Conducts case based field research on emerging IT challenges in health care and several other industries. Has published more than 100 papers in IS conference proceedings such as AMCIS, ECIS, HICSS, and ICIS and more than 50 papers in high-quality peer-reviewed journals such as Case Research Journal, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, JMIS, Journal of Information Technology, and MIS Quarterly-Executive. Author of numerous Harvard Business School cases on strategic IT management that are taught in business schools all over the world, and practitioner columns for Information Week. Recipient of the Bentley Excellence in Scholarship Award, 2001 and several conference Best Paper and Best Case awards.
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management 2012 - PresentAssociation for Information Systems 2000 - PresentNorth American Case Research Association 2000 - PresentAwards and Honors
2021, NACRA Fellow, NACRA2019, Most CRJ Cases Sold in 2018, NACRA Case Research Journal2019, Outstanding Case, NACRA2018, Outstanding Case, NACRA2017, Outstanding Case, NACRA2017, Outstanding Reviewer, Case Research Journal2016, Student Case award (Faculty Supervisor), NACRA2015, Best Case, Project Management Institute and NEDSI2013, Best Health Care Case published in Case Research Journal, NACRA2012, Best Health Care Case Published in Case Research Journal, 2012, North American Case Research Association (NACRA)2011, Best Health Care Case Published in Case Research Journal, 2011, NACRA2011, Conference Best Paper, NACRA2009, Conference Best Paper, Bled eConference, Bled Slovenia, June 14-17, 2009 (Janis Gogan, Ryan Baxter and Monica Garfield, "Seeing the patient's eyes: System trust in telemedicine")2009, NACRA Research Grant. As Principal Investigator (with several Bentley colleagues), received $10,000 for research on IT-supported health care (telemedicine, IT and medication errors)2001, Excellence in Scholarship Award, Bentley UniversityPublications
Journal Articles
Dennehy, D., Conboy, K., Gogan, J. L. (2021). Going with the Flow: Agile Development at Dell. Case Research Journal, (41) 3Grandy, G., Lawrence, J., Gogan, J. L., Boroff, K., Shay, J. (2021). Teaching Case Journals: The Same and Different as other Research Journals. Case Folio, (September) Goode, H. E., Gogan, J. L. (2020). Good Shepherd Pharmacy and RemediChain: Will this Blockchain Deliver Donated Drugs to Needy Patients?. Case Research Journal, (40) 1 20 pages. (Link)Ortiz, J., 14 co-authors, 1. (2019). Giving Voice to the Voiceless: The use of digital technologies by marginalized groups. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), (45) MS # 4152 20-38. Hansen, S., Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Garfield, M. J. (2019). Informed collaboration in health care: An embedded‐cases study in geriatric telepsychiatry. Information Systems Journal, (29) 2 514-547. McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2018). Challenges and Best Practices in Information Security Management. MIS Quarterly-Executive. Hansen, S., Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R., Garfield, M. (2018). Informed Collaboration in Healthcare: An Embedded-Cases Study in Geriatric Tele-psychiatry. Information Systems Journal, Wiley Publishers, (2018) (Link)Marabelli, M., Newell, S., Gogan, J. L. (2016). Pilot-Testing a Pediatric Complex Care Coordination Service. Journal of Information Technology - Teaching Cases, (6) 1 45-55. Gogan, J. L., Davidson, E., Proudfoot, J. G. (2016). HealthCare.Gov: A project management horror story. Journal of Information Technology -- Teaching Cases, (6) 45-55. (Link)McLaughlin, M., Hansen, S., Cram, W. A., Gogan, J. L. (2015). Snowfall and a Stolen Laptop. Journal of Information Technology - Teaching Cases, (5) 2 102-112. (Link)McLaughlin, M., Cram, W., Gogan, J. L. (2015). A high performance computer cluster under attack: The Titan incident. Journal of Information Technology - Teaching Cases, (5) 1-7. (Link)Porter, L., Gogan, J. L. (2013). Before racing up Big Data Mountain, look around. Financial Executive, (29) 5 59-61. Chircu, A. M., Gogan, J. L., Boss, S. R., Baxter, R. J. (2013). Medication Errors, Handoff Processes and Information Quality: A Community Hospital Case Study. Business Process Management Journal, (19) 2 201-216. Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Boss, S. R., Chircu, A. M. (2013). Handoff Processes, Information Quality and Patient Safety: A Trans-Disciplinary Literature Review. Business Process Management Journal, (19) 1 70-94. Gogan, J. L., Garfield, M. J. (2012). A Telemedicine Opportunity or Distraction?. Case Research Journal, (32) 2 (Link)Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Garfield, M. J., Usoff, C. A. (2011). Pilot-Testing an Interorganizational System to Reveal Relational Feasibility Issues. Engineering Management Journal, (23) 2Gogan, J. L., Lewis, M. O., , . (2011). Vermont Teddy Bear: Aligning IT and strategy. Journal of Information Technology -- Teaching Cases. Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2011). When vendors participate in pilot test projects: Pitfalls and challenges. Engineering Management Journal, (23) 2Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Howard, M., Markus, M., Usoff, C. A., Vidgen, R. (2010). Modeling Physical Barriers to Interorganizational System Implementation Success. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, (9) 4 365-388. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2010). Reinvention of Interorganizational Systems: A Case Analysis of the Diffusion of a Bio-terror Surveillance System. Information Systems Frontiers, (12) 1 81-. (Link)Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2010). RFIDs, Barcodes, Lemonade and Conversation. Journal of Information Technology, (25) 450-456. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Culnan, M. J. (2010). Barriers to Interorganizational Information Sharing in e-Government: A Stakeholder Analysis. The Information Society, (26) 5 315-329. (Link)Gogan, J. L. (2008). Building trust and commitment in a global organization. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, (5) 3/4 396-414. Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2008). Strategic Alignment of Participant Motivations in E-Government Collaborations: The Internet Payment Platform Pilot. Government Information Quarterly, (26) 1 51-59. (Link)Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2007). A Collaborative Network for First Responders: Lessons from the CapWIN Case. Government Information Quarterly, (24) 4 785-807. (Link)Gogan, J. L., Kamis, A. (2007). A not quite bountiful Thanksgiving at BizE?. International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce, (3) 1 71-93. Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J., Rao, A. (2007). Learning in a consortium: A longitudinal case study. International Journal of Technology Management, (38) 1/2 90-112. Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J. (2007). Managing the Internet Payment Platform project. Journal of Information Technology, (22) 4 410-419. Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). RFID and interorganizational collaboration: Political and administrative challenges. Electronic Government: An International Journal, (4) 4 423-435. Millet, I., Gogan, J. L. (2006). A dialectical framework for problem structuring and information technology. Journal of the Operational Research Society, (37) 4 434-442. Gogan, J. L. (2006). Commentary on Karl E. Weick's "The Role of Imagination in the Organizing of Knowledge". European Journal of Information Systems, (15) 5 453-456. Williams, C. B., Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2006). Public Safety And Cross-Boundary Data Sharing: Lessons from the CapWIN Project. IEEE Computer, (38) 12 28-29. Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L. (2006). The United States Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing tests a new E-Procurement Mechanism. Journal of Information Systems, 20 (2): Fall, 2006, (20) 2Gogan, J. L. (2005). Punctuation and path dependence: Examining a vertical IT standard-setting process. Electronic Markets, (15) 4 344-354. Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2005). Fatal flaws in information sharing. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, (1) 5 93-100. (Link)Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J., Rao, A. (2004). Is this pilot test over?. Annals of Cases on Information Technology. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Ray, A. W. (2004). The Ecology of Interorganizational Information Sharing. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, (13) 2 73-86. Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Wade, C. (2003). The U.S. Treasury tests a new payment mechanism. Journal of Information Systems Education, (14) 3 259-270. Gogan, J. L., Chapman, K., Fitzgerald, K. (2002). BizLand: on the path to profitability?. Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applicaitons, (December) Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2002). Teaching That Keeps Pace With Technology. Journal of Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education: Innovations and Research, (3) 3/4Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2001). Fast-cycle Curriculum Development Strategies for E-business Programs: The Bentley College Experience. Journal of Education for Business, (76) 6 318-327. Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Rao, A. (1999). Assessing Risk in Two Projects: A Strategic Opportunity and A Necessary Evil. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), (1) 15 (Link)Gogan, J. L., Guinan, P. J. (1999). Fletcher-Allen Health Care: the telemedicine initiative. Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications, (1) 1 41-68. Gogan, J. L. (1998). Three waves of change on the Web. Journal of Accounting and Computers. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (1997). Rise of the Intranet: organizational adaptation to a disruptive emerging technology in public accounting firms. Review of Accounting Information Systems, (1) 2 33-42. Gogan, J. L. (1996). The Web's impact on marketing and sales: historical perspective and early observations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, (1) 2 89-108. Gogan, J. L. (1991). Should 'personal' computers be personally allocated?. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), (7) 4 91-106. Gogan, J. L. (1991). Steering through the mist of personal computing: A guide for managers. Journal of Microcomputer Systems Management, (3) 2 24-106. Porter, L. R., Gogan, J. L. (1988). Coming to terms with end-user systems integration. Journal of Information Systems Management, (5) 1 8-16. Koocher, G. P., Gogan, J. L., O'Malley, J. E., Foster, D. J. (1980). Psychological adjustment among pediatric cancer survivors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, (21) 163-173. Gogan, J. L., Koocher, G. P., Fine, W., O'Malley, J. E. (1979). Pediatric cancer survival and marriage: Issues affecting adult adjustment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, (49) 423-430. Gogan, J. L., Koocher, G. P., Foster, D. J., O'Malley, J. E. (1977). Impact of childhood cancer on siblings. Health and Social Work, (2) 1 42-57. Gogan, J. L., O'Malley, J. E., Foster, D. J. (1977). Treating the pediatric cancer patient: a review. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, (2) 2 42-48. Koocher, G. P., O'Malley, J. E., Foster, D. J., Gogan, J. L. (1976). Death anxiety in normal children and adolescents. Psychiatria Clinica, (9) 220-229. Danani, S., Gogan, J. L. (). How do Digital Market Platform Hosts Exercise Control over Sellers?. Journal of Electronic Commerce and Organizations, (20) 2 Forthcoming.Gogan, J. L., Rao, A., , . (). Addressing a "cheating culture" at Behemoth University Business School. Informing Faculty. Forthcoming.
Gogan, J. L. (1994). Instructor's Manual to Accompany Building the Information-Age Organization: Structure, Control and Information Technologies by Cash, Eccles, Nohria and Nolan. 500. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc
Book Chapters
Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2011). Mining Data To Increase State Tax Revenues in California In C. V. Brown, D. W. DeHayes, J. A. Hoffer, W. E. Martin, W. C. Perkins, (Eds.) Managing Information Technology. 7th 300-307. Prentice-Hall/PearsonLoebbecke, C., Huskens, C., Gogan, J. L. (2008). Emerging technologies in the service sector: An early exploration of item-level RFID on the fashion sales floor. In Barrett, M., Davidson, E., Middleton, C., DeGross, J. , (Eds.) Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibiliteis for teh 21st Century. Boston, MA: SpringerGogan, J. L., Linderman, J. L. (2007). Opportunities in peer-to-peer file sharing In Richard Watson, (Eds.) Information Systems. published online: Global Text ProjectGelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L. (2002). Internet payment mechanisms: Acceptance and control issues In Fazlollahi, Bijan, (Eds.) Strategies for eCommerce Success. 224-235. Hershey, PA: IRM PressGogan, J. L., Applegate, L. M., Cash, James I., Jr, . (1996). Open Market, Inc. (HBS case # 195-205) In Applegate, L.M, McFarlan, F.W, McKenney, J.L, (Eds.) . 100. New York, NY: IrwinApplegate, L. M., Gogan, J. L. (1995). Electronic commerce: Trends and opportunities In , (Eds.) . Boston, MA: Harvard Business School PublishingApplegate, L. O., Gogan, J. L. (1995). Paving the information superhighway: introduction to the Internet In , (Eds.) . 195-202. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School PublishingApplegate, L. O., Gogan, J. L. (1995). Paving the information superhighway: introduction to the Internet In , (Eds.) . 195-202. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School PublishingGogan, J. L. (1990). Personal computing opportunities and risks: Observations from the field In Kaiser, Kate M, Oppeland, Hans J, (Eds.) Desktop Information Technology. 141-156. Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier/North HollandPorter, L. R., Gogan, J. L. (1986). Managing the diffusion of end-user computing technologies: A fifties mindset with eighties tools. In , (Eds.) Managers, Micros, and Mainframes. New York, NY: John Wiley and SonsLeonard-Barton, D., Gogan, J. L. (1986). Marketing Advanced manufacturing processes In Davis, Donald D, (Eds.) Managing Technological Innovation. 187-219. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-BassGogan, J. L., Slavin, L. L. (1981). Interviews with Brothers and sisters In Koocher, Gerald P, O'Malley, John E, (Eds.) The Damocles Syndrome: Psychological Consequences of Surviving Childhood Cancer. 101-111. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Book Reviews
Gogan, J. L. (2002). [Review of the book Review of "The dynamics of mass online marketplace: a case study of an online auction" by Jungpil Hahn, in Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference, 2001 ]. .
Clark, D., Gogan, J. L. (2019). Push the Cart, Grind the GraniteCase Research Journal, (39) 1 (
Link)Skeete, S., Gogan, J. L. (2019). Can Machine Learning Fix this Coding Compliance Crisis?Case Research Journal, (39) 2 (
Link)McGovern, T., Gogan, J. L. (2019). Skip Breitbach Feed & Seed: Pretty Soon?Case Research Journal, (39) 1 (
Link)Daniel, C., Gogan, J. L. (2017). Fintech: Selecting a cloud services providerCase Research Journal. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2011). Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in CaliforniaPrentice-Hall. 7Gogan, J. L., Cash, James I., Jr, . (2002). IntellectExchange, IncHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Haselkorn, M., Subramani, M., Cash, James I., Jr, . (2000). Open Market, Inc.: the eCommerce WarsHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2000). Rock Solid Life Insurance, Inc. (A) and (B) Case and Teaching Note. Accompanies Pearlson, Keri Managing in an Information AgeJohn D. Wiley & Sons, Inc. Gogan, J. L., Haselkorn, M., Subramani, M., Cash, J. (1999). Open Market Inc.: The E-Commerce WarsHarvard Business School. Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (1998). Metropolitan Transportation Authority: On Track with the Year 2000 Project?Cases in Management Information Systems/Prentice-Hall. Gogan, J. L., Applegate, L. (1997). Internet Securities, IncHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J. (1997). The FSTC electronic check projectAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants Academic and Career Development Division Case Dev. (
Link)Gogan, J. L., Applegate, L. (1996). Open Market, Inc.: Managing in a Turbulent EnvironmentHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Applegate, L. (1995). Open Market, IncHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Schuck, G., Zuboff, S. (1994). Motorola Corporation: The View From the CEO OfficeHarvard Business School Publishing. Stoddard, D., Gogan, J. L., Schuck, G., Zuboff, S. (1994). Motorola Government and Systems Technology GroupHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Handel, M., Schuck, G., Zuboff, S. (1994). Motorola-ElmaHarvard Business School Publisihing. Gogan, J. L., Schuck, G., Zuboff, S. (1994). Motorola-PenangHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Handel, M., Schuck, G., Zuboff, S. (1994). Motorola: Institutionalizing Corporate InitiativesHarvard Business School Publishing. Mead, M., Gogan, J. L. (1987). Boeing Inc.: Creating a Center of ExcellenceHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Porter, L. R. (1987). McDonald and Denny, Inc.: the KEEPS ProjectHarvard Business School Publishing. Porter, L. R., Gogan, J. L. (1986). Movie Co. (A)Harvard Business School Publishing. Porter, L. R., Gogan, J. L. (1986). Movie Co. (B)Harvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Smith, S., Goldberg, R. (1986). Pioneer Hi-Bred: the "Smart Hybrid"Harvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Porter, L. R. (1985). HIll Associates, incHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Mookerjee, A., Porter, L. R. (1985). Mead CorporationHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Porter, L. R. (1984). Blue Shield of MassachusettsHarvard Business School Publishing. Gogan, J. L., Porter, L. R. (1984). Corning Glass Works: Office Worker ProductivityHarvard Business School Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
Gogan, J. L.Champagnie, S. (2021). Responsible Machine Learning Pilot Test Projects: A Medical Coding Case Study International Federation of Information Processing, (I3E2021: The 20th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society) 12 pages. Gogan, J. L. (2021). Snowstorms and Political Storms: The Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout NACRA (North American Case Research Association), (NACRA 2021) (Link)Gogan, J. L. (2021). Responsible Machine Learning Projects Association for Information Systems, (AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems)) Daniel, C. C.Gogan, J. L. (2021). Teaching cases online? Set a rhythm Association for Information Systems, (ECIS - European Conference on Information Systems) Danani, S.Gogan, J. L. (2021). How Digital Market Hosts Control Sellers , (34th annual Bled eConference) May 2021 10. McGovern, T.Gogan, J. L. (2021). Can digital badging support an inclusive new normal in higher education? Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (54) 10. Goode, H. E.Gogan, J. L. (2020). IT-focused social entrepreneurship: An exploratory case study Proceedings of AMCIS 2020, (Proceedings of AMCIS 2020) 10. (Link)Gogan, J. L.Conboy, K.Weiss, J. W. (2020). Dangerous Champions of IT Innovation Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), (HICSS 2020) 53 10 pages. (Link)McLaughlin, M.D'Arcy, J.Cram, W. A.Gogan, J. L. (2017). Capabilities and Skill Configurations of Information Security Incident Responders Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Gogan, J. L.Proudfoot, J. G. (2015). Information Security as a Service: A Call for Transdisciplinary Research Service Management and Science Forum, Waltham, MA. Gogan, J. L.McLaughlin, M.Thomas, D. (2014). Critical Incident Technique in the Basket Association for Information Systems , (International Conference on Information Systems) McLaughlin, M.Gogan, J. L. (2014). INFOSEC in a Basket, 2004-2013 Association for Information Systems, (20th Americas Conference on Information Systems) McLaughlin, M.Gogan, J. L. (2013). Complementary Resource Effects Across Organizational Boundaries and the Remediation of Security Incidents , (26th Bled eConference) Gogan, J. L.McLaughlin, M.Morley, S. (2013). Complementary Resources And A Multi-Hosptial Emergency Medicine System Pilot Test Association for Information Systems, (21st European Conference on Information Systems) Gogan, J. L.Karra, S.Garfield, M. J. (2012). We did not use telemedicine that time: Can critical incidents analysis explain post-adoption telemedicine non-use? , (Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings) Hansen, S. W.Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J. (2012). Distributed cognition in geriatric psychiatry Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (45Th Annual HICSS) Gogan, J. L.Boss, S. R.Sankaranarayanan, B.Linderman, J. L. (2011). Controls in the NICU North American Case Research Association, (North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Annual Meeting) Gogan, J. L.Garfield, M. J. (2011). Partners TeleStroke: Deploying resources to save lives European Conference on Information Systems, (ECIS) Chircu, A. M.Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J.Boss, S. R. (2011). Handoffs and Medication Errors: A Community Hospital Case Study , (Hawaii Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)) Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J.Garfield, M. J. (2010). Emotional aspects of telemedicine use during pediatric critical care consultations , (International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)) Gogan, J. L.Garfield, M. J. (2010). Clinicians' Emotions and Telestroke Use , (Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)) Gogan, J. L.Lewis, M. O.Sankaranarayanan, B.Johnson, E. (2010). Aiming at a moving target: IT alignment in toy companies , (European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)) Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J.Garfield, M. J.Usoff, C. A. (2010). Assessing Relational Feasibility in Two Pilot Test Projects of IT-Enabled Collaboration in Emergency Health Care , (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)) Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J. (2009). Mining Data to Catch Tax Cheats , (International Conference on Information Systems) Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J.Garfield, M. J. (2009). Seeing the Patient's Eyes: System Trust in Telemedicine , (22nd Bled eConference) Gogan, J. L.Garfield, M. J.Baxter, R. J. (2009). The 'fear factor' in critical care tele-pediatrics , (European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)) Gogan, J. L.Baxter, R. J.Garfield, M. J.Usoff, C. A. (2009). Assessing relational feasibility in two pilot test projects of IT-enabled collaboration in health care , (HICSS) Loebbecke, C.Huyskens, C.Gogan, J. L. (2008). Emerging technologies in the service sector: An early exploration of item-level RFID on the fashion sales floor , (IFIP WG 8.2) Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J. (2008). Reinventing an Interorganizational System: The BioSense Case , (North American Case Research Association (NACRA) 2008 Annual Meeting) Gogan, J. L.Rao, A. (2008). Barcodes, arfids, and lemonade , (NACRA) Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J.Culnan, M. J. (2008). Is there gold in California data mines? , (AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems)) Gogan, J. L.Rao, A. (2008). Deal or no deal? Vendor issues in two multi-organizational pilot test projects , (HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science)) Gogan, J. L.Garfield, M. J.Robbert, M. (2007). Confidence in crises: Time-pressed inter-organizational information sharing , (AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems)) Gogan, J. L.Kauffman, R.Loebbecke, C. (2007). What's this RFID Business All About? Plenary Session . Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J.Williams, C. B. (2007). RFID and interorganizational collaboration , (AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems)) Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J.Gogan, J. L. (2006). Interagency Collaboration Challenges in Emergency Response , (International Conference on E-Government) Gogan, J. L. (2006). Intersecting cultures and eCommerce: A case study , (SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference) Gogan, J. L.Gelinas, U. J. (2006). Managing the Internet Payment Platform Project , (ICIS) Fedorowicz, J.Gelinas, Ulric J., Jr, .Gogan, J. L.Howard, M.Markus, M.Usoff, C. A. (2005). Extending Business Process Modeling Notation For Successful Implementation Of Interorganizational Systems , (Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)) Williams, C. B.Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J. (2005). Fatal Flaws in Information Sharing , (International Conference on Technology, Knolwedge and Society) Gogan, J. L.Bailey, W. E. (2005). Strategic philanthropy by IT companies: Comparison of two Indian IT service firms , (Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society) Gogan, J. L. (2005). The teaching case as a research platform , (North American Case Research Association) Gelinas, U. J.Gogan, J. L. (2005). The U.S. Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing tests an eProcurement system , (American Accounting Association Mid-Year Meeting)
Conference Papers
Gogan, J. L., McLaughlin, M. (). InfoSec research in prominent IS journals: Findings and implications for hte CIO and board of directorsHICSS 2017. Forthcoming.
Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2006). The eGovernment Collaboration Challenge: Lessons From Five Case StudiesIBM Center for the Business of Government. 50. Presentations
Gogan, J. L., Gujarathi, M. R. (2021). “How to Write and Publish Teaching Cases” Presented at the Bentley University Bentley Teaching and Learning Colloquium Waltham Gogan, J. L. (2020). “Launch a Program of Collaborative Research with a Powerfully Persuasive Real Discussion Case” Presented at theAcademic and Business Collaboration Across Borders Casablanca, Morocco but CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 Gogan, J. L. (2020). “Meet the Editors Panel” Presented at the Association for Information Systems Northeast Association for Information Systems (NEAIS)Dennehy, D., Conboy, K., Gogan, J. L. (2020). “Start Finishing with Flow” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2020 online Gogan, J. L. (2020). “How can teaching cases improve IS theory and practice?” Presented at the Academy of Management Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 online Goode, H., Gogan, J. L. (2019). “A Good Blockchain Shepherd?” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2019 Tempe AZ McGovern, T., Clark, D., Gogan, J. L. (2019). “Heroically Reactive Family Small-Business Patriarchs: Two Cases” Presented at the AoM Academy of Management 2019 Conference Boston, MA Jamie, H., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2018). “A new horizon” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Kutz, D., Ruehle, C., Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Breaking the mold: TASUS contemplates its hiring challenge” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Gogan, J. L., Clark, D., McGovern, T., Gill, G. (2018). “DBA Students Start their Research Journeys with Case Studies: Rationale, Challenges, Benefits.” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Gillam, B., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2018). “Eastern College: Conserving an institution” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Yoki, A., Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Lions Eye Institute at the crossroads” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Chebib, T., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2018). “Maryland Information Sharing and Analysis Organization” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Fisher, T. S., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2018). “The "useless' case: Defining competition in the grey zone” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Hilterbrand, C., McGovern, T., Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Two wrongs: Can he make it right?” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Champagnie, S., Gallagher, K., Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Walked into a Lamppost: A Coding Compliance Crisis” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Write a Great Real Discussion Case” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2018 Orlando Gogan, J. L. (2018). “How a Discussion Case Can Launch a Program of Research on a Complex Phenomenon” Presented at the Worldwide Universities Network Workshop on the Role of ICT in Trans-nationalization of Indigenous Social Movements U Mass-Amherst Eisenberg School of Business Gogan, J. L., Murungi, D. M. (2018). “Studying complex IT challenges? Discuss real cases.” Presented at the University of Maribor Bled eConference Bled, Slovenia Gogan, J. L. (2018). “Double-Impact Case Studies on Wicked Problems” Presented at the Bentley Provost's Office Bentley Business Boot Camp Bentley University Gogan, J. L. (2017). “The Smart Machine and Augmented Reality: A Case for Case Research” Presented at the Bentley Research Council Bentley Research Colloquium 2017 Waltham Mullarkey, M. T., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Where to Start in an Executive DBA Curriculum? The Case for Case Research” Presented at the Decision Sciences Institute DSI 2017 Washington DC Hilterbrand, C., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “A Cavalier decision: What is the best purpose for the Main Street building donation?” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL Dorsey, C., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Data analytics to create operational efficiencie” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL Campbell, K., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Fraud: A family affair” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL McGovern, T., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Ready or Not” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL Clark, D., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Should the Pushcart Cafe push forward?” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL Gogan, J. L. (2017). “You Started Up: Now Finish Writing your Case and Note!” Presented at the NACRA NACRA 2017 Chicago IL McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Seven Cs of Information Security” Presented at the Association for Information Systems AMCIS 2017 Boston Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Case Research, Writing, Publishing” Presented at the Northern Arizona University Get Published! Workshop Flagstaff, AZ McLaughlin, M., D'Arcy, J., Cram, W. A., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “Capabilities and Skill Configurations of Information Security Incident Responders” Presented at theHawaii International Conference on System Sciences Waikoloa, HI McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2017). “How does InfoSec Research Published in Prominent IS Journals Help the CIO and Board of Directors?” Presented at theHawaii International Conference on System Sciences Waikoloa, HI Norton, C., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “To evaluate or not to evaluate...?” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA Las Vegas, NE Daniel, C., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “Fintech: Delivering analytical data to customers using cloud services. ” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2016 Las Vegas, NE Hysenlika, V., Jarrett, L. T., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “Glazer Children's Museum: Dream it. Be it. ” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2016 Las Vegas, NE Carter, D. H., Spencer, D. W., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “Taking over operations of the Museo Alameda” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2016 Las Vegas, NE Murphy-Braynen, M., Jammeh, A., Gogan, J. L., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “The $30M dilemma: A new auditor for the college” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2016 Las Vegas, NE Gravatt, D. H., Mockus, V. A., Gogan, J. L. (2016). “The backbone of the business” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2016 Las Vegas, NE Gogan, J. L., Gravatts, D., Mocus, V., Mullarkey, M. (2016). “DBA Case Publication” Presented at the Universite Dauphine Engaged Management Scholarship Conference Paris, France McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2015). “Why Cooperate?: Ethical Analysis of InfoSec Vulnerability Disclosure” Presented at theWorkshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) Fort Worth, TX Gogan, J. L. (2015). “Information security as a service: A call for transdisciplinary research” Presented at theService Science and Management Forum Waltham Gogan, J. L., Davidson, E. J., Rao, A. (2015). “HealthCare.Gov: Trick or Treat?” Presented at the Decision Sciences Institute Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) Conference Boston, MA Gogan, J. L., Karra, S. (2015). “Post-Hoc CIT: A Useful Method for Qualitative Research?” Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2015 Kauai, Hawai'i Gogan, J. L., McLaughlin, M., Thomas, D. (2014). “Critical Incident Technique in the Basket” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems Auckland, New Zealand Gogan, J. L. (2014). “• Climb Big Data Mountain in Small Steps: Developing Complementary Big Data Capabilities. ” Presented at the Bentley University Big Data Colloquium Waltham Marabelli, M., Newell, S. M., Gogan, J. L. (2014). “CHAB's Complex Care Coordination” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2014 Austin TX McLaughlin, M., Cram, W. A., Hansen, S., Gogan, J. L. (2014). “Snowfall and a stolen laptop” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2014 Austin TX McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2014). “INFOSEC in a Basket, 2004-2013” Presented at the Association for Information Systems 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems Savannah, GA McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L. (2013). “Complementary Resource Effects Across Organizational Boundaries and the Remediation of Security Incidents” Presented at the26th Bled eConference Bled, Slovenia Gogan, J. L., McLaughlin, M., Morley, S. (2013). “Complementary Resources And A Multi-Hosptial Emergency Medicine System Pilot Test” Presented at the21st European Conference on Information Systems Utrecht, Netherlands McLaughlin, M., Gogan, J. L., Morley, S. (2012). “Pilot Testing Ed-Rx: Deploying Emerging Technology in Health Care” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association Annual Meeting (Case in Progress) Quincy, MA Gogan, J. L., Garfield, M. J. (2011). “A telemedicine opportunity or distraction?” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2011 San Antonio, TX Gogan, J. L., Boss, S. R., Sankaranarayanan, B., Linderman, J. L. (2011). “Controls in the NICU” Presented at the North American Case Research Association North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas Baxter, R. J., Gogan, J. L., Garfield, M. J. (2010). “Emotions and Information Technology Use: Three Telemedicine Cases” Presented at the North American Case Research Association NACRA 2010 Annual Meeting Gatlinburg, TN Gogan, J. L., Lewis, M. O. (2010). “'Peak Experiences' and IT Priorities at Vermont Teddy Bear” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association (NACRA) Gatllinburg TN Boss, S. R., Gogan, J. L. (2009). “Controls in the NICU” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems Phoenix, AZ Garfield, M. J., Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J. (2009). “Business Models in Telemedicine” Presented at theGlobal Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) Mexico City, Mexico Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2009). “Mining Data to Catch Tax Cheats” Presented at theInternational Conference on Information Systems Phoenix, AZ Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Garfield, M. J. (2009). “Seeing the Patient's Eyes: System Trust in Telemedicine” Presented at the22nd Bled eConference Bled, Slovenia Gogan, J. L., Garfield, M. J., Baxter, R. J. (2009). “The 'fear factor' in critical care tele-pediatrics” Presented at theEuropean Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Verona, Italy Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Garfield, M. J., Usoff, C. A. (2009). “Assessing relational feasibility in two pilot test projects of IT-enabled collaboration in health care” Presented at theHICSS Kauii, Hawaii Loebbecke, C., Huyskens, C., Gogan, J. L. (2008). “Emerging technologies in the service sector: An early exploration of item-level RFID on the fashion sales floor” Presented at theIFIP WG 8.2 Toronto, Canada Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2008). “Reinventing an Interorganizational System: The BioSense Case” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association (NACRA) 2008 Annual Meeting Durham, NH Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2008). “Barcodes, arfids, and lemonade” Presented at theNACRA Durham, NH Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Culnan, M. J. (2008). “Is there gold in California data mines?” Presented at theAMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Tornto, Canada Boss, S. R., Gogan, J. L., Hunton, J. E. (2008). “A clinical information quality proposal” Presented at theMIT Information Quality Industry Symposium Boston, MA Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2008). “Deal or no deal? Vendor issues in two multi-organizational pilot test projects” Presented at theHICSS (Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science) Kona, Hawaii Gogan, J. L., Garfield, M. J., Robbert, M. (2007). “Confidence in crises: Time-pressed inter-organizational information sharing” Presented at theAMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Keystone, Colorado Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). “Champions of Collaboration” Presented at theMISQ Executive Workshop Keystone, Colorado Gogan, J. L., Kauffman, R., Loebbecke, C. (2007). “What's this RFID Business All About? Plenary Session” Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). “RFID and interorganizational collaboration” Presented at theAMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Keystone, Colorado Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J. (2006). “Managing the Internet Payment Platform Project” Presented at theICIS Milwaukee, WI Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2006). “Interagency Collaboration Challenges in Emergency Response” Presented at theInternational Conference on E-Government Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Gogan, J. L. (2006). “Intersecting cultures and eCommerce: A case study” Presented at theSIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference Claremont, CA Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L. (2005). “The U.S. Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing tests an eProcurement system” Presented at theAmerican Accounting Association Mid-Year Meeting New York Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, Ulric J., Jr, ., Gogan, J. L., Howard, M., Markus, M., Usoff, C. A. (2005). “Extending Business Process Modeling Notation For Successful Implementation Of Interorganizational Systems” Presented at theAmericas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Omaha, Nebraska Gogan, J. L., Bailey, W. E. (2005). “Strategic philanthropy by IT companies: Comparison of two Indian IT service firms” Presented at theConference on Technology, Knowledge and Society Hyderabad, India Williams, C. B., Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2005). “Fatal Flaws in Information Sharing” Presented at theInternational Conference on Technology, Knolwedge and Society Berkeley, CA Gogan, J. L. (2005). “The teaching case as a research platform” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association Falmouth, MA Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2004). “E-government, E-procurement, and E-payments: Data Sharing Issues Associated with an Appreciating Database” Presented at theAmericas Conference on Information Systems New York Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2004). “Managing alliances to develop new products based on emerging information technologies” Presented at theDecision Sciences Institute Boston, Massachusetts Gogan, J. L., Kamis, A. (2004). “Nothing ventured, nothing gained?” Presented at theNACRA Sedona, Arizona Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (2004). “A can of worms at Behemoth University” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association Conference Sedona, Ariizona Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2004). “Strategic Alignment of Key Partners in E-government Initiatives: The Internet Payment Platform Pilot” Presented at theThe National Conference on Digital Government Research Seattle Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Ray, A. W. (2003). “Interorganizational Ecology and Information Visibility” Presented at theAmericas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Tampa, FL Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J., Rao, A. (2003). “Managing an IT-intensive consortium project: the FSTC eCheck project” Presented at thePOMS Savannah, Georgia Garfield, M. J., Gogan, J. L. (2003). “Vertical & horizontal information flows: the case of SARS” Lentz, C. M., Gogan, J. L., Henderson, J. C. (2002). “A comprehensive and cohesive IT value management capability: case studies in the North American life insurance industry” Presented at theHICSS Hawaii Gogan, J. L., Gelinas, U. J., Rao, A. (2002). “Is this pilot test over?” Presented at theNACRA Banff, Canada Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2001). “Teaching on Internet Time” Presented at theInternational Business School Computing Association Providence, RI Gogan, J. L. (2001). “ExpertExchange, Inc” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association Santa Clara, California Burnaby, P. A., Gelinas, Jr, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Schwarzkopf, D. L., Thibodeau, J. C. (2000). “Assimilating Assurance Services into the Accounting Curriculum” Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L. (2000). “Internet payment mechanisms: acceptance and control issues” Presented at theInformation Resources Management Association Anchorage, Alaska Chapman, K., Gogan, J. L. (2000). “” Presented at theNorth American Case Research Association San Antonio, Texas Tellis, W. P., Lee, P., Gogan, J. L. (1999). “A systems development project at Fonkoze” Presented at theNACRA Santa Clara, California Gogan, J. L., Beranek, P., Kanter, J. (1999). “A hospital catches the "millennium bug"” Presented at theNACRA 1999 Santa Clara, California Gogan, J. L., Beranek, P. (1999). “IT and service excellence: challenges at a rural hospital” Presented at theService Operations Management Association Annual Meeting Waltham, MA Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Rao, A. (1998). “Comparison of Project Risks: Strategic Opportunities and Necessary Evils” Presented at theAnnual Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems Cancun, Mexico Gogan, J. L. (1998). “A case for AIS cases: development of a new graduate course on year 2000 compliance projects” Presented at theAssociation for Information Systems Baltimore, Maryland Gogan, J. L., Rao, A. (1998). “Feet to the Fire: Effective year 2000 project management” Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Rao, A. (1998). “Comparison of project risks: strategic opportunities and necessary evils” Presented at theIACIS San Antonio, Texax Gogan, J. L., Guinan, P. J. (1998). “Emerging technologies and knowledge work: the case of Fletcher-Allen Health Care's telemedicine initiative” Presented at theIRMA Boston, Massachusetts Gogan, J. L. (1998). “Emerging IT issues and fast-cycle curriculum development” Presented at theISECON Cancun, Mexico Gogan, J. L. (1998). “Year 2000 management: lessons learned” Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (1997). “Intranets for global coordination: organizatoinal adaptation to a disruptive emerging technology in public accounting firms” Presented at theAIS Research Symposium Phoenix, Arizona Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (1997). “A logical solution to the year 2000 problem?” Presented at theAMCIS Phoenix, Arizona Gogan, J. L. (1997). “Channel turbulence ahead: will the Web cause massive disintermediation?” Presented at theNortheast DSI St. Croix, Virgin Islands Gogan, J. L. (1996). “The World Wide Web as a disruptive technology” Presented at theAMCIS Phoenix, Arizona Gogan, J. L., Applegate, L. M., Hollowood, J. R. (1996). “I-Way selling: road to success?” Presented at theNortheast Decision Sciences Institute Meeting St. Croix, Virgin Islands Gogan, J. L., Cash, James I. , Jr, . (1992). “IT-based innovation: managing a disorderly process” Presented at theHICSS Hawaii Gogan, J. L. (1990). “Access to information processing tools: An exploratory study” Presented at theHICSS Kona, Hawaii Millet, I., Gogan, J. L. (1990). “Navigating in white water: A dynamic framework for problem structure” Presented at theInternational Society for Decision Support Systems Austin, Texas Gogan, J. L. (1990). “Steering through the mist of personal computing” Presented at theIRMA Hershey, PA Gogan, J. L., Porter, L. R. (1989). “End-user computing: determinants of user behavior” Presented at theHICSS Hawaii Gogan, J. L., Cash, James I., Jr, . (1987). “Incrementalism versus rationalism in the effective exploitation of information technologies” Presented at theStrategic Management Society New York City? O'Malley, J., Fine, W., Foster, D. J., Gogan, J. L., Koocher, G. P., Jaffe, N. (1978). “Open communication in the diagnosis of pediatric cancer: listening to long-term survivors” Presented at theAmerican Association for Cancer Research New York, NY Gogan, J. L., Foster, D. J., Koocher, G. P., O'Malley, J. E. (1978). “Siblings of childhood cancer survivors” Presented at theAmerican Psychological Association New York, NY O'Malley, J., Koocher, G. P., Foster, D. J., Gogan, J. L., Jaffe, N. (1978). “Psychological costs of surviving childhood cancer” Presented at theSociety for Pediatric Research New York, NY Koocher, G. P., Foster, D. J., Gogan, J. L., O'Malley, J. E. (1977). “Family coping and fatal illness in childhood” Presented at theAmerican Orthopsychiatric Association New York, NY Service
Department Service
Course Coordinator for IPM Department 2015 - PresentCommittee Member for peer teaching evaluations 2021 - 2021Committee Chair for IPM Department Tenured Faculty 2017 - 2017GR606 redesign for IPM Department 2016 - 2016Critical Review and Redesign of GR606 for IPM Department 2015 - 2015hosted a departmental party at our home for IPM Department 2015 - 2015Committee Chair for Tenured Full Professors Committee 2015 - 2015Committee Chair for Faculty Recruiting Committee 2014 - 2014Committee Chair for Faculty Recruiting Committee (2 lines) 2012 - 2013doctoral student supervision for 2011 - 2011tenure-track faculty research mentoring for 2011 - 2011University Service
Committee Member for Academic Integrity Council 2017 - 2021Other for Bentley Teaching & Learning Council - 2021Committee Member for Academic Integrity Council 2016 - 2016Committee Member for Faculty Evaluation Procedures Committee (FEPC) 2013 - 2016Other for MBA Programs 2012 - 2012Task Force Member for Ad Hoc Committee, Evening MBA 2011 - 2011Professional Service
Board of Advisors of a Company for NACRA 2015 - PresentCommittee Member for Case Research Foundation 2015 - PresentEditorial Review Board Member for Journal and Conference Reviewing 2019 - 2021Case Centre USA Board of Directors 2019 - 2021Other for AIS ICIS Conference 2018 Track Chair 2017 - 2018MIS Quarterly-Executive 2016 - 2018Served as Mentor for the JAIS Theory Development Workshop, held at ICIS in 2015 and 2016. for Journal of the Association for Information Systems 2015 - 2017Conference/Workshop Organizer for AIS: AMCIS Conference 2013 - 2017Officer, President/Elect/Past for NACRA 2015 - 2017Conference/Workshop Track Chair for Association for Information Systems, ICIS Conference 2015 - 2016Editor, Journal for Journal of Information Technology 2015 - 2015Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for several journals and conferences 2015 - 2015Case Research Foundation Board of Directors 2014 - 2015Officer, President/Elect/Past for NACRA 2013 - 2014Reviewer, Conference Paper for conference reviewing 2013 - 2013Officer, Vice President for NACRA 2013 - 2013External Reviewer, promotion to full professor case 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for journals 2012 - 2012