donnelly, R., Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2020). “More Money or More People? Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and EMNE Internationalization” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management MeetingEdelman, L. F., Gimenez Jimenez, ., Andrea, ., Minola , T., Cassia, L. (2020). “An Intergenerational Solidarity Perspective on Succession in Family Firms” Presented at the International Council for Small Business, International Council for Small Business, online Gimenez Jimenez, D., Edelman, L. F., Calabrò, A., Minola , T., Cassia, , L. (2019). “Gender and Succession Intentions in Family Firms: The Mediating Role of Affective Commitment,” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Boston Gimenez Jimenez, D., Edelman, L. F., Calabrò, , A., Minola, T. (2019). “Succession Intentions in Family Firms: Does Gender Matter? ” Presented at theDiana International Research Conference Wellesley MA Gimenez Jimenez, D., Edelman, L. F., Minola , T., Calabrò, A., Cassio, L. (2019). “Entrepreneurial Exposure and Children’s Succession Intentions in Family Firms: A Gendered Perspective, ” Presented at theIFERA Italy Edelman, L. F. (2019). “ Signal Configurations: Exploring Set-theoretic Relationships in Angel Investing” Presented at the Kennesaw State University, GA Research seminar Kennesaw State University, GA Purkayastha, S., Donnelly, R., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2019). “Institutional Distance, Slack Resources, and Foreign Market Entry: Empirical Evidence from the Indian Computer Software Sector” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2019). “Signal Configurations: Exploring Set-Theoretic Relationships in Angel Investing” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2019). “Different but Equal? Exploring Gendered Set-Theoretic Configurations in Angel Investing” Presented at the Diana International Diana International Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F. (2019). “Women and Angel Financing: Insights from Academic Research” Presented at the Northeastern University The State of Women’s Advancement in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Policy: Bridging Research and Practice, Boston Minola, T., Gimenez, D., Edelman, L. F., Calabrò, A. (2018). “Succession intentions in family firms’ female offspring: The interplay of cultural and cognitive antecedents” Presented at theCognitive Perspective in Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present, and Future paris Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2018). “Organization and Management of Large-Scale Research Projects: Lessons from the panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED)” Presented at the Vladivostok Doctoral Program Vladivostok Doctoral Research Workshop Zoom Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2018). “Women and Angel Financing” Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2018). “The Influence of Family Business Practices and National Economic Context on Female Succession in Family Firms” Presented at the Global STEP Project 2nd STEP Conference Cartagena, Colombia Beliaeva, T., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. (2018). “SME Crisis Response and Performance: Empirical Evidence from Russia” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting Paris, France Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Harrison, R., Hechavarria, D., Justo , R., McAdams, M. (2018). “ A Gendered look at Entrepreneurship Ecosystems” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference, Chicago IL Edelman, L., Gimenez Jimenez, , D., Calabrò,, A., Minola, T., Cassia, L. (2018). “The impact of affective commitment and in-group-collectivism on daughters' succession intentions,” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2018). “Female Succession in Family Firms: The Effect of Family Business Practices and National Cultural Values” Presented at theDiana International Research Conference Bangkok, Thailand Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V. (2018). “Never Waste a Crisis: Performance Effects of SMEs' Crisis Response in Emerging Markets” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Waterford, Ireland Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2018). “Pathways to Leadership: Female Succession in Family Firms” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Waterford, Ireland Bogatyreva, K., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Osiyevskyy, O., Shirokova, G. (2018). “Intention-Action Gap among Student Entrepreneurs: An Institutional Perspective” Presented at the Canadian Council for SMEs and Entrepreneurship Canadian Council for SMEs and Entrepreneurship Conference Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Gimenez Jimenez, D., Calabrò, A., Edelman, L. F., Minola , T. (2017). “Institutions and Entrepreneurial Risk Taking of Family Firms: Insights from Emerging and Developing Economies" ” Presented at theG-Forum 2017 Wuppertal, Germany Bogatyreva, K. A., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Osiyevskyy , O. (2017). “Closing the Intention-Action Gap: An Institutional Perspective” Presented at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2017 RENT Conference Lund, Sweden Bogatyreva, K. A., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Osiyevskyy , O. (2017). “Closing the Intention-Action Gap: An Institutional Perspective” Presented at the GSOM, Saint Petersburg University 2017 GSOM Emerging Markets Conference Saint Petersburg, Russia Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Donnelly, R. (2017). “In the Eyes of the Beholder: Gender Stereotypes and Social Judgments in the Angel Investment Process” Presented at the Diana International Diana International Research Conference Kansas City, MO Bogatyreva, K. A., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V. (2017). “When Do Entrepreneurial Intentions Lead to Actions? The Role of National Culture” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Houston, TX Bogatyreva, K. A., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Osiyevskyy , O. (2017). “Closing the Intention-Action Gap: An Institutional Perspective” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Atlanta, GA Donnelly, R., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Buono, A. F. (2017). “The Quadruple Bottomline: The Multinationality-Performance Relationship Revisited” Presented at theAcademy of International Business Dubai Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2017). “Making Progress through the Angel Investment Process: The Effect of External Certification” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Norman, OK Edelman, L. F., Gimenez Jimenez, D., Calabrò,, A., Minola, T. (2016). “Gender and Career Choice within the Family Firm” Presented at the Diana International Research Organization Diana International Research Conference Bodo, Norway Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Donnelly, R., Brush, C. G. (2016). “Lost in Transmission: Signals and Gender Bias in the Angel Investment Process” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Berlin, Germany Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2016). “Business Group Effects on the R&D Intensity-Internationalization Relationship” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Anaheim, CA Shirokova, G. V., Manolova, T. S., Tsukanova, T. T., Edelman, L. F. (2016). “Student Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Can Family Help Overcome Institutional Voids?” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Anaheim, CA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2016). “Women Entrepreneurs Access to Early Stage Equity Financing: Opportunities and Challenges” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Anaheim, CA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2016). “Sex, Signals, and Angel Investors” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Bodo, Norway Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Shirokova, G. V., Tsukanova, T. T. (2016). “Women Nascent Entrepreneurs in Ecosystems: The Importance of University and Family” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Bodo, Norway Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2016). “Financing Innovative Women Entrepreneurs: The Role of Angel Investors” Presented at the Diana International Diana International Research Conference Bodo, Norway Edelman, L. F., Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S. (2015). “The Impact of De-Internationalization on SME Performance” Presented at the Advances in International Business Paper Development Workshop, Denver, CO. Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Tsukanova, T. V., Shirokova, G. V. (2015). “Overcoming Institutional Voids: The Impact of Family Support on Youth Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Denver, CO Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Tsukanova, T. V. (2015). “The Impact of Family Support on Young Entrepreneurs' Start-Up Activities” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Vancouver, BC Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2015). “Does Business Group Affiliation Help Translate Research Inputs into Export Expansion? Empirical Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Bangalore, India Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Tsukanova, T. V., Edelman, L. F. (2015). “Family Support and Young Entrepreneurs’ Start-Up Activities in an Emerging and Developed Economy Context: An Empirical Exploration ” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Bangalore, India Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2015). “To Pivot or Not to Pivot: Why do Nascent Ventures Change their Business Models?” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Shirokova, G. V., Tsukanova, T. V. (2015). “The Impact of Family Support on Young Female Entrepreneurs' Start-Up Activities” Presented at the Diana International Diana International Research Conference Wellesley, MA Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2014). “Setting Up a Research Agenda Based on Large-Scale Datasets” Presented at the GSOM St. Petersburg University Research Workshop St. Petersburg, Russia Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2014). “Signals of Quality: Which New Ventures Are Suitable for Funding? ” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Madrid, Spain Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2014). “Angel Financing” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Philadelphia, PA Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2014). “Business Models and Opportunity Shaping” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Philadelphia, PA Edelman, L. F., Neck, H., Corbett, A., Haynie, J., Sama, L. (2014). “Spreading the word: Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Philadelphia, PA Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2014). “Innovation and Internationalization in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Moderating Role of Ownership Structures” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Vancouver, BC Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2014). “Access to Early Stage Financing: The Case of the Missing Women” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference London, ON Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2014). “Readiness for Funding: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Team Diversity” Presented at the Diana International Diana International Research Conference Stockholm, Sweden Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2013). “Ownership Effects on the Innovation-Internationalization Relationship: A Study of the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” Presented at the Strategic Management Society SMS Special Conference on Strategic Leadership: An Emerging Market Perspective Mahali, India Purkayastha, S., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2013). “Innovation and Internationalization in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Role of Ownership Structures” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Atlanta, GA Edelman, L. F., Fink, R., Hatten, K. (2013). “Enduring Buyer-Seller Relationships” Presented at the Northeast Business and Economics Association Northeast Business and Economics Conference Bretton Woods, NH Randall, C., Edelman, L. F., Galliers, R. D. (2013). “"Exploration during Development: The Effects of Opportunism and Resource Dependence on Innovation"” Presented at theAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Orlando, FL Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2013). “Hidden Information: The Impact of Received Signals on the Continued Interest of Angel Investors” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Orlando, FL Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2013). “Broken Promises: Performance Implications of SMEs’ Export Exits” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Lyon, France Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2013). “De-Internationalization and its Consequences: Empirical Evidence from Belgium” Presented at the University of Edinburgh Business School International Workshop in International Entrepreneurship Edinburgh, UK Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2012). “Productivity and the Internationalization of Belgian SMEs: The Role of Employee Human Capital” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Boston, MA Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2012). “Signals of Quality and Intent: Which New Ventures Are Suitable for Funding” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Meeting Boston, MA Onkelinx, J., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2012). “The Role of Employee Human Capital in the Accelerated Internationalization of SMEs: Empirical Evidence from Belgium” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Fort Worth, TX Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2011). “Communicating with Angel Investors: Signaling Quality and Intent” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference Miami, FL Edelman, L. F., Bakstran, L. (2011). “The Natural Environment as a Source of Competitive Advantage” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Annual Research Conference Miami, Florida Manolova, T. S., Onkelinx, J., Edelman, L. F. (2011). “Human Capital and SME Internationalization: Empirical Evidence from Belgium” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Nagoya, Japan Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2011). “Signaling Credibility to Angel Investors” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting Nagoya, Japan Onkelinx, J., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2011). “Too Much of a Good Thing? The Role of Human Capital in SME Internationalization” Presented at the Babson College Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference Syracuse, New York Bakstran, L., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K. (2010). “The Natural Environment as a Source of Competitive Advantage in the U.S. Brewing Industry” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Montreal, QB Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2010). “Ready to Launch? Growth-Oriented Ventures and the Pursuit of Angel Financing” Presented at theBabson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Lausanne, Switzerland Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2009). “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Growth Expectancies of U.S. Women and Men Nascent Entrepreneurs” Presented at the Western New England Law School Interdisciplinary Conference, 2009: Women, Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship Springfield, MA Bakstran, L., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K. (2009). “Survival during shakeout in the U.S. brewing industry,” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Research Conference Washington, DC Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2009). “Still blinded by the cites: Has there been progress in entrepreneurship research? ” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Chicago, IL Bakstran, L., Edelman, L. F., Hatten, K. (2009). “The evolution of capabilities: strategic windows and firms survival in the U.S. brewing industry” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Chicago, IL Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2009). “Touched by an Angel” Presented at the Angel Capital Association 2009 Angel Capital Association Annual Meeting Wellesley, MA Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2009). “Properties of Emerging Organizations: The Case of "Born-Global" Ventures” Presented at the Academy of International Business Academy of International Business Meeting San Diego, CA Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Rotefoss, B. (2009). “Properties of Emerging Organizations: Empirical Evidence from Norway” Presented at theBabson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Boston, MA Liu, Q., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2009). “Entrepreneurial Orientation and New Business Performance in China: The Role of Resource Endowment” Presented at the Babson College Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Wellesley, MA Brush, C., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2009). “Touched by an Angel: Growth Oriented Firms Positioning for Angel Investment, ” Presented at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Shaver, K. (2008). “One size doesn't fit all: Growth expectancies of US women and men nascent entrepreneurs” Presented at the Diana International Research Group Diana International Research Symposium, Belfast, Ireland Manolova, T. S., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F. (2008). “Properties of Emerging Organizations: A Comparison of Two Cohorts of Nascent Entrepreneurs” Presented at the New England Statistical Association New England Statistics Symposium, Boston, MA Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2008). “2008 Properties of Emerging Organizations: Empirical Evidence from Norway” Presented at the Kauffman Foundation 2008 Seminar on research using the Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, Greenville, SC Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. (2008). “Touched by an angel: Entrepreneurs seeking and obtaining private equity financing” Presented at the Western New England Law School Third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Community Development at the Western New England College Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship, Springfield, MA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Manolova, T. (2008). “What do we know about Angel Investing: A firm perspective, ” Presented at the Boston Harbor Angel Investment Group Boston Harbor Angel Investment Group Wellesley, MA Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2008). “Show me the money or money for nothing?” Presented at the Boston Harbor Angel Group 2008 Annual Meeting Babson College, Wellesley, MA Brush, C., Manolova, T. S., Edelman, L. F. (2007). “How do we know who we are until we see what we do? A snapshot of research in entrepreneurship ” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Philadelphia, PA Manolova, T. S., Brush, C., Edelman, L. F. (2007). “What do women (and men) want? Entrepreneurial expectancies of women and men entrepreneurs” Presented at the Babson College, Kauffman Foundation Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference Madrid, Spain Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F. (2007). “One Size Does Not Fit All: Growth Expectancies of U.S. Women and Men Nascent Entrepreneurs” Presented at the Bentley College Gender Issues Across the Fields and Professions Bentley College Newell, S. M., Edelman, L. F. (2006). “Project Learning and Cross-Project Learning Transfer: A Synthesis of Two perspectives” Presented at theAOM Atlanta Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. (2006). “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Growth Expectancies of U.S Women and Men Nascent Entrepreneurs” Presented at the Kauffman Foundation 2006 Seminar on research using the Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics Greenville, SC Edelman, L. F., Brush, C., Manolova, T. S. (2006). “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Growth Expectancies of U.S Women and Men Nascent Entrepreneurs,” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference Atlanta, Georgia Newell, S. M., Edelman, L. F. (2006). “Developing dynamic project learning and cross- project learning capability: Synthesizing two perspectives” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G. (2005). “Entrepreneurial Education: Do They Practice What We Teach?” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Honolulu, Hawaii Edelman, L. F. (2005). “A Social Information Processing Approach to New Venture Creation, ” Presented at the Babson College; Kauffman Foundation Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Fink, R., Hatten, K., James, W., Edelman, L. F. (2005). “Supplier Performance Improvements in Relational Exchanges, ” Presented at theNortheast Business and Economics Conference, Newport, RI Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Laurant, S., Newell, S. M., Scarborough, H., Swan, J. (2005). “Satisfaction with Project Learning and Transfer: An Exploration of the Role of Intellectual and Social Capital, ” Presented at the IKON Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference, Boston, MA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2004). “Properties of Emerging Organizations: An Empirical Test” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference New Orleans, LA Newell, S. M., Edelman, L. F. (2004). “Cross-Project Learning: the importance of social mechanisms” Presented at theEGOS Llujbliana Cooprider, J. G., David, G. C., Edelman, L. F., Logan, T., Newell, S. M. (2004). “Exploring Successful Enterprise System Implementation” Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Laurent, S., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2004). “Shared Learning across projects” Presented at theFifth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities Insbruck, Austria Fink, R., Edelman, L. F. (2004). “Transaction Cost Economics, Resource Dependency Theory and Customer-Supplier Relationships” Presented at theInstitute of Applied Behavioral Management Research Conference, Best Paper Recipient Providence, RI Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2004). “Properties of emerging organizations: An empirical test” Edelman, L. F., Scarbrough, H., Bresnen, M., Laurent, S., Newell, S. M., Swan, J. (2003). “Learning from projects: the interplay of absorptive and reflective capacity” Presented at the5th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Lancaster Univeristy Management School, Lancaster, UK Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2003). “Drawbacks to utilizing social capital: Empirical evidence from two UK organizations” Presented at theAcademy of Management conference Seattle Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2003). “Home or away: The impact of initial location decisions on resource assembly in nascent firms” Presented at theAcademy of Management Conference Seattle, WA Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Laurent, S., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2003). “The Benefits and Pitfalls of Social Capital: Tmpirical Evidence from Two Organizations in the United Kingdom” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Seattle, WA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2003). “Home or Away: Initial Location Decisions and the Construction of New Ventures' Resource Base” Presented at theBabson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Scarbrough, H., Laurent, S., Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Newell, S. M., Swan, J. (2003). “Project Organizations, Embeddedness and Repositories of Knowledge” Presented at theEGOS New York Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Laurent, S., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2003). “The Effect of Team Structure On Project-Based Learning” Presented at theFourth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities Barcelona, Spain Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Laurent, S., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2003). “Exploring the Use of Social Capital in the Constructive Firm” Presented at theKnowledge Construction Research Conference: International Symposium of Council of Research Singapore Edelman, L. F., Frohlich, M. (2002). “Managing Transitions in Manufacturing Firms: A Cross-Cultural Comparison” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Denver, CO Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2002). “Nascency to Newness: The Influence of Internal and External Factors On the Likelihood of First Sales” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Denver, CO Brush, C. G., Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S. (2002). “Home or away: Initial location decisions and the construction of new ventures' resource base” Presented at theBabson-Kauffman Enttrepreneurship Research Conference Boulder, CO Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2002). “Knowledge Management for Project-Based Learning in Construction” Presented at theCIB Conference Cincinnati, OH Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Laurent, S., Swan, J. (2002). “Cross Sector Research on Knowledge Management Practices for Project-Based Learning” Presented at theEuropean Academy of Management London Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2002). “The Dark Side of Social Capital” Presented at theManaging Knowledge: Conversations and Critique Athens, Greece Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2002). “Developing a Grounded Model of Project-Based Learning: Human Capital, Social Capital, and Organizational Context” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference Paris, France Edelman, L. F., Frohlich, M. (2002). “The Causal Links between Knowledge Transfer Strategies and New Product Development Performance” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference Paris, France Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2001). “The Inevitability of Reinvention in Project-Based Learning” Presented at the17th EGOS Colloquium London Edelman, L. F. (2001). “Overcoming Internal Barriers: The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture Transfer Satisfaction and Team Performance” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Washington, DC Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2001). “Resources-Conduct-Performance: An Empirical Investigation of the Mediating Role of Strategies in Small Firm Performance” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Washington, DC Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (2001). “The impact of human and organizational resources on small firm strategy” Presented at theBabson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F. (2001). “Barriers to the Flow of Intra-Organizational Competencies and the Role of Organizational Culture” Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2001). “Cross Project Learning in the Health-Care Sector: The Need to Generate Knowledge Before Knowledge can be Transferred” Presented at theManaging Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques Leister, UK Edelman, L. F. (2001). “The Internal Transfer of Team-Embodied Competencies: The Mediating Role of Organizational Context” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference San Francisco, CA Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2001). “The Paradox of Social Capital: Structural, Cognitive and Relational Dimensions” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference San Francisco, CA Edelman, L. F., Manolova, T. S., Brush, C. G., Green, P. G. (2000). “Internationalization of Small Companies: Personal Factors Revisited” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Toronto, Canada Edelman, L. F., Bresnen, M., Newell, S. M., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (2000). “Knowledge Management for Project-Based Learning: Evidence from the Midlands Hospital” Presented at theBritish Academy of Management Research Conference Edinburgh, Scotland Edelman, L. F. (2000). “Knowledge Management: Future Research Directions” Edelman, L. F. (1999). “Appropriative Capabilities: Facilitators and Impediments to Internal Competency Replication in Firms Operating in Dynamic Environments” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference Chicago, IL Edelman, L. F. (1999). “Issues in Doctoral Research: Developing Research Questions and Methodologies” Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G. (1999). “Beyond Barriers: Research on the Firm-Level Processes that Facilitate Internal Team-Embodied Knowledge Transfers” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference Berlin, Germany Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (1998). “Internationalization in small firms: Which resources matter?” Presented at theAcademy of Management Conference San Diego, CA Edelman, L. F., Benning, A. (1998). “Incremental Revolution: Organizational Change in Highly Turbulent Environments” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference San Diego, CA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Manolova, T. S. (1998). “Internationalization and Small Firms: Do Personal Factors Matter?” Presented at theAcademy of Management Research Conference San Diego, CA Edelman, L. F. (1998). “Active Learning in the Classroom: Emphasizing the Human and Cultural Environment of International Business” Presented at theEastern Academy of Management Research Conference Springfield, MA Edelman, L. F., Brush, C. G., Green, P. G., Hart, M. M. (1997). “Resource Configurations Over the Life Cycle of New Ventures” Presented at theBabson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA Edelman, L. F., Fink, R. C., Hatten, K. J., Dant, R. P. (1996). “Is Closer Better? Assessing the Relationship Between the U.S. Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry and their Process Control Equipment Suppliers” Presented at theStrategic Management Society Research Conference Pheonix, AZ Service
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MG dept. entrepreneurship hiring committee 2024 - 2024Lead initiatives in the Management Department for Department Chair 2018 - 2023Committee Chair for Management Department Strategic Management Lecturer Search Committee - 2017Course Coordinator for GB 410 2004 - 2017Committee Chair for Strategic Management Tenure Track Search Committee 2016 - 2017Committee Chair for Faculty Senate Representative 2015 - 2015Committee Member for Management Department Planning Committee 2014 - 2015Committee Member for Management Department Strategic Management Lecturer Search Committee 2015 - 2015University Service
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