Cranmer's research focuses on barriers to deployment of renewable energy technologies with a growing focus on energy and climate justice. She uses a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches to address challenges in renewable energy and look for ways to improve outcomes. Cranmer completed a doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and holds a Master's degree in Engineering and Public Policy from the University of Maryland. She has a Bachelor's degree in Material Science and Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in South Africa.
Professional Memberships
Institute for Operations Research and Management Science 2013 - PresentAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science 2011 - PresentPublications
Journal Articles
Nock, D., Cranmer, A., Pottmeyer, L. (2024). Investigating how social justice framing for assessments impacts technical learning. INFORMS Transactions on Education. Grymes, J., Newman, A., Cranmer, Z., Nock, D. (2023). Optimizing microgrid deployment for community resilience. Optimization and Engineering. (Link)Cranmer, A., Steinfield, L., Miranda, J., Stohler, T. (2023). Energy Distributive Injustices: Assessing the demographics of communities surrounding renewable and fossil fuel power plants in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science, (100) 103050. (Link)Cranmer, A., Broughel, A., Ericson, J. D., Goldberg, M., Dharni, K. (2023). Getting to 30 GW by 2030: Visual preferences of coastal residents for offshore wind farms on the US East Coast. Energy Policy, (173) 113366. (Link)Cranmer, A., Ericson, J. D., Broughel, A., Dharni, K. (2022). Immersion matters: The medium is the message for wind energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, (378) 134498. (Link)Cranmer, A., Ericson, J. D., Ebers Broughel, A., Bernard, B., Robicheaux, E., Podolski, M. (2020). Worth a thousand words: Presenting wind turbines in virtual reality reveals new opportunities for social acceptance and visualization research. Energy Research & Social Science, (67) 101507. (Link)Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2020). The global climate value of offshore wind energy. Environmental Research Letters, (15) 5 054003. (Link)Cranmer, A., Baker, E., Liesiö, J., Salo, A. (2018). A portfolio model for siting offshore wind farms with economic and environmental objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, (267) 1 304-314. (Link)Cranmer, A., Smetzer, J. R., Welch, L., Baker, E. (2017). A Markov model for planning and permitting offshore wind energy: A case study of radio-tracked terns in the Gulf of Maine, USA. Journal of Environmental Management, (193) 400-409. (Link)
Book Chapters
Cranmer, A. (2025). Renewable energy as a social innovation In , (Eds.) The Elgar Companion to Social Innovation and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Forthcoming.Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2025). Modeling Innovation In Laura Diaz Anadon, Abhishek Malhotra, Ambuj D. Sagar, Elena Verdolini, (Eds.) Handbook of Energy Innovation. Edward Elgar Forthcoming.
Conference Papers
Steinfield, L., Cranmer, A., Miranda Gonzalez, J., Stohler, T. (2022). Where Have All the Power Plants Gone? Assessing the Distributive (In)Justice of Energy Market SystemsAMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference. 32 325-328.
Cranmer, A., Schell, K. (2022). Investing in wind and renewable energy for climate goals.ORMS Today. Presentations
Cranmer, A. (2024). “Solar adoption in MA across sectors” Presented at the INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting 2024 Seattle, WA Stoner, E., Shah, G., Salina, S., Cranmer, A. (2024). “Immersive and Inclusive Pedagogy: Examining VR’s Effectiveness in Student Learning” Presented at theBentley University Alumni ConferenceCranmer, A. (2023). “Municipal Climate Action Planning” Presented at theINFORMS 2023 Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ Cranmer, A. (2023). “Decision support tool for local climate action” Presented at theProduction and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference Orlando, FL Cranmer, A. (2023). “Decision support tool for local climate action” Presented at theInstitute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference New Orleans, LA Cranmer, A. (2022). Presented at the New England Statistical Society NextGen Data Science Day Virtual Cranmer, A., Broughel, A., Ericson, J. D. (2022). “Getting to 30 GW by 2030: Visual preferences of coastal residents for offshore wind farms” Presented at the Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWÖ-HSG) 12th St. Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies (REMforum) St. Gallen, Switzerland Steinfield, L., Cranmer, A., Miranda Gonzalez, J., Stohler, T. (2022). “Where Have All the Power Plants Gone? Assessing the Distributive (In)Justice of Energy Market Systems” Presented at the AMA Marketing & Public Policy Austin, Texas Ericson, J. D., Cranmer, A., Broughel, A. (2021). “Using virtual reality and visual discrete choice tasks to examine public attitudes toward offshore wind energy projects” Presented at theBehavior, Energy & Climate Change (BECC) Online Cranmer, A. (2021). “What does the future hold for power purchase agreements?” Presented at theIISE Annual Conference Virtual Cranmer, A. (2020). “Worth a Thousand Words: New Opportunities with Virtual Reality and Wind Energy” Presented at theBehavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference Virtual Cranmer, A. (2020). “Investigating Public Acceptance of Wind Energy Using Traditional and Immersive Media” Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 42nd Annual Fall Research Conference Virtual Cranmer, A. (2020). “Virtual reality is worth a thousand words in describing wind projects” Presented at the Electric Power Research Institute Fall Advisory Meeting Virtual Cranmer, A. (2019). “Use Less and Green the Rest: Lowering Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy” Presented at the University of Texas at Dallas Laboratory for Behavioral Operations and Economics Dallas, TX Cranmer, A. (2019). “Using Virtual Reality to Understand Renewable Energy Preferences” Presented at theINFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Cranmer, A. (2019). “A Portfolio Model for Energy Efficiency Projects” Presented at theINFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Cranmer, A. (2019). “Equity Impacts of New Low Carbon Technologies” Presented at the International Energy Agency International Energy Workshop (IEW) 2019 Paris, France Cranmer, A. (2019). “Valuing renewable energy: The power of models?” Presented at the Bentley University Bentley Research Colloquium on Social In/Justice Waltham, MA Cranmer, A. (2018). “The Climate Value of Offshore Wind Energy in the US” Presented at theINFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ Cranmer, A. (2018). “The Global Value of Offshore Wind Energy” Presented at the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) 29th European Conference on Operational Research Valencia, Spain Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2017). “Valuing Offshore Wind Energy” Presented at theINFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting Houston, TX Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2017). “Valuing Offshore Wind Energy” Presented at theIEW 2017 College Park, MD Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2016). “Valuing Offshore Wind Energy” Presented at theINFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting Nashville, TN Cranmer, A., Smetzer, J. R., Welch, L., Baker, E. (2016). “Automated Avian Telemetry and Markov Model for Oshore Wind Planning: A Case Study for the Gulf of Maine, USA” Presented at the Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 72nd Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference Annapolis, MD Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2015). “Modeling Economic and Environmental Tradeoffs in Offshore Wind Development” Presented at theINFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2014). “Siting Offshore Wind Farms as a Robust Portfolio Model” Presented at theINFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA Cranmer, A., Baker, E. (2014). “Siting Offshore Wind Farms as a Robust Portfolio Model” Presented at theInternational Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) Barcelona, Spain Service
Department Service
Committee Member for Curriculum Review Committee 2017 - PresentCommittee Member for Personnel & Staffing Committee 2017 - PresentCommittee Member for Scholarship Committee 2017 - PresentUniversity Service
Committee Member for Building a Data-Driven Student Success Ecosystem 2025 - PresentCommittee Member for Faculty IT Advisory Group 2024 - PresentCommittee Member for Faculty Evaluation Procedures Committee 2021 - PresentCommittee Member for Green Revolving Fund Committee 2020 - PresentCommittee Member for Sustainability Strategic Planning Committee 2021 - 2022Committee Member for Library Digital Commons Committee 2017 - 2019Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article for Energy Research and Social Science 2023 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for Applied Energy 2021 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for Journal of Cleaner Production 2021 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for Renewable Energy 2019 - PresentReviewer, Journal Article for European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 2018 - PresentConference/Workshop Session Chair for Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers - 2023Conference/Workshop Session Chair for Production and Operations Management Society - 2023Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2022Reviewer, Journal Article for Decision Analysis 2019 - 2020Reviewer, Journal Article for Management Science 2019 - 2020Conference/Workshop Track Chair for Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment (ENRE) Section 2018 - 2020Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2020Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2019Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2018Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2018Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2017Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2016Conference/Workshop Session Chair for INFORMS - 2015