Prior to joining Bentley, I served on the faculties of University of Massachusetts Amherst and University College Dublin. I earned my Ph D in Management from Boston College in 2009.
Professional Links
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management 2004 - PresentAwards and Honors
2022, Rupert F. Chisholm Best Theory-to-Practice Paper, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, ODC Division2017, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst2012, Thomas Moran Fellowship, University College Dublin2011, Outstanding Publication Award, University College Dublin2009, Best Paper Award, Human Relations2008, Adelle and Erwin Tomash Fellowship, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota2008, Best Paper Award, Davis Conference on Qualitative Research2008, Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston CollegePublications
Journal Articles
Lyle, M. C., Hockensmith, A., Walsh, I. J. (2023). Up in Smoke? The Lingering Influence of History on Community Identity Dynamics. Strategic Organization. Forthcoming.Walsh, I. J., Pazzaglia, F., Lyle, M. C., Sonpar, K. (2023). Professional credibility under threat: Responses to negative social evaluations in newly contested professions. Human Relations, (76) 746-775. Lyle, M. C., Walsh, I. J., Prokopovych, B. (2022). Engaging with the Past: Towards a theory of routine encounters with organizational history.. Strategic Organization. Forthcoming.Lyle, M. C., Walsh, I. J., Coraiola, D. (2022). What is NORML? Sedimented meanings in ambiguous organizational identities. Organization Studies, (43) 12 1991-2012. Do, B., Lyle, M. C., Walsh, I. J. (2019). Driving down memory lane: The influence of memories in a community following organizational demise. Organization Studies, (40) 9 1307-1329. Walsh, I. J., Pazzaglia, F., Ergene, E. (2019). Loyal after the end: Understanding organizational identification in the wake of failure. Human Relations, (72) 2 163-187. Walsh, I. J., Halgin, D. S., Huang, Z. (2018). Making old friends: Understanding the causes and consequences of maintaining former coworker relationships.. Academy of Management Discoveries, (4) 4 410-428. Sonpar, K., Walsh, I. J., Pazzaglia, F., Eng, M., Dastmalchian, A. (2018). Picking the measuring stick: The role of leaders in social comparisons. Journal of Management Studies, (55) 4 677-702. Xu, S., Jiang, X., Walsh, I. J. (2018). The influence of openness to experience on perceived employee creativity: The moderating roles of individual trust. Journal of Creative Behavior, (52) 2 142-155. Walsh, I. J., Bartunek, J. M. (2012). Rising from the ashes: Appreciating and fostering postdeath organizing. Organizational Dynamics, (41) 2 89-98. Walsh, I. J., Bartunek, J. M. (2011). Cheating the fates: Organizational foundings in the wake of demise. Academy of Management Journal, (54) 5 1017-1044. Walsh, I. J., Bhatt, M., Bartunek, J. M. (2009). Organizational knowledge creation in the Chinese context. Management and Organization Review, (5) 2 261-278. Bartunek, J. M., Huang, Z., Walsh, I. J. (2008). The development of a process model of collective turnover. Human Relations, (61) 1 5-38. Walsh, I. J., Glynn, M. A. (2008). The way we were: Legacy organizational identity and the role of leadership. Corporate Reputation Review.
Book Chapters
Walsh, I. J., Bartunek, J. M. (2016). "Why does this matter?" Understanding the contribution of unexplored phenomena In R.M Kramer & K.D. Elsbach, (Eds.) Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Research Methods. New York: RoutledgeGlynn, M. A., Walsh, I. J. (2011). Commentary: Finding the Positive in Positive Organizational Identities In L.M. Roberts & J.E. Dutton, (Eds.) xploring positive identities and organizations: Building a theoretical and research foundation. . 479-493. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum AssociatesWalsh, I. J. (2009). Rescue and recovery: the role of sense making in experiences of organizational death In , (Eds.) Qualitative Organizational Research: Best Papers from the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Conference Proceedings
Rocheville, K.Walsh, I. J. (2022). Subtractive Change in the Face of Adversity: Expanding Theory on Organizational Dormancy Academy of Management Proceedings. Forthcoming.Lyle, M. C.Walsh, I. J. (2020). Reimagining the past: Towards a theory of routine encounters with organizational history Academy of Management Proceedings. Xu, S.Jiang, X.Walsh, I. J. (2014). The influence of openness to experience on employee creativity. Academy of Management Proceedings. Walsh, I. J. (2010). The generatively of doubt in episodes of organizational change. Academy of Management Proceedings.
University Service
Committee Member for Faculty Senate 2022 - PresentCommittee Member for LGBTQ Steering Committee 2022 - PresentProfessional Service
Editorial Review Board Member for Human Relations 2021 - PresentEditorial Review Board Member for Journal of Management Inquiry 2021 - Present