Dr. Arielle Scoglio is a social and psychiatric epidemiologist with with a multidisciplinary approach to research and teaching in public health. Her research interests focus broadly on experiences of violence and trauma and associated risk, resilience, health conditions, and social consequences of these experiences. Her recent work has examined changes in mental health and social support over time in survivors of interpersonal violence and how social support may facilitate recovery and favorable mental health outcomes. Her work also highlights structural inequities that put marginalized groups at higher risk for violence exposure and associated negative health and wellbeing outcomes.
Professional Links
Journal Articles
Scoglio, A., Nayak, S. (2023). Alignment of State-level Policies and Public Attitudes towards Abortion Legality and Government Restrictions on Abortion in the United States. Social Science & Medicine. Scoglio, A., Matsumoto, A., McFarland, G., Lincoln, A. (2023). Social Support and Associated Factors Among Men and Women in Pre-COVID Substance Use Treatment . Community Mental Health Journal. Chen, Y., Huang, K., Scoglio, A., Borgogna, N., Potenza, M., Blycker, G., Kraus, S. W. (2023). A Network Comparison of Sexual Dysfunction, Psychological Factors, and Body Dissociation between Individuals with and without Sexual Trauma Histories. Trauma & Dissociation. Scoglio, A., Zhu, Y., Lawn, R., Sampson, L., Rich-Edwards, J., Jha, S., Kang, J., Koenen, K. (2023). Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health and Modifiable Health Factors in Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Three Prospective Cohort Studies. JAMA Network Open. Nayak, S., Scoglio, A., Mirand, D., Molnar, B. (2023). Implementing Community-Based Early Childhood Mental Health Services: Relationships, Vision, and Sustainability. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Nishimi, K., Tan, J., Scoglio, A., Choi, K., Kelley, P., O'Donovan, A. (2023). Psychological Resilience to Trauma and Risk for COVID19 infection and Somatic Symptoms over Two Years. Psychosomatic Medicine. Scoglio, A., Lincoln, A., Kraus, S. W., Molnar, B. E. (2022). Chipped or whole? Listening to survivors’ experiences with disclosure following sexual violence. Journal of interpersonal violence, (37) 9-10 NP6903--NP6928. Nayak, S. S., Tobias, C., Wolfe, J., Roper, K., M\'endez-Pe\~nate, Larisa, ., Moulin, C., Arty, M., Scoglio, A., Kelleher, A., Rue, J., others, . (2022). Engaging and supporting young children and their families in early childhood mental health services: The role of the family partner. Community Mental Health Journal, (58) 1 87--98. Drebing, C. E., Mamon, D., Calixte, R. M., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Patton, B., Scoglio, A., Girouard, C., Fukuda, S., Gao, W., Penk, W. E. (2022). Pilot outcomes of a filmmaking intervention designed to enhance treatment entry and social reintegration of veterans.. Psychological Services. Scoglio, A., Molnar, B. E., Lincoln, A. K., Griffith, J., Park, C., Kraus, S. W. (2022). Sexual and physical revictimization in US military veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress. Scoglio, A., Reilly, E. D., Girouard, C., Quigley, K. S., Carnes, S., Kelly, M. M. (2022). Social functioning in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, \& Abuse, (23) 2 356--371. Scoglio, A., Molnar, B., Lincoln, A., Griffith, J., Park, C., Kraus, S. W. (2022). Social support over time for men and women veterans with and without complex trauma histories. Psychological Services. Molnar, B. E., Scoglio, A., Beardslee, W. R. (2021). Community-level prevention of childhood maltreatment: Next steps in a world with COVID-19. International journal on child maltreatment: research, policy and practice, (3) 4 467--481. Crossman, D. M., Ahern, M. E., Girouard, C. M., Scoglio, A., Reilly, E. D., Mueller, L., Drebing, C. E., Ellison, M. L. (2021). Improving Healthcare Access and Utilization Among Student Veterans Through Supported Education: A Case Series. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, (8) 3 307--316. Nayak, S. S., Scoglio, A., Mirand, D., Oates, A., Rabow, M., Molnar, B. E. (2021). Movement and Solidarity: Community Mobilization to Mitigate the Adverse Impact of COVID-19 on Families with Young Children Receiving Care from Early Childhood Systems. Child Care in Practice. 1--14. Park, C. L., Sacco, S. J., Finkelstein-Fox, L., Sinnott, S. M., Scoglio, A., Lee, S. Y., Gnall, K. E., Mazure, C., Shirk, S. D., Hoff, R. A., others, . (2021). Post-9/11 military veterans' adjustment to civilian life over time following separation from service. Journal of Clinical Psychology, (77) 9 2077--2095. Salhi, C., Scoglio, A., Ellis, H., Issa, O., Lincoln, A. (2021). The relationship of pre-and post-resettlement violence exposure to mental health among refugees: a multi-site panel survey of Somalis in the US and Canada. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, (56) 6 1015--1023. Scoglio, A., Salhi, C. (2021). Violence exposure and mental health among resettled refugees: a systematic review. Trauma, Violence, \& Abuse, (22) 5 1192--1208. Harris, J. I., Grove, M., Gillispie, K. N., Gorman, J. A., Scoglio, A. (2020). Addressing Health Care Disparities for People Managing Serious Mental Illness: A Proposed Model and Case Report. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, (7) 1 77--83. Slavin, M. N., Scoglio, A., Blycker, G. R., Potenza, M. N., Kraus, S. W. (2020). Child sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behavior: A systematic literature review. Current addiction reports, (7) 1 76--88. Mamon, D., Scoglio, A., Calixte, R. M., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Patton, B., Drebing, C. E. (2020). Connecting veterans and their community through narrative: Pilot data on a community strengthening intervention. Community Mental Health Journal, (56) 5 804--813. Scoglio, A., Adams, W. E., Lincoln, A. K. (2020). Meaning and management of multiple medications among public mental health service users. Community mental health journal, (56) 2 313--321. Scoglio, A., Marine, S. B., Molnar, B. E. (2020). Responder perspectives on justice and healing for sexual violence survivors.. Psychology of violence, (11) 1 1. Scoglio, A., Gorman, J. A., Park, D., Jooma, S., Kraus, S. W. (2020). Trauma-informed drug screens for veterans with co-occurring disorders: A case series. Journal of dual diagnosis, (16) 3 347--356. Reilly, E. D., Ritzert, T. R., Scoglio, A., Mote, J., Fukuda, S. D., Ahern, M. E., Kelly, M. M. (2019). A systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, (12) 290--304. Scoglio, A., Shirk, S. D., Mazure, C., Park, C. L., Molnar, B. E., Hoff, R. A., Kraus, S. W. (2019). It all adds up: Addressing the roles of cumulative traumatic experiences on military veterans. Child abuse \& neglect, (98) 104227. Scoglio, A., Kraus, S. W., Saczynski, J., Jooma, S., Molnar, B. E. (2019). Systematic review of risk and protective factors for revictimization after child sexual abuse. Trauma, Violence, \& Abuse, (22) 1 41--53. Scoglio, A., Reilly, E. D., Gorman, J. A., Drebing, C. E. (2019). Use of social robots in mental health and well-being research: systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research, (21) 7 e13322. Wewiorski, N. J., Gorman, J. A., Scoglio, A., Fukuda, S., Reilly, E., Mueller, L., O'Connor, M., Penk, W. E., Drebing, C. E. (2018). Promising practices in vocational services for the community reintegration of returning veterans: The individual placement and support model and beyond.. Psychological Services, (15) 2 191. Scoglio, A., Rudat, D. A., Garvert, D., Jarmolowski, M., Jackson, C., Herman, J. L. (2018). Self-compassion and responses to trauma: The role of emotion regulation. Journal of interpersonal violence, (33) 13 2016--2036. O'Connor, M. K., Kraft, M. L., Daley, R., Sugarman, M. A., Clark, E. L., Scoglio, A., Shirk, S. D. (2018). The aging well through interaction and scientific education (AgeWISE) program. Clinical Gerontologist, (41) 5 412--423. Mackowiak, C., Scoglio, A. (2018). The Safing Center: A specialty clinic for treatment and prevention of IPV with veterans.. Psychological services, (15) 4 371. Gorman, J. A., Scoglio, A., Smolinsky, J., Russo, A., Drebing, C. E. (2018). Veteran coffee socials: A community-building strategy for enhancing community reintegration of veterans. Community mental health journal, (54) 8 1189--1197. Scoglio, A., Shirk, S. D., Hoff, R. A., Potenza, M. N., Mazure, C. M., Park, C. L., McKee, S. A., Porter, E. A., Kraus, S. W. (2017). Gender-specific risk factors for psychopathology and reduced functioning in a post-9/11 veteran sample. Journal of interpersonal violence, (36) 3-4 NP1359--1374NP. Elman, I., Borodovsky, J., Howard, M., Scoglio, A., Steinkamp, J., Sobieszczyk, A., Mysels, D., Albanese, M. (2016). Co-occurring disordered gambling among treatment-seekers at a community outpatient addiction clinic. Journal of Addiction Medicine, (10) 5 339--343. Green, C. L., Nahhas, R. W., Scoglio, A., Elman, I. (2016). Post-traumatic stress symptoms in pathological gambling: Potential evidence of anti-reward processes. Journal of behavioral addictions, (6) 1 98--101. Lowe, S. R., Rhodes, J. E., Scoglio, A. (2012). Changes in marital and partner relationships in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: An analysis with low-income women. Psychology of women quarterly, (36) 3 286--300.
Book Chapters
Cox, K., Scoglio, A., Kraus, S. W. (2022). Problematic Behaviors: Gambling, Sex and Pornography In , (Eds.) Marriage and Divorce in America: Issues, Trends, and Controversies. ABC-CLIOMolnar, B. E., Scoglio, A., Beardslee, W. R. (2021). Community-level prevention of child maltreatment In , (Eds.) Handbook of child maltreatment. 459--477. Springer, Cham
Conference Proceedings
Scoglio, A.Lincoln, A.Kraus, S.Molnar, B. (2021). Listening to survivors’ experiences with disclosure following sexual violence . Scoglio, A.Molnar, B. (2021). What role does justice play in healing? qualitative findings from sexual assault survivor focus groups . Reilly, E. D.Scoglio, A.Kind, S.Talis, E.Quigley, K. S. (2020). VETERAN PERSPECTIVES ON USING SOCIAL ROBOTS FOR AT-HOME CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT , (54) S436--S436. Clark, E.Daley, R.Sugarman, M.Scoglio, A.O’Connor, M. (2017). Differential Encoding Strategies Following Cognitive Intervention in Older Adults Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, (32) 6 667--765.
Scoglio, A. (2021). Recovery Through Connection: Victimization Experiences and Social Connection in US Veteran and Civilian SamplesNortheastern University. Ellison, M., Mueller, L., Scoglio, A., Crossman, D., Calixte, R., Drebing, C. E. (2021). Veteran Integration to Academic Leadership & Supported Education: VITAL-Sed. Social Veterans Health Administration. Presentations
Scoglio, A. (2023). “A Mixed Methods Analysis of Moral Injury Among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic” Presented at theInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Los Angeles, CA Chen, Y., Huang, K., Scoglio, A., Borgogna, N., Potenza, M., Blycker, G., Kraus, S. W. (2023). “A network comparison of sexual dysfunction, psychological factors, and body dissociation between individuals with and without sexual trauma histories ” Presented at theAnnual Convention of Association for Psychological Science Washington DC Scoglio, A., Zhu, Y., Lawn, R., Sampson, L., Murchland, A., Rich-Edwards, J., Jha, S., Kang, J., Koenen, K. (2022). “Intimate Partner Violence and Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes in Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Three Cohort Studies” Presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies ISTSS Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA Marquez, C., Scoglio, A. (2022). “Moral Injury, Loneliness and Community Belonging among Healthcare Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic” Presented at theSouthern California Conference on Undergraduate Research Los Angeles Sampson, L., Zhu, Y., Nishimi, K., Choi, K., Scoglio, A., Jha, S., Kubzansky, L., Rimm, E., Koenen, K. (2022). “Pre-pandemic psychological resilience to trauma and changes in sleep and physical activity during COVID-19 among current and former female healthcare workers. ” Presented at theSociety for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting Chicago, IL Service
Department Service
Committee Member for psychology faculty search 2023 - PresentCommittee Member for strategic plan 2023 - PresentCommittee Member for Ad hoc 2022 - 2023University Service
Panel Member for hearing on Academic Integrity Violations for Academic Integrity Hearings 2023 - PresentFaculty member on Reproductive Justice Panel for Health Promotion and Wellness 2022 - 2022