Jeffrey A. Livingston is an Associate Professor of Economics at Bentley University. His research interests include many issues in Behavioral Economics. His current research focuses on education policy, discrimination, and whether and how irrational behavior and the individual level impacts market outcomes.
Professional Links
Professional Memberships
American Economic Association PresentAssociation for Education Finance and Policy 2019 - PresentAwards and Honors
2022, Bentley Innovation in Teaching Award, 2022., Bentley University2021, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award, 2021, Bentley University2020, Gibbons Research Professorship, Bentley University2016, Honors Capstone Advisor of the Year, Bentley University2006, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award, 2006, Bentley University2005, Bentley Innovation in Teaching Award, 2005.Publications
Journal Articles
Livingston, J. A., Rasulmukhamedov, R. (2023). On the interpretation of giving in dictator games when the recipient is a charity. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 208 275-285. (Link)Livingston, J. A., Gneezy, U., , M. H., Lane, M. A., List, J. A., Seiler, M. J. (2023). Can Wishful Thinking Explain Evidence for Overconfidence? An Experiment on Belief Updating. Oxford Economic Papers, (75) 1 35-54. (Link)Kraft, M. A., List, J. A., Livingston, J. A., Sadoff, S. (2022). Online tutoring by college volunteers: Experimental evidence from a pilot program. AEA Papers and Proceedings. Forthcoming.Gelfer, S. D., Livingston, J. A., Roy, S. (2022). The Effect of Teaching Economics with Classroom Experimens: Estimates from a Within-Subject Experiment . AEA Papers and Proceedings , (112) 619-623. Livingston, J. A. (2020). A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics: Comments from a behavioral economist. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY REVIEW, (125) 2 261-268. Livingston, J. A., Gneezy, U., List, J. A., Qin, X., Sadoff, S., Xu, Y. (2019). Measuring Success in Education: The Role of Effort on the Test Itself. American Economic Review: Insights, (1) 3 291-308. (Link)Livingston, J. A., Scholten, P. A. (2019). The Effect of ID Verification in Online Auctions: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Review of Industrial Organization, (54) 3 595-615. (Link)Garrett, J., Livingston, J. A., Tayler, W. B. (2019). Controls and cooperation in interactive and non-interactive settings. Contemporary Accounting Research, (36) 4 (Link)Livingston, J. A., List, J. A., Neckermann, S. (2018). Do financial incentives crowd out intrinsic motivation to perform on standardized tests?. Economics of Education Review, (66) October 2018 125-136. Scholten, P. A., Ortmeyer, D. L., Livingston, J. A., Wong, W. (2013). A hedonic approach to testing for indirect network effects in the LCD television market. Applied Economics Letters, (20) 1 76-79. (Link)Livingston, J. A. (2012). The Hot Hand and the Cold Hand in Professional Golf. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (81) 1 172-184. (Link)Livingston, J. A. (2010). Functional Forms in Studies of Reputation in Online Auctions. Electronic Commerce Research, (10) 2 167-190. Livingston, J. A. (2010). The Behavior of Inexperienced Bidders in Internet Auctions. Economic Inquiry, (48) 2 237-253. Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Chen, S. (2009). Do Countercyclical-Weekend Effects Persist in Online Retail Markets?. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, (8) 4Livingston, J. A. (2005). How Valuable is a Good Reputation? A Sample Selection Model of Internet Auctions. Review of Economics and Statistics, (87) 3 453 - 465.
Book Chapters
Livingston, J. A., Quinn, M. A. (2007). The Psychology of Economics in Decision Making: A Review In , (Eds.) . 25. Hauppauge, New York: Nova PublishingLivingston, J. A., Azfar, O., Meagher, P. (2006). Decentralization in Uganda In Pranab Bardhan, Dilip Mookherjee, (Eds.) . Cambridge, MA: MIT PressLivingston, J. A. (). What Attracts a Bidder to a Particular Internet Auction? In Michael Baye, (Eds.) . 24. Oxford: JAI Press/Elsevier Science Forthcoming.
Conference Papers
Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Ortmeyer, D. L., Wong, W. (2011). Empirically Testing for Indirect Network Externalities in the LCD Television Market National Business and Economics Society , National Business and Economics Society . Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Chen, J. (2007). The Nature of Sales in Online Markets: Asymmetric Consumer Information or Benefits to Bulk ShoppingInternational Atlantic Economic Society, 64th International Atlantic Conference. Scholten, P. A., Chen, J., Livingston, J. A. (2005). The Timing and Nature of Price Adjustments in Electronic Retail Markets: Evidence from a Price Comparison SiteSouther Economic Association, 75th Southern Economic Association Annual Conference. Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Chen, J. (2003). The Timing and Nature of Price Adjustments in Electronic Retail Markets: Evidence from a Price Comparison SiteZEW, 4th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies.
Livingston, J. A. (2003). The Role of Trust and Reputation in the Success of the Internet Auction Market. Presentations
Livingston, J. A., Sadoff, S., Gneezy, U. (2023). “Does time pressure on standardized tests have differential effects by gender?” Presented at the University of Chicago Advances with Field Experiments conference Chicago, IL Livingston, J. A., Sadoff, S., Gneezy, U., List, J. A. (2022). “Does time pressure on standardized tests have differential effects by gender?” Presented at the University of Chicago Advances with Field Experiments conference Chicago, IL Livingston, J. A., Sadoff, S., Gneezy, U., List, J. A. (2022). “Does time pressure on standardized tests have differential effects by gender?” Presented at the AEFP Association for Education Finance & Policy conference Denver, CO Livingston, J. A., Gelfer, S. D. (2022). “Do Experiments Teach Basic Economics Lessons Better than Traditional Teaching Techniques?” Presented at the ASSA Annual Meeting Virtual Livingston, J. A., Kraft, M. A., List, J. A., , S. S. (2022). “Online tutoring by college volunteers: Experimental evidence from a pilot program” Presented at the ASSA Annual Meeting Virtual Livingston, J. A. (2021). “On the interpretation of giving in dictator games when the recipient is a charity” Presented at the Economic Science Association Economic Science Association conference Tucson, AZ Livingston, J. A. (2019). “Gender Differences in Intrinsic Motivation to Exert Effort on Standardized Tests” Presented at the American Economic Association American Economic Association Annual Meetings Atlanta, GA Livingston, J. A. (2018). “Harnessing Complementarities in the Education Production Function” Presented at the University of Chicago and Boston University Advances with Field Experiments conference Boston, MA Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. (2018). “The Effect of ID Verification in Online Markets: Evidence from a Field Experiment” Presented at the Bentley University 2018 IAAE International Association for Applied Econometrics Conference Montreal, Canada Garrett, J., Livingston, J. A., Tayler, W. B. (2014). “Believe it or not: The effect of controls on trust” Presented at the Brigham Young University BYU Accounting Research Symposium Provo, UT Garrett, J., Livingston, J. A. (2014). “Disentangling the Control-Trust Relationship” Presented at the Harold S. Geneen Institute for Corporate Governance Next Generation ESG Workshop Bentley University Livingston, J. A. (2013). “Harnessing Complementarities in the Education Production Function” Presented at the American Economic Associatio American Economic Association Annual Meetings San Diego, CA Livingston, J. A. (2012). “Harnessing complementarities in the education production function” Presented at the Economic Science Association Economic Science Association conference Chicago, IL Livingston, J. A. (2012). “When the weak become weaker: the effect of market power on third degree price discrimination” Presented at the University of California at San Diego Department seminar San Diego, CA Livingston, J. A. (2011). “Harnessing complementarities in the education production function” Presented at the University of Chicago Advances with Field Experiments Chicago, IL Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Ortmeyer, D. L., Wong, W. (2011). “Empirically Testing for Indirect Network Externalities in the LCD Television Market ” Presented at the National Business and Economics Society National Business and Economics Society Willemstad, Curacao Livingston, J. A., Ortmeyer, D. L., Scholten, P. A., Wong, W. (2009). “Empirically Testing for Indirect Network Externalities in the LCD Television Market” Presented at the67th International Atlantic Economic Conference Rome, Italy Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Chen, J. (2007). “The Nature of Sales in Online Markets: Asymmetric Consumer Information or Benefits to Bulk Shopping” Presented at the International Atlantic Economic Society 64th International Atlantic Conference Madrid, Spain Scholten, P. A., Chen, J., Livingston, J. A. (2005). “The Timing and Nature of Price Adjustments in Electronic Retail Markets: Evidence from a Price Comparison Site” Presented at the Souther Economic Association 75th Southern Economic Association Annual Conference Washington, D.C. Scholten, P. A., Livingston, J. A., Chen, J. (2003). “The Timing and Nature of Price Adjustments in Electronic Retail Markets: Evidence from a Price Comparison Site” Presented at the ZEW 4th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies Mannheim, Germany Service
Department Service
Committee Member for Finance PhD task force 2014 - PresentMentor (Student) for Internship coordinator 2013 - 2018Recording secretary 2011 - 2013Course Coordinator for Minors coordinator 2007 - 2010Committee Member for Scholarly Activities Committee 2004 - 2010Committee Member for Faculty Evaluation Procedures Committee 2008 - 2010University Service
Task Force Member for Senate Faculty Planning Curriculum Revision Advisory Board 2019 - PresentTask Force Member for Senate Faculty Planning Curriculum Task Force 2018 - 2018Committee Chair for Teaching and Scholarly Awards Committee 2014 - 2017Committee Member for Teaching and Scholarly Awards Committee 2012 - 2017Committee Member for Faculty Evaluation and Procedures Committee 2008 - 2010Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article for 23 different academic journals 2004 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for PLOS One 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of the European Economic Association 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Sports Analytics 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Oxford Economic Papers 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Economics of Education Review 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Sports Analytics 2018 - 2018