Teaching interests include American national elections, parties and interest groups and the media. Publications and research interests include political socialization, women and politics, media and politics, teaching with the World Wide Web, and curriculum issues (reform, process, content, assessment). Formerly taught at Mount Holyoke College and State University of New York, College at Fredonia. Recipient of the Joseph M. Cronin Award for Excellence in Academic Advising. Recipient of a research grant from the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University.
Professional Links
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association PresentDigital Government Society PresentMidwest Political Science Association PresentAwards and Honors
2017, Nomination for Society Board, Digital Government Society2015, Best Poster, Telecommunications Policy Research Conference2011, Nomination for Best Paper award, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences2011, Senior Fellow, Information Technology & Politics section, American Political Science Association2010, Bentley College faculty publication award, Bentley College2010, Best Research Paper Award, Digital Government Society2009, Best Paper Award, YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States2008, Bentley College E cellence in Scholarship Award2007, Bentley College faculty publication award, Bentley College2006, National Science Foundation, Digital Government Program, "Design Principles for Effective Interorganizational Public Safety Response Infrastructures (with Jane Fedorowicz and M. Lynne Markus)2005, The IBM Center for the Business of Government, "The Challenges of Interorganizational Information Sharing" (with Jane Fedorowicz and Janis L. Gogan)2002, Bentley College Faculty Publication Award 20022002, Faculty Development Grant "Information Visibility in Cyber Chain Management," 2002-2005 with Jane Fedorowicz, et al.2002, Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University1999, Joseph M. Cronin 1999 Award for E cellence in Faculty Advising1996, Gender Issues Council 1996 Achievement AwardPublications
Journal Articles
Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J., Zeglen, M. (2020). Following the Money: Uses and Limitations of FEC Campaign Finance Data. Interest Groups & Advocacy, (9) 3 317-329. Mentzer, K., Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2019). Police Use of Social Media: Comparing Classification Methods. Issues in Information Systems, (20) 3 175-185. (Link)Xu, J., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2019). Effects of Symbol Sets and Needs Gratifications on Audience Engagement: Contextualizing Police Social Media Communication. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (20) 5 536-569. Williams, C. B. (2018). Introduction: Social Media, Political Marketing and the 2016 U.S. election. Journal of Political Marketing, (16) 3-4 207-211. Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2018). Digital Advertising Expenditures in the 2016 Presidential Election. Social Science Computer Review, (36) 4 406-421. Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Kavanaugh, A., Mentzer, K., Thatcher, J. B., Xu, J. (2018). Leveraging Social Media to Achieve a Community Policing Agenda. Government Information Quarterly, (35) 2 210-222. Tomasino, A., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2017). “Public Sector Shared Services Move Out of the "Back-Office": The Role of Public Policy and Mission Criticality. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, (48) 3 83-109. Fedorowicz, J., Sawyer, S., Williams, C. B., Markus, M., Dias, M., Tyworth, M., Gantman, S., Jacobson, D., Tomasino, A., Schrier, R. (2014). Design Observations for Interagency Collaboration. Government Information Quarterly, (31) 2 302--316. (Link)Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Yates, D. J. (2014). Predictors of On-line Services and e-Participation: A Cross-National Comparison. Government Information Quarterly, (31) 4 526-533. (Link)Tomasino, A., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B., Gentner, A. A., Hughes, T. T. (2014). Embracing System Complexity in a Shared Service Center Collaboration. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive (MISQE), (13) 2 63 - 75. (Link)Fedorowicz, J., Sawyer, S., Williams, C. B., Markus, M., Dias, M., Tyworth, M., Jacobson, D., Vilvovsky, S., Tomasino, A., Schrier, R. (2014). Design Observations for Interagency Collaboration. Government Information Quarterly, (31) 302-316. Sawyer, S., Schrier, R., Fedorowicz, J., Dias, M., Williams, C. B., Tyworth, M. (2013). US Public Safety Networks: Architectural Patterns and Performance. Information Polity, (18) 2 139-156. Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2013). Social Media and Campaign 2012: Developments & Trends for Facebook Adoption. Social Science Computer Review, (31) 5 577-88. (Link)Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2013). Social Networks in Political Campaigns: Facebook and the Congressional Elections of 2006 and 2008. New Media & Society, (15) 1 52-71. Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2012). Rational Choice and Institutional Factors Associated with State-wide Interagency Collaboration Initiatives. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, (6) 1 13-26. Williams, C. B. (2012). The Ten Year Anniversary Issue: Trends and Changes in Political Marketing. Journal of Political Marketing, (11) 1-2 4-7. Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2010). Congressional Candidates' Use of YouTube in 2008: Its Frequency and Rationale. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, (7) 2/3 93-109. Williams, C. B., Dias, M., Fedorowicz, J., Jacobson, D., Vilvovsky, S., Sawyer, S. (2009). The Formation of Inter-Organizational Information Sharing Networks in Public Safety: Cartographic Insights on Rational Choice and Institutional Explanations. Information Polity, (14) 1-2 13-29. Williams, C. B., Dias, M., Fedorowicz, J., Jacobson, D., Gantman, S., Sawyer, S., Tyworth, M. (2009). The Formation of Inter-Organizational Information Sharing Networks in Public Safety: Cartographic Insights on Rational Choice and Institutional Explanations. Information Polity, (14) 1, 2 13--29. (Link)Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J., Foxman, E. R. (2009). What's in an Endorsement: An Analysis of Web Site Publicity by Presidential Candidates and Organizations in 2004. Journal of Political Marketing, (8) 3 173-189. Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2008). Strategic Alignment of Participant Motivations in E-Government Collaborations: The Internet Payment Platform Pilot. Government Information Quarterly, (26) 1 51-59. (Link)Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2008). The Political Impact of Facebook: Evidence from the 2006 Midterm Elections and 2008 Nomination Contest. Politics & Technology Review, (March) 11-21. Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2007). A Collaborative Network for First Responders: Lessons from the CapWIN Case. Government Information Quarterly, (24) 4 785-807. (Link)Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). RFID and interorganizational collaboration: Political and administrative challenges. Electronic Government: An International Journal, (4) 4 423-435. Williams, C. B., Foxman, E. R., Saraswat, S. (2007). A Comparative Study of Nonprofit and For-Profit Web-based Issue Advocacy. Journal of Political Marketing, (6) 7 69-97. Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2007). Closing the Gap, Raising the Bar: Candidate Web Site Communication in the 2006 Campaigns for Congress. Social Science Computer Review, (25) 4 443-65. Williams, C. B., Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2006). Public Safety And Cross-Boundary Data Sharing: Lessons from the CapWIN Project. IEEE Computer, (38) 12 28-29. Berthon, P., Williams, C. B. (2006). Stages of e-Democracy: Towards an Open Source Political Model. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, (6) 1 23-29. Weinberg, B. D., Williams, C. B. (2006). The 2004 US Presidential campaign: Impact of hybrid offline & online 'meetup' communities. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, (8) 1 (July) 46-57. Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2005). Fatal flaws in information sharing. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, (1) 5 93-100. (Link)Williams, C. B., Gordon, J. (2004). The Meetup Presidency. Campaigns & Elections, (25) 6 46-47. Williams, C. B., Aylesworth, A. B., Chapman, K. (2003). E-Campaigns: The Use of the Web in Marketing Senate Candidates in 2000. Journal of Political Marketing. Williams, C. B., Murphy III, T. F. (2002). Electronic Discussion Groups: How Initial Parameters Influence Classroom Performance. Educause Quarterly, (25) 4 21-29. Williams, C. B., Aylesworth, A. B., Chapman, K. J. (2002). The 2000 e-Campaign for U.S. Senate. Journal of Political Marketing, (1) 4 39-63. Saraswat, S., Williams, C. B. (2002). Charity Begins at Home: A Socio-technical Analysis of Corporate Websites to Study the Response to September 11. Computers and Society, (32) 1 4-15. Weinberg, B. D., Williams, C. B. (). When Online and Offline Politics 'Meetup:' An Examination of the Phenomenon, Presidential Campaign and its Citizen Activists. Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice. Forthcoming.
Williams, C. B. (2018). Social Media, Political Marketing and the 2016 U.S. Election . RoutledgeWilliams, C. B., Newman, B. I. (2012). Political Marketing in Retrospective and Prospective . Routledge
Book Chapters
Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2021). Digital Media Expenditures in Presidential Campaigns In Jody Baumgartner and Terri Towner, (Eds.) The Internet and the 2020 Campaign. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Link)Williams, C. B. (2021). The Role of Social Media in Political Campaigns: A Review and Research Agenda In , (Eds.) A Research Agenda for Political Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing Forthcoming.Williams, C. B. (2018). Introduction: Social Media, Political Marketing and the 2016 U.S. Election In Christine B. Williams and Bruce I. Newman, (Eds.) Social Media, Political Marketing and the 2016 U.S. Election. RoutledgeYates, D. J., Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2017). Understanding the Impact of Politication Structure, Governance and Public Policy on e-Government In Jyoti Choudrie, Sherah Kurnia, and Panayiota Tsatsou, (Eds.) Social Inclusion and Usability of Innovative ICT-enabled Services. New York, NY: Routledge (Link)Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2017). Digital vs. Television Ad Expenditures by Outside Groups In , (Eds.) The Internet and the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Lexington BooksGulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2015). Congressional Campaigns’ Motivations for Social Media Adoption In Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn, (Eds.) Controlling the Message: New Media in American Political Campaigns. 32-52. New York: NYU PressWilliams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2014). Relationship Marketing in Social Media Practice: Perspectives, Limitations and Potential In Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Brian M. Conley and Kenneth Cosgrove, (Eds.) Political Marketing in the United States. chapter 10. RoutledgeWilliams, C. B. (2012). Trends and Changes in Journal of Political Marketing Titles 2002-2011 In , (Eds.) Political Marketing in Retrospective and Prospective . RoutledgeWilliams, C. B. (2010). 24-7 Government, the Permanent Campaign, and e-Democracy: Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick's Interactive Website In Reddick, Christopher G, (Eds.) . chapter 10. Hershey, PA: IGI GlobalGulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2008). Closing the Gap, Raising the Bar: Candidate Web Site Communication in the 2006 Campaigns for Congress In Panagopoulos, Costas, (Eds.) . New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University PressGulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (). Digital Advertising Expenditures in the 2020 Congressional Election In Jody Baumgartner and Terri Towner, (Eds.) The Internet and the 2020 Campaign. Lexington Books Forthcoming.Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (). The Political Impact of Facebook: Evidence from the 2006 and 2008 Elections and Nomination Contest In Panagopolous, Costas, (Eds.) . Piscataway, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press Forthcoming.
Conference Proceedings
Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J. (2019). Does Social Media Promote the Public's Perception of the Police: Survey Results on Trust Cultivation Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, (Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science) Xu, J.Fedorowicz, J.Williams, C. B. (2017). Routine and Emergency Communications: Police Tweets and Community Responses Association for Information Systems, (Americas Conference on Information Systems) (Link)Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J. (2017). Digital Policing: Community Perceptions of Social Media Outreach American Political Science Association, (113th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association) Xu, J.Fedorowicz, J.Williams, C. B. (2016). It's What You Write and How You Write about it: The Policing Facebook Experience Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems . Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J.Haughton, D. M.Kavanaugh, A.Mentzer, K.Thatcher, J. B. (2015). Leveraging Social Media: The Community Policing Case American Political Science Association. Williams, C. B.Gulati, G. J.DeLeo, R. (2013). The Dissemination of Social Media to Campaigns for State Legislature: The 2012 New England Case , (American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting) Williams, C. B.Gulati, G. J.Yates, D. J. (2013). Predictors of On-line Services and e-Participation: A Cross-National Comparison Digital Government Society of North America, (14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2013)) Williams, C. B.Gulati, G. J. (2013). A Political Marketing Perspective on Social Media Adoption by US Congressional Campaigns Academy of Marketing Science , (Academy of Marketing Science Conference) Williams, C. B.Gulati, G. J., ., . (2013). Social Media Strategy and Performance in the 2012 US Congressional Elections Midwest Political Science Association, (Midwest Political Science Association) Sawyer, S.Fedorowicz, J.Williams, C. B.Schrier, R.Dias, M.Tyworth, M. (2012). Architectural Patterns of U.S. Public Safety Networks: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparison Analysis Information Policy, (Proceedings of the 13th annual International Conference on Digital Government Research) 49-57. Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J.Sawyer, S.Dias, M.Schrier, R.Tyworth, M. (2012). Architectural Patterns of U.S. Public Safety Networks: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparison Analysis Digital Government Society of North America, (National Conference on Digital Government Research) Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J.Dias, M., . (2012). Factors in IT-enabled Collaboration in the Public Sector: The Neighbor Effect Association for Information Systems, (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Williams, C. B.Gulati, G. J. (2012). A Campaign Perspective on Social Media Strategy and Implementation by Congressional Candidates, 2006-2010 Midwest Political Science Association, (Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association) Gulati, G. J.Yates, D. J.Williams, C. B. (2012). Understanding the Impact of Political Structure, Governance and Public Policy on e-Government Shidler College of Business, (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences) Williams, C. B.Steger, W. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Social Network and Traditional Political Participation in the 2008 U.S. Election American Political Science Association, (Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association) Steger, W.Williams, C. B.Andolina, M. (2010). Political Usage of Social Networks in 2008 American Political Science Association, (American Political Science Association) Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J. (2009). State-specific Governmental Factors Associated with Interagency Collaboration , (International Conference on E-Government) Williams, C. B.Sawyer, S.Fedorowicz, J.Markus, M.Tyworth, M.Dias, M.Jacobson, D. (2008). Mapping Theory to Practice: A Cartographic Analysis of Public Safety Networks , (9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research) Williams, C. B.Markus, M.Tyworth, M.Sawyer, S.Dias, M.Gantman, S.Fedorowicz, J.Jacobson, D. (2008). Mapping theory to practice: a cartographic analysis of public safety networks Digital Government Society of North America, (International conference on Digital government research (DG.O)) 171--180. (Link)Sawyer, S.Fedorowicz, J.Tyworth, M.Markus, M.Williams, C. B. (2007). A Taxonomy for Public Safety Networks , (8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.o)) Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J.Williams, C. B. (2007). RFID and interorganizational collaboration , (AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems)) Fedorowicz, J.Markus, M.Sawyer, S.Tyworth, M.Williams, C. B. (2006). Design Principles for Public Safety Response Mobilization , (National Conference on Digital Government Research (DGo)) Williams, C. B.Fedorowicz, J.Gogan, J. L. (2006). Interagency Collaboration Challenges in Emergency Response , (International Conference on E-Government) Williams, C. B.Gogan, J. L.Fedorowicz, J. (2005). Fatal Flaws in Information Sharing , (International Conference on Technology, Knolwedge and Society)
Conference Papers
Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Yates, D. J. (2014). Institutions, Policy, and Governance: Explaining E-Government Implementation Across Nations, 55th International Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Link)Fedorowicz, J., Sawyer, S., Williams, C. B., Markus, M., Tyworth, M., Jacobson, D., Gantman, S., Dias, M., Tomasino, A. (2011). Design Observations Regarding Pulbic Safety networks. Digital Governance Institute, International Conference of Digital Governance Reserach (Dg.O).. 12 272–281. (Link)
Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. (2006). The eGovernment Collaboration Challenge: Lessons From Five Case StudiesIBM Center for the Business of Government. 50. Wattal, S., Schuff, D., Mandviwalla, M., Williams, C. B. (). Web 2.0 And Politics: The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election and an E-Politics Research AgendaMISQ, (34) 4 669-688. Presentations
Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2020). “Campaign Communication Dollars Moving Digital” Presented at the American Political Science Association 2020 Annual Meeting San Francisco Mentzer, K., Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2019). “Comparing Classification Methods for Social Media” Presented at the International Association for Computer Information Systems 59th Annual Conference Clearwater Beach, Florida Williams, C. B. (2019). “Public Sector Analytics Project” Presented at the Thought Leadership Network Bentley Data Innovation Network Annual Workshop Bentley University Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2019). “Non-whites' Perceptions of Police Departments' Use of Social Media” Presented at the Bentley University Research Council Research Colloquium Bentley University Williams, C. B. (2019). “Online News Exposure and Political Knowledge” Presented at the University of Arizona The Changing Face of American Politics Tucson, Arizona Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2019). “Does Social Media Promote the Public's Perception of the Police: Survey Results on Trust Cultivation” Presented at the HICSS, University of Hawaii Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Maui, Hawaii Mentzer, K., Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2018). “What Does Your Police Department Use Social Media For?” Williams, C. B. (2018). Presented at the Bentley University Bentley Data Innovation Network Annual Workshop Bentley University Tomasino, A., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2017). “TREO Talk: Public Sector Shared Services Move Out of the "Back Office": The Role of Public Policy and Mission Criticality” Presented at the Association for Information Systems Americas Conference on Information Systems Boston Williams, C. B. (2017). “Public Sector Analytics Project” Presented at the Thought Leadership Network Bentley Data Innovation Network Annual Workshop Bentley University Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Farrar-Myers, V. (2016). “Digital Media Expenditures in Congressional Elections: Impacts and Trends In Social Media and Electoral Campaigns” Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Philadelphia, PA Williams, C. B. (2016). “Public Sector Analytics Project” Presented at the Bentley University, Research Council Bentley Data Innovation Network Annual Workshop Bentley University Williams, C. B. (2016). “The Bentley Data Innovation Network ” Presented at the Bentley and Bryant Universities Analytics without Borders Bentley University Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Haughton, D. M., Kavanaugh, A., Mentzer, K., Thatcher, J., Xu, J. (2015). “Use and Impact of Social Media in Community Policing” Presented at theTelecommunications Policy Research Conference Arlington, Virginia Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Haughton, D. M., Kavanaugh, A., Mentzer, K., Thatcher, J. (2015). “Leveraging Social Media: The Community Policing Case” Presented at the American Political Science Association APSA Annual Meeting San Francisco, California Williams, C. B., Kavanaugh, A., Mentzer, K., Ram, V., Sawyer, S., Hemsley, J., Stromer-Galley, J., Pardo, T. (2015). Presented at the Bentley University Thought Leadership Network The Public Safety Analytics Project Workshop Bentley University Williams, C. B., Kavanaugh, A., Fedorowicz, J., Thatcher, J. (2015). “Understanding Police Social Media Usage” Presented at the Arizona State University Innovative Broadband Data Phoenix, Arizona Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Yates, D. J. (2014). “Predictors of On-line Services and E-Participation: A Cross-National Comparison” Presented at the Bentley Research Council Bentley Research Colloquium, Big Data: Applications, Infrastructures, and Implications Bentley University, Waltham, MA, Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Yates, D. J. (2014). “Predictors of On-line Services and e-Participation: A Cross-National Comparison” Presented at the International Political Science Association 23nd World Congress of Political Science Montreal, Quebec Williams, C., DeLeo, R., Gulati, J. (2014). “Social Media Adoption by Campaigns for State Legislature: The 2012 New England Case,”” Presented at theMidwestern Political Science Association Chicago, Illinois Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Yates, D. J. (2014). “Institutions, Policy, and Governance: Explaining E-Government Implementation Across Nations” Presented at the55th International Studies Association Annual Conference Toronto, Ontario, Canada Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J., DeLeo, R. (2013). “The Dissemination of Social Media to Campaigns for State Legislature: The 2012 New England Case” Presented at theAmerican Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J., Yates, D. J. (2013). “Predictors of On-line Services and e-Participation: A Cross-National Comparison” Presented at the Digital Government Society of North America 14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2013) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2013). “A Political Marketing Perspective on Social Media Adoption by US Congressional Campaigns” Presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Academy of Marketing Science Conference Monterey, CA Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2013). “Social Media Strategy and Performance in the 2012 US Congressional Elections” Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, Illinois Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2012). “A Campaign Perspective on the Motivation for Adopting Social Media in US Congressional Campaigns” Presented at the International Political Science Association 22nd World Congress of Political Science Madrid, Spain Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Dias, M. (2012). “Factors in IT-enabled Collaboration in the Public Sector: The Neighbor Effect” Presented at the Association for Information Systems Americas Conference on Information Systems Seattle, WA Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Sawyer, S., Dias, M., Schrier, R., Tyworth, M. (2012). “Architectural Patterns of U.S. Public Safety Networks: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparison Analysis” Presented at the Digital Government Society of North America National Conference on Digital Government Research College Park, MD Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2012). “A Campaign Perspective on Social Media Strategy and Implementation by Congressional Candidates, 2006-2010” Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL Gulati, G. J., Yates, D. J., Williams, C. B. (2012). “Understanding the Impact of Political Structure, Governance and Public Policy on e-Government” Presented at the Shidler College of Business Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2011). “Diffusion of Innovations and Online Campaigns: Social Media Adoption in the 2010 U.S. Congressional Elections” Presented at the6th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research Reykjavik, Iceland Williams, C. B., Steger, W. (2011). “A Comparative Analysis of Social Network and Traditional Political Participation in the 2008 U.S. Election” Presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Seattle, WA Fedorowicz, J., Sawyer, S., Williams, C. B., Markus, M., Tyworth, M., Jacobson, D., Vilvovsky, S., Dias, M., Tomasino, A. (2011). “Design Observations Regarding Public Safety Networks” Presented at the Digital Government Society of North America 12th International Digital Government Research Conference College Park, Maryland Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2011). “Social Media in the 2010 Congressional Elections” Presented at theAnnual Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2010). “Communicating with Constituents in 140 Characters or Less: Twitter & the Diffusion of Technology Innovation in the United States Congress” Presented at theMidwest Political Science Association Chicago, Illinois Steger, W., Williams, C. B., Andolina, M. (2010). “Political Usage of Social Networks in 2008” Presented at the American Political Science Association American Political Science Association Washington, D.C. Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Tomasino, A. (2010). “Governmental Factors Associated with State-wide Interagency Collaboration Initiatives” Presented at the Digital Government Society 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Puebla, Mexico Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2009). “Social Networks in Political Campaigns: Facebook and Congressional Elections, 2006, 2008” Presented at theAmerican Political Science Association Toronto, Canada Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2009). “Explaining Facebook Support in the 2008 Congressional Election Cycle” Presented at theHarvard Networks in Political Science Cambridge, Massachusetts Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2009). “State-specific Governmental Factors Associated with Interagency Collaboration” Presented at theInternational Conference on E-Government Boston, Massachusetts Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2009). “Facebook Grows Up: An Empirical Assessment of its Role in the 2008 Congressional Elections” Presented at theMidwest Political Science Association Chicago, Illinois Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2009). “Congressional Candidates' Use of YouTube in 2008: Its Frequency and Rationale” Presented at theYouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in the United States Amherst, MA Williams, C. B., Sawyer, S., Fedorowicz, J., Markus, M., Tyworth, M., Dias, M., Jacobson, D. (2008). “Mapping Theory to Practice: A Cartographic Analysis of Public Safety Networks” Presented at the9th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Montreal, Canada Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2008). “What is a Social Network Worth? Facebook and Vote Share in the 2008 Presidential Primaries” Presented at theAmerican Political Science Association Boston, Massachusetts Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2008). “Your Money or Your Network: Indicators of Presidential Candidate Viability in the 2008 Nomination Contest” Presented at theMidwest Political Science Association Chicago, Illinois Sawyer, S., Fedorowicz, J., Tyworth, M., Markus, M., Williams, C. B. (2007). “A Taxonomy for Public Safety Networks” Presented at the8th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.o) Philadelphia, PA Williams, C. B., Gulati, G. J. (2007). “Social Networks in Political Campaigns: Facebook and the 2006 Midterm Elections” Presented at theAmerican Political Science Association annual meeting Chicago, Illinois Williams, C. B. (2007). “24-7 Government, the Permanent Campaign, and e-Democracy:An Analysis of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick's Interactive Website” Presented at theInternational Conference on E-Government Montreal, Canada Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). “Champions of Collaboration” Presented at theMISQ Executive Workshop Keystone, Colorado Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J., Williams, C. B. (2007). “RFID and interorganizational collaboration” Presented at theAMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Keystone, Colorado Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2006). “The Evolutionary Development of Campaign Web Sites: The U.S. Senate, 2000-2004” Presented at theAnnual meeting of the American Political Science Association Philadelphia, PA Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B. (2006). “The Evolution of Online Campaigning in Senate Elections, 2000-2004” Presented at theAnnual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J., Gogan, J. L. (2006). “Interagency Collaboration Challenges in Emergency Response” Presented at theInternational Conference on E-Government Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fedorowicz, J., Markus, M., Sawyer, S., Tyworth, M., Williams, C. B. (2006). “Design Principles for Public Safety Response Mobilization” Presented at theNational Conference on Digital Government Research (DGo) San Diego, CA Williams, C. B., Weinberg, B. D. (2005). “Co-Creation and Open Source Politics: Meetup Communities in the 2004 Presidential Campaign” Williams, C. B., Fedorowicz, J. (2005). “A Framework for Analyzing Cross-Boundary e-Government Projects: The CapWIN Example” Presented at theDigital Government Research Atlanta, Georgia Williams, C. B., Berthon, P. (2005). “An Open Source Model for Democratic Politics” Presented at theInternational Conference of e-Government Ottawa, Canada Williams, C. B., Gogan, J. L., Fedorowicz, J. (2005). “Fatal Flaws in Information Sharing” Presented at theInternational Conference on Technology, Knolwedge and Society Berkeley, CA Gulati, G. J., Williams, C. B., Foxman, E. R. (2005). “A Comparative Study of How Presidential Candidates and Organizations Treated their Endorsements in 2004” Presented at theMidwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL Williams, C. B., Foxman, E. R., Gulati, G. J. (2005). “What's in an Endorsement? An Analysis of Endorsement Use on the Websites of Presidential Candidates and Organizations in 2004” Presented at theMidwest Political Science Association 63rd Annual Conference Chicago, IL Williams, C. B. (2004). “2004 Presidential Candidate Meetups” Williams, C. B., Weinberg, B. D., Gordon, J. (2004). “When Online and Offline Politics 'Meetup:' An Examination of the Phenomenon, Presidential Campaign and its Citizen Activists” Presented at theAmerican Political Science Association Annual Conference Chicago, IL Fedorowicz, J., Gelinas, U. J., Gogan, J. L., Williams, C. B. 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(2001). “E-Campaigns: The Use of the Web in Marketing Senate Candidates in 2000” Aylesworth, A. B., Chapman, K., Williams, C. B., Foxman, E. R. (1999). “Using Audience Response Systems in the Classroom: An Exploratory Investigation ” Presented at theAnnual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Las Vegas, NV Service
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Committee Member for Undergraduate Curriculum Task Force 2017 - 2018contributor for Bentley University Library's "Women at Bentley" 2017 - 2018Recommender for Bentley Fifth Annual Mee Family Prize 2016 - 2016Committee Member for Review Committee for Director of Sponsored Programs Hire 2015 - 2015Committee Member for Bentley University Task Force on Grants 2012 - 2015Committee Member for Bentley University Research Council 2012 - 2015departmental representative for Bentley University Open House for Accepted Students 2014 - 2014participant for NEASC reaccreditation visit - 2013Guest Speaker for Bentley Women’s Center, the Center for International Students & Scholars, and the Gender Studies Program 2012 - 2012Committee Member for Dissertation Committee 2010 - 2011Committee Member for Comprehensive PhD Exam Committee 2011 - 2011Professional Service
Editor (Associate), Journal for Digital Government: Research and Practice 2018 - PresentCommittee Member for European Conference on Social Media 2017 - PresentCommittee Chair for Information Technology & Politics section, American Political Science Association 2016 - PresentExecutive Board member for Journal of Public Affairs 2012 - PresentSenior Editorial Board for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2006 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for International Journal of STEM Research 2020 - 2021Reviewer, Journal Article for Public Administration Review 2020 - 2021Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology and Politics 2020 - 2021Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Research Quarterly 2020 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Public Administration Review 2020 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Police Practice and Research 2020 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology and Politics 2020 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Congress & the Presidency 2019 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Interest Groups & Advocacy 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Government Information Quarterly 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Digital Government: Research and Practice 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Congress & the Presidency 2019 - 2019Promotion reviewer for Suffolk University 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Government Information Quarterly 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Government Information Quarterly 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Computers in Human Behavior 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Digital Government: Research and Practice 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Communication Studies 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Government Information Quarterly 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Conference Paper for European Conference on Social Media 2019 - 2019Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Conference Paper for Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for New Media & Society 2018 - 2018program committee for Digital Government Society 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Conference Paper for Digital Government: Research and Practice 2018 - 2018Reviewer, Journal Article for European Journal of Communication 2018 - 2018Editor, Journal for Journal of Political Marketing 2009 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Behavior 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Political Marketing 2017 - 2017External Reviewer, promotion application for University of New Hampshire 2017 - 2017Editor, Special Issue for Journal of Political Marketing 2015 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Fusio 2017 - 2017Committee Member for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2016 - 2017Reviewer, Book for Palgrave Political Marketing and Management book series 2017 - 2017Chairperson and discussant, conference panel for Midwest Political Science Association 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2017 - 2017Reviewer, book chapter for Lexington Books 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for New Media & Society 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Journal Article for Social Science Computer Review 2017 - 2017Reviewer, Book for Palgrave Political Marketing and Managing 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Communication 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for Florida Atlantic University, Department of Political Science 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Political Marketing 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Political Marketing 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Behavior 2016 - 2016discussant, panel on Twitter as the Modern Campaign Bus for American Political Science Association 2016 - 2016Reviewer, Conference Paper for Digital Government Society 2016 - 2016Executive Board member for Information Technology & Politics section, American Political Science Association 2010 - 2015Editor (Associate), Journal for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2015 - 2015Committee Member for Information Technology & Politics section, American Political Science Association 2011 - 2015Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Behavior 2015 - 2015discussant for American Political Science Association 2015 - 2015Committee Member for Timothy Cook Award Committee 2015 - 2015Reviewer, Journal Article for Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 2015 - 2015Reviewer, Journal Article for Mass Communication & Society 2015 - 2015Reviewer, Conference Paper for European Conference on Social Media 2015 - 2015Reviewer, Journal Article for New Media & Society 2015 - 2015Committee Member for Political Communication section of the American Political Science Association 2012 - 2014Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2014 - 2014Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2014 - 2014Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2013 - 2014Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Research Quarterly 2013 - 2014review for promotion to full professor for CUNY, College of Staten Island 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Management Information Sciences 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Behavior 2013 - 2013discussant for conference panel for Midwest Political Science Association 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Social Science Computer Review 2013 - 2013Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for The American Review of Politics 2012 - 2012external tenure reviewer for Montclair State University tenure committee 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for Political Research Quarterly 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for International Journal of Public Opinion Research 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Conference Paper for 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for Government Information Quarterly 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for Policy & Internet 2012 - 2012Reviewer, Journal Article for Information Polity 2011 - 2012Executive Board for Digital Government Society 2010 - 2011Special Issue editor for journal for Journal of Political Marketing 2010 - 2011Reviewer, Conference Paper for Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 2011 - 2011Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for Political Research Quarterly 2011 - 2011Conference/Workshop Organizer for Brookings Institution and Digital Government Society 2011 - 2011Conference/Workshop Session Chair for Midwest Political Science Association 2011 - 2011Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Information Technology & Politics 2011 - 2011Conference/Workshop Organizer for George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management, UKPSA Political Marketing Group and Taylor & Francis Publishers 2010 - 2010